Saturday, October 31, 2009

Audacity of illegals in this country...?

I never understood how the US tolerates illegals in this country by allowing them to break our laws and let them protest that they want to change it!
Only in America can such things happen :(
We need to have a massive deporation like Operation W--back (I had to self-censor to circumvent La Raza motivated "politically correct" filter, despite this being an historical term, guess the first amendment only applies to the left) during the Eisenhower Administration. At *most*, it will cost US, the CITIZENS of the United States, $10,000.00 per deported illegal. Conversely, prorated healthcare *alone* will set us back $300.00 per month per illegal. Assuming one gets here at 18 and lives to be 72, that's $194,400.00 in savings on healthcare alone! Not to mention a disproportionate consumption of public aid resources, free housing, free education, etc., etc., it's an excellent return on your taxpayer dollar.
One more thing, to those who keep trotting out that "No Human Being is Illegal" garbage. We're not saying the person "is" illegal, but breaking into the United States means you're here illegally, just as if I broke into your house and shot you, that's illegal, too.
I say round up all the protesters and check there status. That would be a good way to find some of these people. You know that they are mostly illegal if they are protesting. So deport them.
I have a hard time with it, also. They blantantly protest in the streets waving their flags, admitting that they are illegal, and yet they are allowed to continue without being arrested and deported. Just unbelieveable.
Only in America!! I agree let them protest but check thier documents at protest Illegall the ship them back Forget the Fence Just allow American Ranchers to collect a Bounty on dead illegals just like and damm Coyote
Our policies and laws our ill-forced and the illegal immigration problem is much bigger than the border patrol can handle. Change is definitely needed.
yeah and the legal ones always protest with a mexican flag
what the hell is that all about.
or go back where you came from.
I was at those protests that you are talking about and although the crowd was advocating very open border solutions and waving flags from other countries (sparringly), there were very, very few illegal immigrants. It was mostly Americans or legal citizens that were there protesting the absurd immigration policies of this country. The reason is that illegal were mostly afraid of exposing themselves for fear of deportation. Just FYI

By the way... isn't illegal a code word for non-white scapegoat so that we don't have to think about the genocide the US government is committing in IRaq and up coming recession brought to you by irresponsible capitalism?
Immigration has been and will continue to be one of the largest social problems that this country has and will face. I do not agree that some one should violate immigration law to enter the US. However I can understand why a person would want to live here. Our laws, from the Constitution down to the local city code are intended to protect everyone legal citizen or not from harm. I know that some of these illegals are dangerous. Most are trying to have a better life. I can't fault them for that.
I do agree that mass protest and the "day without immigrants" marches are a nuisance. I lived in Dodge City KS which has experienced about a 19% increase in population over the last ten years. I know it is higher than that as most people would not fill out census info if they were here illegally.
I finally moved away to escape the constant pressure of the local government to accomodate this general group of people, most notably in the public schools. What is happening is not a new problem. As I said before, immigration is not new. We have a new general group, and they believe that we should bend to their will instead of them bending to ours. It will take some time, (a lot I believe) but we will all reach a point of acceptance. Then there will be another group singled out as the illegals and the whole thing will start again.
The numbers are outrageous of course no one can run a census or jail them instead they should be given a number and a program for national assistance should be implemented.They would be trained to do jobs as national reserve members and could include army training. Why put them in jail? Why allow them to sell drugs in this country? Why allow them to work illegally? Set a program to label and find out who they are and start training them to do the jobs that cost to much for contractors. Building homes for the homeless and they could go home to their bunkers at night like a army reserve post. This sounds strange but it could assist more than you know This is one idea whats yours?
First, the First Amendment speech, associations, and protest rights apply to all persons on American soil, not just to American citizens.
Second, as a poster above has noted, there are American CITIZENS (many of whom are first generation Americans with relatives who may be in other countries or illegal here) who don't agree with the immigration laws and want them changed. They are the major protestors.
Third, I was bemused by this comment:
"yeah and the legal ones always protest with a mexican flag
what the hell is that all about.
or go back where you came from."
Are you kidding? Do people not fly an Irish flag during the St. Patrick's Day parade? Do people not fly German flags during Octoberfest? Do people not fly Italian flags on silly chain restaurants? I wonder if the same guy above would defend his right to fly the Confederate Flag to the death.People have a right to be proud of their heritage.
Fourth, YOU benefit from illegal immigration. Illegals do jobs most Americans won't for salaries that wouldn't support Americans. And if you don't like it, blame the BUSINESSES that hire and exploit them rather than the people who cross the borders simply looking to fill a niche in our capitalistic marketplace.
Yes, illegal immigration is a crime. Yes, illegal immigration is a strain on America's internal infrastructure. Yes, illegal immigration causes hardworking Americans to lose (a few, undesirable) jobs. But we simply cannot deport everyone who is here illegally, nor would it be desirous to do so. Let's make everyone accountable (which Congress was not able to do last session) and let's stop spreading hate at a large group you all bunch together.
(P.S. And I'm PROUD that "only in America" do people have rights of free expression, due process, fairness and justice. Because maybe some day your views (or your ethnicity) will be in the minority, and you'll be happy that you can still protest or say whatever you want without fear of government reprisal.)
I am interested to see that I have four thumbs downs. I believe that they should be reserved for "incorrect" or "scandalous" answers, not ones on which the reader disagrees. This is especially tragic considering that the asker asked an opinion question.

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