Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are U.K. citizens allowed to own bb guns, and keep them in their home?

...and how about pellet guns? (They are not the same.)
Yeah we have pellet guns,(air rifles).
Age 17 to own one.
But if you are a farmer, you can have a shotgun licence at 16.
England has crazy laws.
No we are not allowed any more ..But we can buy pallet guns cos we don't need license for that ..
no just water pistols
as far as i know yes, but they should be banned, little b*stards shoot them at cats.
we can keep bb guns and air rifles without licences but anything else (that uses gunpowder etc) you need a licence for!
we can even have a crossbow!!
Yup! We're not allowed to carry them on the street unless they're securely wrapped for transport. And they gotta be .22 calibre or less.
We can only use them on private land too!

Which seems a fair, yet non lethal, comprimise
Minimum age to purchase a BB gun is 17 years. An adult must supervise persons 14 to 17 years of age. No gun should be carried in a public place unless in transit when it should be unloaded and placed in a carrier type bag. Note guns must not be concealed on ones person.
Showing or using such weapons, even if unloaded, in the course of any criminal activity is considered to be the same as using or threatening to use a real gun and the penalties are the same as if a real gun was used.
Firing such weapons in a way that may cause harm or be injurious to another is a criminal offence and carries a prisonable sentence.
Edit:- Forgot to mention the fact that we can keep and use crossbows, the shootingof which is one of my sports. At targets of course. Even though my most powerful will propel a hunting dart at over 250 feet per second
I really must add that any form of weapon, legal or not, is very dangerous. The use or handling of which should not be taken likely, and foolish games when in possession should not be considered. The legal weapons in the UK are legal for sport only. (Exception being shot guns used on private property, where there is sufficient land to preclude danger to any other, such as a farm) As they are for sport they should be used in a controlled environement, for the purpose of that sport.
Kiss Kiss
Air Rifles...
You no longer need a licence and you cannot use it in a suburban or built area. (if you are worried about kids round your way having one) Air rifles that can be kept are spring loaded. Owner must be over 17 but the loophole still exists whereby a child of 14 and up cannot buy one but can be given one as a present and then can use it with adult supervision.
Spring loaded air rifles are allowed (as long as no modification has been made to spring) but cartridge rifles (shots are powered by a gas or air canister) are banned in UK because they could be converted to firing real bullets.
B.B. guns
BB guns are regulated in the same manner as air guns. In countries where there is a maximum velocity or muzzle energy at which point an air gun is treated like a firearm (such as in Canada or the United Kingdom), BB guns are often not powerful enough to be considered firearms.
as there is no law to check here anymore you can do what you like, in fact the more you do wrong the more the government give you. drug addicts get free drugs, a burgular get free training on the new locks to pick, terrorists get free housing and benefits to allow them more time fight against the infidel who supports them and **** rosie what does she know.
why in the world are brits so touchy about anything gunlike. a bb gun is a toy. hell, a sharp pencil could kill if you tripped and fell on it. or you could kill your bubby with a quick jab in the eye. don't you see that there are hundreds of things around you hurt and kill with and always was. you had great wars in england without a gun. disarm the population is the first thing a dictatorship does. despots and dictators want control of the public schools and the public disarmed. they want a strong army and police force to enforce their laws and rules. frightens americans who are obsessed with freedom and liberty. if you had a .45 cal. semi automatic pistol in you nightstand would you expect you would go nutzoid one night and shoot your family? ah, but you damn well could shoot a muslim terrorist overpowering your hubbie. a burglar or an serial killer. the usa is full of criminals. we must have lots of guns. we sleep better. the president has a room full of guns aplus the us army, air force and marines and coast guard etc. alll armed. we don't want them coming into hour houses either. guns are a wonderful invention. i was horrible when they did all that killing with dirks and broad swords and the mace and pouring boiling oil on the others. bb gun? what next trouble with having a a slingshot? a water pistol. what a pity.
I'm sorry but this is the 1st i've heard of BB Guns being BANNED in the UK! Last i knew anyone could buy them and kids can pick them in toy shops for 拢1! They kept that quiet if there was a change in the law. I don't believe there has been though. The legal grey area is where you use the gun. Whether or not using a BB gun in a specific place is legal or not is down to interpretation of the law. Interpretation ussually done by individual officers. For example, If you had it out in the middle of a populated public street clearly on display where people could feel threatened or believe it was a real gun and be alarmed, then theres a good chance you could be arrested. If on the other hand it was in a secluded area like a park or somewhere where there weren't as many people and it was clearly being used for fun and safely, then i doubt the police would have a problem. They may just give a warning or something if someone did call them. Then again if someone was alarmed enough to call the police, then that could then constitute an offence because you alarmed them. But if it was out on the street and no-one felt threatened enough to call the police, then it could be argued that was lawful because no one felt alarmed enough to call the cops! So i think it hinges on whether your intent was to cause alarm or distress.
Yes we are but we aren't supposed to go carrying them around in the streets unless it's in a case or cover. Same goes with air rifles ( pellet guns)
Re the mania about guns, guns do not kill people, people kill people, if there wasn't a single gun in the world, people would still be killing other people.

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