Saturday, October 31, 2009

Avoiding a totting up ban?

My mother, god bless her, had nine points on her licence and has just been caught by a speed camera again. She doesn't make excuses for this, she knows the law and will take whatever punishment is doled out. (I've always found her an infuriatingly slow driver to be honest, but I think she's a bit gormless when it comes to noticing 30 limits on dual carriageways in cities).
Has anyone got any experience which might suggest what ban she might get? I know the starting point is six months. Points she can put in her favour:
- she's a manager for a charitable Social Housing organisation, and has to drive considerable distances to do her job - with a six month ban she'd be at a high risk of losing it
- three of the points were due to expire in September
- they're all for doing under 30 - 35 mph in 30 zones
Just really interested in what people think she'll get, from their own experience or things they've seen in the news - so we can start planning things!
I believe it's correct that the fixed penalty thingy isn't used if the driver is in danger of losing her licence. Mum will be summonsed to court (or she can ask to be if they try to use the fixed penalty) and she'll have the opportunity to plead guilty, apologise for using the court's time and put her case for avoiding a ban. It is actually discretionary and thus JUST possible that the magistrates will be understanding.
The suggestions to get someone else to "cop" for the ticket are daft, and extremely dangerous. If caught, it's conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and likely to attract a prison sentence!
she` will be deported
i think you are speaking English but under review i don't know some of those words lol
They just raised the penalty for "totting up" to death by a thousand cuts
Under the totting up procedure she WILL get a ban. Her best bet is to plead not guilty %26 try to get the trial put back as far as possible. This will give her the time to sort out her license. Courts are snowed under at the moment, so it shouldn,t be a problem. (Doctors line - whatever will work) On the day of the trial, she should plead guilty and throw herself at the courts mercy. For saving court time on the day, her lawyer could gently try to persuade the presiding judge to give her just 5 points instead of the normal 6, because of the good work she does in the community. Hey hey, she keeps the license.!
ask for a calibration check on the latest camera.
most speed cams will allow for +10% i.e 33mph (i know a cam which didn't go off when my mate did 35), it just depends on how greedy the local council is.
My other mate got caught twice in 6 months and was eligible for a training exercise instead of the latest fine which was about speeding; you get to see a few really nasty car crash vids, talking a group about past experiences
Good Luck
Should not really tell you this,but police don't care who is driving as long as they get the money in.
Tell them it was someone else and give them the 60 quid.
Students are always hard up and will take the points for a small sum
have a bug placed in her speedometer at say 28 to buzz ( assume she is not going deaf)when she nears the speed limit. Try it and see if it works .If not ask her to put some money apart to continue to pay fines ( by habit)-Old skulls are hard to penetrate. many have their Gods inside it and they say it's God who was driving!So paying fines becomes a manifestation of love unto God!
She can say someone else was driving if its a camera if shes got some nice person who'll agree to take it for her!
im in no way condoning your mums actions however i was flashed at 38 in a thirty just after the new year i was sent the standard form and contested the judgement so i had a choice to go to court or plead guilty by post. it has taken 6 months to go to court were i recieved 4 points instead of 3 points and it added 35 pounds to the costs so if your wise play the system.
refuse or contest the points allowing the other points to be removed then when you go to court or plead guilty by post get your mum to explain her circumstances and she should be able to keep motoring.

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