Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are you smart enough to answer this question?

As any economist knows, healthy people pose less of an economic burden to society than unhealthy people. Not surprisingly, then, every dollar our state government spends on prenatal care for undocumented immigrants will save taxpayers of this state three dollars.
Which of the following, if true, would best explain why the statistics cited above are not surprising?
(A) The state's taxpayers pay for prenatal care of all
(B) Babies born in this state to undocumented immigrant
parents are entitled to infant care benefits from the state.
(C) State benefits for prenatal care serve to promote undocumented immigration.
(D) Babies whose mothers did not receive prenatal care
are just as healthy as other babies.
(E) Pregnant women who do not receive prenatal care are
more likely to experience health problems than other pregnant women.
Build the wall then deport them all then their healthcare costs us nothing.
who cares
That would be E.
None of the statements are true given the previous statement (actually, E is true, but it does not pertain to the previous statement). Prenatal care is not for the benefit of the mother, but the unborn child. Carrying a child to term, in and of itself, does not pose any significantly greater health risk to the mother. The effects of prenatal health of mothers are seen in later years, in things like osteoporosis.
The greatest health risk to mothers is the birth event, not the previous nine months. Given no complications while carrying a child, like miscarriages, fetal death (without expulsion), etc, prenatal care consisting of nutrition and vitamins is solely for the benefit of the developing fetus. The mother only benefits because she is the conduit to delivering this nutrition to the fetus.
And by the way, healthy people are much more expensive to society than unhealthy people (as any economist without an agenda knows). Non smokers who eat right and exercise will receive taxpayer benefits for almost as long as they paid them. A smoker who dies at 55 pays taxes for 35 years or more and receives no benefits. Fat smokers eating lard pay and pay, then die. They put money into the system and never get it back out.
None of those answers are quite correct. However, ALL BABIES BORN IN THE USA ARE CITIZENS. It doesn't matter that the parents are illegal. The baby is a citizen, and therefore is entitled to ALL of the benefits of a citizen. If the baby is born healthy, it is much less likely to cost the taxpayers with its future healthcare needs.
E is the only answer I think. I just wanted to post a little info for everyone who says we shouldn't give illegals health care,
such care offers many undocumented women their first exposure to the United States health care system as well as their first opportunity since entering the United States to be screened and treated for communicable diseases. Perinatal identification and effective treatment of communicable diseases, such as TB, chlamydia (a sexually transmitted disease or STD) and HIV, can be lifesaving for both the mother and infant, protect communities from epidemics and save hundreds of thousands of dollars in remedial care. Epidemiologists have found that every dollar spent on prevention care for undocumented women, including prenatal care with screening for STD's, saves over $13; and each prevented case of fetal HIV saves an estimated $400.
Is this an LSAT question. I liked that test.
if we sent all the illegals back to Mexico or their country of origin we'd save billions of dollars ! Let Mexico support them and provide prenatal Care after all they are still Mexican citizens. I'm sick and tired of working my rear end off to see my taxes being spend on illegals ENOUGH already!
There is a public perception that there exists,
or should exist, a "right to medical care".
This fallacy drives a lot of deficit spending.
It is politically unwise to oppose it.
Nough said?

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