Saturday, October 31, 2009

Back child support! My daughter is 13- "dad" has never paid a thing!?

I am wondering when it becomes too late to file a motion for back child support- I had her when I was 16, and like most teenagers, I listened to my parents. They told me to just forget about him, have my daughter and never look back. She's to the age where she wants to know, so I introduced the two of them (yes he knew she was born and was his). I have never asked for anything financially and he has never offered. Does anyone know how I can go about setting up child support? I have tried to talk to him about this issue and he won't return my calls, I didn't want to ruin him financially, was just going to start child support now- but now I'm getting pretty ticked off and am thinking about going for all 13 years- is this possible?
The prior two answers assume that a court already ordered child support. Did you get a court ordered child support arrangement? If not, then you'll need to follow the below advice.
The best answers that matter won't come from here. You can get an attorney or go to your local jurisdiction's Family Court and talk to the clerk there about how to go about petitioning for child support.
After the duration of time that's passed, you're likely going to have to show some sort of proof that your daughter is his. Good luck after 13 years!
And as far as your concern for "ruining him financially" goes..who do you care more about, your daughter or the jackass who left and didn't care about her at all?
Good luck, you're going to need it!
Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned!
You can file with the Attorney General's office and they will issue him to pay the back child support. It's a term called arrears.
It'll be 20% of what he makes, but until he's caught up they'll tack on more.
You need to get a hold of your local child support services. They will determine how much he owes you. My mil gets child support for my husband and he is 54.
Probably not, since it is just now becoming a problem. Did your child never need food, medicine, clothes, education, roof, heat, air conditions, or any of that stuff until now? Who cares about this comfort. You have a child to raise.
You need to file a paternity suit in your local Family court. I do not know if you can get back child support ... it may be too late..
Contact a local attorney.. at least you can get 5 years.. if you file now..
contact child welfare in your city. they will file a case with the district attorney (not the attorneys general office, lol) and wherever he lives, it will follow him. his pay will be garnished until it is paid off.
personally, i think you should explain the reprecussions to him, and offer to take it in a payment plan. Tell him he will not escape and it would be better if he came to the wedding (metaphor here) on his own accord, rather than being dragged kicking and screaming.
you just call the child support agency and give them as much info about him as you can and they will do the rest. they will make him pay arrears wether you want him to or not.i think 16 is the cut off for when it's to late or when they leave full time education.
my friend's child is 13 and he is now paying 13 years of arrears.if he denies her they will make him take dna and if proved he will have to pay for the test if not you will.

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