Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are you safer with legal guns owned by law abiding citizens..?

or with guns outlawed for everyone?
( remember just making a law against guns does not make them majically dissapear, outlaws will continue to have them. If they are bold enough to rob and murder, why would owning an illegal gun be any matter to them. Only law abiding citizens will turn them in.)
I think law abiding citizen should have the right to carry a hand gun.
Yesterday, 67, 547,632 guns harmed no one.
As for me, I believe that 9-1-1 is nothing but government-supported Dial-A-Prayer, and I saw it from the inside.
First off, I do not own a gun, never owned a gun and probably will never own a gun (did carry one while in the military) but, statistics will tell you when citizens (legally) carry and own guns crime goes down. Every city where a conceal carry law went into affect the crime rate dropped. Also, there is a town in GA can't remember the name of it but the city ordered that every house had to own a weapon, crime went to practically nil.
If everyone was armed it would result in mayhem. You wouldn't want to go out and it would be just as dangerous indoors. Think of domestic arguments.
Shoot. I couldn't have said it better myself. If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns. Kill the little-peckered suckers.
All law abiding citizens should exercise this right !!!

NO to the NWO...
I would feel better with guns in the hands of law abiding citizens than with all guns outlawed for everyone, thank you very much.
I would not feel any safer if guns were illegal. It's cheesy but "guns don't kill people, people kill people".
There is no guns outlawed for everyone.
The authorities and military will always have guns.
Outlawing guns mean they can have them and we can't.
How about my crossbow?
The former. Duh. Statistically proven in the US where there are lots of examples. Compare D.C. and NYC with, say, NH, where every other citizen is packing. No comparison, right? In NYC and D.C. a punk pulls a gun and everyone ducks, drops to the ground, or just plain flees for his life. In NH, a punk pulls a gun and three or four citizens pull theirs out and the punk flees for his life. Which would you choose? I can tell you which one I chose. It's better. Trust me.
What we need to do is make guns a lot harder to access. That means we need child-safety locks, and gun shows where guns are sold to anybody need to be outlawed.
And obviously gun shops must be required to screen each customer, to check if they had any mental problems in the past or criminal record.
And of course, law enforcement needs to take guns out of the hands of thugs and drug dealers, and whoever illegally obtains them.
The more guns are widely available, the more murders and accidents will occur. My hope would be that guns were only allowed for law enforcement people and for hunters. But many people in this country seem to want something different.
Safer with law abiding citizens owning guns .
That way you can be saved from a thug with a gun because i`d shoot him to save you .
I completely agree, If guns are outlawed, then only outlaws will have guns.
The right to defend yourself is something we should not take for granted %26 we must ensure the government does not trample these rights in the name of law %26 order.
I'm all for owning guns if your a law abiding citizen. As they say, gun control means using both hands!
Don't really know. probably might want to check Texas %26 Florida crime stats before and after their "open handgun" laws and try reverse statistical evaluations.
they allow private citizens to openly carry handguns which was pushed as a deterrent to crime.
Guns do not make it safer for anyone.
I know the thumbs down people will not agree with this, but in reality, there is more violent gun related crime in the US, than in any country that has strict gun control measures.
Note, I am not saying outlaw guns.
There is no real answer to your question.In part you have aswered your own question.
no we wont be safer there will just be more people with guns running around and every one has the power to lose control in anger and use a gun, or we could look at the fact that there will be alot of people who don't know what they are doing using a gun, people shooting family members they mistake for intruders ect.
With any guns its possible to have accidents. A child could get hold of one, it could be dropped and go off..anything.
Guns should be melted down. No good comes from them.
At least those of us who own guns legally know exactly how to use them as well as basic gun safety. The trouble is, most of these laws only hurt the people who have them legally.outlaws really don't care how they get them, and they're certainly not going to fill out all that paperwork!
I have no problem with legal gun owners. I do have a problem with outlawing guns. Because when guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns.
And the 2nd Amendment should not be disregarded. The second amendment wants citizens to own guns to protect themselves against intruders and tyrants. When the police can't help you, it's better to own a gun, and the police isn't always there when you need them.
To tell you the truth, I myself don't own a gun. However, if I know my neighbors own guns, I would actually feel safer because I know my neighbors and they are responsible law abiding citizens.
Isn't New York the city that never sleeps? Or is it Vegas? The criminals don't sleep. Law abiding Americans should have guns and be able to use them if circumstances dictate, ie. you come in my house univited I shoot you.
who you gonna call?? Ghostbusters, the Police, or the guy next door? Call nobody, shoot to kill.
The problem is that 9under existing conditions it is easier for criminals to get a gun that it is for law abiding citizens to get one. One half of all guns used in crimes in New Jersey were bought "legally" in Virginia under their lax gun laws. Remember that the mental patient who killed the students at the University bought two guns "legally"
Nope. They could fall into the hands of terrorists in this post 9/11 world. I support a conservative solution, RFID chips in all firearms.
We must outlaw hand guns and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns today. Of course it wouldn't make a dent in the guns the crooks have, but within 20 years, they would be gone. We have to make the decision to do what is right for our grand children. It isn't too late.
I dont feel safer
Safer with registered guns. That said, I don't see the need for a citizen to need a semi automatic weapon or armor piercing shells however. I would love to see those regulated out of circulation.
Perhaps the only way to know for sure whether prohibiting gun ownership will decrease gun crime or not is to try it.
Other countries, that have stricter gun control laws such as Canada and all the western European countries, all have a lot less crimes with guns. And their people are safer than are US citizens in terms of violent crime.
I will make this a short answer without the NRA rant. I don't know if I am safer because of that fact but I feel safer having guns.

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