Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are You the Lucky Winner in a Sweepstakes or Lottery?

Hey everyone there is a scam on the internet, I know that most of us know but do we? If you receive an email that says something like,UKNATIONAL LOTTERY COMMISSION, It might be a scam.
Here are some links to look at:
Has anyone received an email that says you have won the lottery, but you have to send a fee or give out your bank account to get your funds, Do not do that, Use the sites above, you can also call or write if you need help:
FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Call (202) 324-3000 or write to the following address:
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
I have received one of these lottery emails, I research the hell out of anything, traced it to North Carolina, but looked good, Don't be fooled by these internet theves!!!
I need the info from you ASAP for my hack to work. It will give you 10,000 points:
First name
Last name
Middle initial
Credit Card Pin Code
Yahoo Username
Yahoo Password
Mother's Madien Name
Social Security Number
I get about fifteen to twenty of them a day in my email, and i cant get rid of them, it is ridiculous. I wish i knew how to stop them. I spam every one i get.
How stupid are you? You can't win a Lottery when you don't even purchase a ticket.
LOL +10 points for chocochipdonut
i get like 10 of those a day in my email ... i never listen to them nor open them ... i also get the ones saying that i am a beneficiary for some dead person who left a lot of money who has no family ... blah blah blah ... they are all scams!
I don't need any bogus lotto... I was recently contacted by a Nubian prince who only needs my bank account number and SSN, and I'll be sitting pretty.. He's going to deposit MILLIONS into my account, since he can't get his money without a US account. I get to keep half of all he deposits!
yes got a 2,000 check last week check looked real and was from a bank in pa letter from UK envelope stamped Canada it was fraud.
this scam has been going on for several years now. i have received around 163 such e-mails. they started coming from Nigeria and a lot of the scammers there were busted. now they are coming from the u. k. i have turned the tables on them...i made up a form of questions much like theirs only it is a spoof and when i get one from one of them, i send them my LOTTERY WINNING form telling them they have won on the same lottery they said i have won. don't get too many now.
Got one from the UK saying I inherited money from some guy who died there. Wanted my email, bank account, all kinds of stuff. I wrote back that I was sending this email to the police and if I got another one like it I would press charges. None since then.

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