Saturday, October 31, 2009

At what point are camps required to tell parents about fondling?

If kids(7 or 8 yr olds) are caught touching each others genitals during day camp is the camp required/responsible to tell their parents immediately?
I would certainly hope they would let parents know right away. I am not sure how this works, but if I was in your situation I would report to the campground manager or whoever is in charge.
depends on the laws of your state. for instance, in michigan, there is actually a statute that makes the camp personnel "local parentis" and loads all of the legal responsibilities onto the camp personnel.
anyway, i would not make too big a deal about it. talk to the parents and tell them they need to have a frank discussion with their children about sexuality. my daughter, at 8, asked me and i told her how it all worked. i also caught her diddling herself on the sofa one day and i just said "hey, i know that feels good, and it is your body, is sort of like picking your nose in public. nobody wants to see it. if you want to touch yourself there, you can do it in your room under your blanket". she said "ok" and that was it. no big deal, no freaking out.
certainly, the parents should be notified, but the children should not be castigated either, by the parents, or the camp personnel. more like a "johnny and lisa were playing today and.etc."

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