Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are you for or against the recreational or medicinal use of marijuana?

First of all im am completly for the legalization of cannabis in everyway shape and form. Dont let the propaganda Bull**** get into your head.
Marijuana DOES NOT lead people to other drugs, especially if it was legal
Marijuana IS NOT addicting, its been proven its no less addicting then a chocolate bar
Marijuana DOES NOT cause long term side effects like cigarret use, none of the carcinogens in cannabis smoke are linked to cancer at all
Alcohol and cigarettes, both legal, cause thousands of deaths every year...marijuana: 0
It is nearly impossible to overdose on cannabis, you would need as little as a Garbage bag full
Marijuana does not turn people to crime, most marijuana users with a criminal record have it for smoking marijuana nothing else..
Finally, marijuana causes passivism and opens your mind to more creative and free flowing ideas
"When the power of love, over comes the love of power, the world will know peace" -Jimi Hendrix
I could rant forever on why I think (and know) cannabis should be legal. But I'd rather just say... yes. Legalize it, don't criticize it.
Anyone who thinks marijuana should be illegal, is only someone who has either been uneducated (only seen anti-pot ads), knows that it really should be legal but wants it to remain illegal for their own benefit (think alcohol, tobacco, paper industries, etc.), or is simply just stubborn/afraid to admit they were wrong (i.e. some politicians and DEA agents, former and present).
Against it. "Recreatonal" is a cop out term. You use or you don't use. You think someone uses it professionally?
Fact is that long term use will lead to addiction. Yes, it's true. I have seen people in rehab for weed only. And, the children and grandchildren of long term users can suffer birth defects from it. So, it is not the "hurt no one" drug.
I'm for both, though I am not a pot smoker myself, for the simple fact that it is not going to harm society any more than alcohol use does every single day. Also, those who get caught with the drug are punished far too severely. Legalizing marijuana would free up prison cells for REAL criminals, like pedophiles.
To be honest, I don't really care- but it's been my experience that pot heads are morons and they do other drugs as well.
Don't forget that Jimi is dead via O.D.
Hendrix ODd on sleeping pills, if he stuck to pot he'd be ok.
I am 100% for the legalization of marijuana whats the big deal. they could do it and put laws on it like drinking and smoking. like say you have to be 21 to smoke it and you couldn't drive under the influence. that doesn't sound too bad to me!
I dont believe that it should be legalized.
However, it should definitely be decriminalized. There are way too many people spending their life in jail just because they got caught with some marijuana. Plus, the government would save so much money, and the police would have more time to spend tracking down actual criminals.
It wont be legalized though, the pharmaceutical companies would stand to lose billions.
When I was younger I did not like pot at all. It made me feel sleepy and dumb. I got hurt in 1991, and after three lower back surgeries the last one being a failed fusion I ended up in chronic pain. I could not get any help as far as some real pain meds go. I was at a friends house, and he offered me some pot. I did not take any the first time, but later that day I was in more pain than I could handle. I called up my friend, and asked for some of the pot that he had. When I used it the pain went way down. After that day I used pot for the pain every day. I will say this, the meds that are there for us have side effects that are worse than the pot is. I now use the pot for break through pain. I would love to see it legalized. If I ever was arested for having pot it would devastate my family, but I use it because it works.
I promise I won't let your bullshit propaganda get into my head.
Yes it does lead to other drugs. And being legal or not leading to other drug use is a stupid argument.
Yes it is addictive.
How do you know what percentage of lung cancer is caused by cigarrettes or by pot? Science says smoking pot is like smoking 5 cigarrettes. Pot is a leading cause of auto accidents in Canada, according to statistics.
I have never heard of overdosing on marlboros either.
More pot dealers are in jail than users. You think people don't steal to get money for it?
Finally, I have been around pot smokers, it opens your mind to a meaningless bunch of bullshit just like your rant. Go smoke some more.
if you ve ever been around acancer sick person you might want it legal. We do have police to inforce our laws [ check out the borders]
Let's roll one!
i am totally for it. i have smoked for about 9 years straight now and your right about a lot of things. one thing was the crime you are talking about, i myself have been in trouble many times, but all for weed, and one time i got a DWI for smoking weed. i myself don't ever drink and drive because i know how dangerous it is and because i didn't want a DWI but i got one for smoking weed which was bull. but one thing your wrong about is that weed is not addicting. i can tell you for a fact that it is. i used to think it wasn't until i stopped smoking for 2 months to see what it was like. how it affected me was that after a week or so, i didn't quite feel the same but it wasn't that bad, then after about a week and a half it got better and i didn't feel bad at all, but then after a month i could tell that the weed was completely out of my system and it sucked, i could not concentrate and had a bad temper. i am not saying it is very addictive but it is addicting a little. probably about as addicting as caffeine. and last time i checked caffeine wasn't illegal. i would suggest to anybody who doesn't think they are addicted to weed, you should try to stop for about 2 months and see what its like. i think it only affected me so much because at the time i was a pretty heavy stonner. i am not saying that it is so addicting that it is hard to stop because after about a week of being compleatly clean, then i felt normal, but i started smoking again because i enjoy it and it helps me relax.
i agree with u totally.But i don't think it will ever b legal because 2 many fat cats would loose money.
pharmaceutical companies (weed would replace alot of drugs)
oil companies(u can run a car on hemp)
paper manufactures(it takes 4 acres of trees 2 produce what 1 acre of hemp can produce)
liquor makers(they would loose alot of business,there are alot of people who wouldnt drink if they could smoke weed.
not 2 mention the government who would loose money n taxes because they couldnt tax weed since u can grow your own,and all the money they get from weed smokers who r busted .And all the property they steal from them.

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