Saturday, October 31, 2009

AWOL 2 1/2 years?

Okay I have made previous posts and I am ready to turn myself in but I have been training. I am 6'1 225 lbs I can do 100 pushups 85 situps and I run a 11:31 2 mile. I have made many mistakes in my life and the army has been a huge one. I am wondering if there is anyway that I could remain in the army. I left due to a serious gambling addiction that would take to long to explain everything. I am ready for whatever when i turn myself in but I am just wondering if it is possible that they will ask me to finish my contract?
It depends upon what they charge you with and which Article of the UCMJ you are judged. With an Article 15, the punishment then depends upon the rank of the Officer that is dealing out the punishment.
If the officer imposing punishment holds General Court Martial authority, or a commanding officer of the grade O-7 or greater
* Arrest in quarters: not more than 30 days.
* Restriction to limits: not more than 60 days.
* Forfeiture of pay: not more than 陆 of one month's pay per month for two months.
* Admonition or reprimand.
By Commanding Officers of the grades O-4 to O-6
* Restriction to limits: not more than 30 days.
* Admonition or reprimand.
By Commanding Officers of the grades O-1 to O-3
* Restriction to limits: not more than 15 days.
* Admonition or reprimand.
Also the type of Court Martial will play a big role in how you are charged and punishment dealt out, you may be given a dishonorable discharge, bad conduct discharge or may be required to fullfil your obligation.
The link below will give you a spot to look at Court Martials
Good luck to you
EDIT: You could face charges under Article 87 which normally carries a jail sentence of up to 2 years
EDIT: Don, I hope that I was not one of the 'everyone' you were speaking of, I was not insulting you just trying to answer your question. I am not here to judge you, in fact I commend you for owning up to the issue and facing whatever it is that you have to face.
After 2 1/2 years, you are no longer AWOL, you are considered a deserter. There is no way the army will retain you. (again)
although this sounds like complete b.s. you are completely f'ed if you return. so keep hiding like the punk you are. in a time of war you are considered a deserter and have no chance of returning to the army. your only option will be prison.
You're a deserter! Turn yourself in and they might just give you an undesirable discharge instead of a long stretch at Leavenworth or Charleston after your court-martial!
AWOL for 2 1/2 years, there is a felony warrant for your arrest. If you are pulled over by any officer, the warrant will show up in NCIC you will be shipped off to the nearest military base. Desertion is something the military takes extremely seriously. My best advice is go back to your unit, throw yourself onto their mercy and hope for the best.
I highly doubt you will be able to serve your contract out honorably. Too bad for you, you made the choice to leave 2 1/2 years ago. It's better to face up to it now and tell them you are trying to do the right thing and hope for some mercy.
you might be looking at some serious time. I'd check with an attorney instead of posting a question on message room thread.
Did you desert a post? or not return from leave..
You are so crazy.
You'd be better off, checking into a mental hospital and using the addiction as a sideline.
Geezzz...better now than later, turn yourself in, rather than living your life, looking over your shoulder.
If you do go to a lawyer first. Make sure he is not a jackass first, because,he'll have you doing triple your time, in this time of war. And you won't get any sympathy.
I don't like the war. but you've made your bed, so figure out the best way to lye in it.
Good luck.
My Friend Nobody can tell you that. It will depend on what they class as a fair punishment and remember there is a war on so they may treat you more harshly.
Get legal representation and discuss it with your Lawyer before you do anything hasty. you have been away for a long time
You are not AWOL by the way
A service member who is not officially on leave, and fails to report to his or her training or duty station is Absent Without Leave (or UA, Unauthorized Absence, in the Navy and Marine Corps).
On the 31st day that a service member fails to report to his or her training or duty station, the member鈥檚 AWOL status changes to Dropped From Rolls (DFR), or desertion
As far as they are concerned you are a deserter and on your return you may well be given a dishonorable discharge.

Desertion in time of war carries a Death Sentence. I am not saying that this is what you will get but be aware of this before you go handing yourself in
I wish you the beat of luck
have a look here
you been hiding for two years and now you want to go back
to the army? with everything going on now this is not the time
to be in the will be better off taking the heat.
Don, you are not AWOL or UA, but a Deserter. That means that the Army isn't going to let you finish your contract. They will reduce you to private, forfit all your pay and allowances, and dishonorably discharge you. You won't get to finish your contract, you will get to spend some time in the brig, and get kicked out on your @$$. You also will never see a dime of your veterans benifits like your GI Bill.

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