Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are you against or for capitol punishment?

I'm for it and at the same time against. Sometimes yes I think they deserve to die for taking another life. But let's take in consideration. What if they convict and sentence a man or woman to death and find evidence that the person was innocent. But once you kill can't bring them back. Plus taking the killers life will not bring back the victim back. But in my heart I feel karma should come back IF they did do it. Gosh I'm confused. I need more opinions please.
Hmm, well personally, I am a against capital punishment
I don't think a society has the right to play "god" and choose who lives or dies. Only god will give the right punishment to the person. You here about some pretty horrible stuff on the news nowadays. But then you think what everyone is going through and if the suspect deserves to die. Well, does he deserve to die? He made mistakes and who doesn't? HE can't change what happened, what was done is done. Now will him being put to death change anything? It will not. The victim will still be dead. The victim's family will only be happier to know that the suspect cant hurt anymore people, but they will still be miserable for their losses. Now with the suspect dead, the suspects family will be miserable too. Imagine if someone in your family got put to death by the government. Yeah, the family member, must have done something wrong. But what gives the government the right to kill in spite? Remember Mohandas Ghandi said, "an eye for an eye , a tooth for a tooth, will only make the world go mute and blind."
You should be for capital punishment. A capitol is a building or part of a building.
yes, no, all the above!!
ah heck, i dont know my head hurts again?!!
ya lets all be like texans where their uncoverin all these cases of innocent peaple bein executed!
no one can be sure of another person's guilt. it's not our responsibility to enforce karma. it'll get to them another way. if we take a life we can't give, it's like we're trying to play god. if our negligence kills someone, should we and the gov't be executed? that's a tough question, and I just prefer to say keep them in prison...a lot of people would rather be dead than in prison. that's a bad enough punishment.
I was against capital punishment until I started working at my current job located in Scumville, Pa aka Hazleton, Pa.
I work at a beer store in the downtown area and my opinions have vastly changed due to it. Not only do I believe in capital punishment now, I think it should extend to more crimes than just murder.
I did a research report on this for school. I found it really hard to take a side too!! I decided that it should be used for only the most extreme and violent cases, where there is not even the most miniscule question as to whether or not the victim is guilty. I hope that made sense, sorry if it didn't. %26lt;333 Livi
I am for it. Yes there has been a few cases that a person has been sentenced to die for a crime that he/she did not commit. Fortunately with the technology that we today these cases were caught and the person is no longer in jail. If it is proven with DNA then there should be no questions. The punishment of death should be carried out immediately.
I am against Capital punishment. The ones put to death are chosen randomly, their cases were filed as capital cases using the same criteria that non-capital cases have been filed for the same offense. It is too 'luck-of-the-draw' to be effective.
I dont i believe that 2 wrongs dont make a right so if someone "murdered" someone on just evidence and not fact then its unmoral
I live in Texas and as you know you don't mess with Texas. In the case where a person has hurt a child or an old person I see no reason why he shouldn't get the death penalty.
What if they sentenced an innocent man or woman to death? It has happened many times and the sentence has been carried out. When they have later been found innocent it is too late of course. Even if a person was 100% guilty of whatever crime you think warrants death, would killing them make you as bad as them? I think it would. It wouldn't help anyone apart from satisfy certain types of people, ones would would have enjoyed dunking witches years ago.
I'm for it. I like Texas's new "express lane"
If you commit a crime that carries capitoal punishment as the sentence, and three or more people see you do it, you don't get to sit on death row for ten years, your appeals are moved to the front and you get executed faster. Way to go Texas!!
I think that if someone commits a capital crime, lets say they rape and murder a small child, that person deserves to die. Why keep them alive and in prison? So the tax payers can support a rapist and a murder for the rest of his life? No thanks. Execute him, maybe it won't bring the victim back but it can help to give closure to the victim's family.
I feel that if one innocent person has to die so that 100's more can live, that's a Christly sacrifice. I'd gladly be that person. That's part of why I joined the Army. I feel that the highest honor a person can achieve is dying so that others can live. I'd rather err on the side of caution than let a murder walk free.
I'm generally against it. That said, there are times when I feel death is what he/she deserves. But I want to be sure we have the right guy; none of thus "A witness was sure it was him, but it was dark, she was 80 feet away and the only light was a dim streetlight" kind of stuff (actual DP conviction in Texas based on that). No prosecution tomfoolery (like happens in Texas a lot), no suppression of evidence, etc.
I oppose capital punishments (it is spelled 'capital,' dear heart) and my wife and I lend financial support to several organizations that are in the front lines.
All civilized nations have abolished capital punishment, it still exists in the lesser civilized ones though. For a list of the nations were capital punishment has been abolished check out
notice the dates when it was abolished as well, the latest nation to do so was Cyprus in 2002, the first one was Venezuela in 1863.
For... Prisons are overcrowded, and we don't need to spend money feeding scum that should be dead as it is.

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