Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are you still willing to help someone up even if it was their shoe lace not tied that caused the fall?

Yes, even if I am laughing at their carelessness while doing so. He was lazy, but he took a risk. We all do it. Either that, or he just doesn't know how to tie a proper knot or bow.
It's of no consequence to me to provide that help; I never want to be the one that walks by and pretends I don't see him lying there.
And I see your analogy, or at least where I think you were going with this. Show him how to tie his laces properly so he can do it himself next time he needs to put on his shoes. Not everyone will help him out the way I will, so he shouldn't rely on me.
sure, but don't expect me to be there the next time, its up to the person to ties a double knot to keep it from coming untied.
Of course. You should always help another, no matter what the cause.
Of course I would! The reason for the fall wouldn't even be an issue...the fact that they've fallen is though.
You would want to be helped up. Right?

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