Saturday, October 31, 2009

B felony child molestation ?

Ok so I agree with everyone that child molseters are the scum of the earth and the lowest of the low and should be castrated, BUT i have found myself lookin g at those charges as we speak. A girl i baby sat for 4 years ago pressed charges against me for something i really didnt do. i told her i couldnt be her boyfriend cuz she was too young and that i was going into the Navy, and when i get out in 4 years maybe we can see what happens, ( never really expecting to contact her gain ) but anyway i was 18 at the time and she was 14 and now im 22 and have 2 kids and "was" happily married till all this drama came into my life. all you can judge me or whatever i know that i didnt do anything to that lil girl back then and i sure as hell dont know why after 4 years later when i get out of the navy she out of the blue presses charges ? any comments?
She probably went thru therapy of some sort and has images of fantasies in her head...I worked at a youth drug re-hab,and every girl there had these stories...whether they were true,or for sympathy or leniency,it was impossible to tell...
She is a lunatic, the charges won't stick
if you are innocent bring a civil suit if she can not prove it. false claims hurt real victims and these people are scum. if you have any unique features that she can not identify a jury would wonder why she did not know of these features and the lie would be exposed. example: helmet or no helmet?
OMGosh I'm sorry! It sounds like you didn't do anything wrong. I think if you just try to talk it out with her then maybe she will drop the charges because maybe she misinterpreted what you did or maybe if you have to go to court then you can just tell them what really happened and the charges will be dropped. I hope this helps and I hope everything works out 4 you! =)
Saying "Maybe we can see what happens", sounds like a proposal of marriage or something. No wonder she is angry with you. You would be better off now if you had done something physical and left her, instead of leaving her with hope for the future.
Child molesters ARE scum of the earth, yes its true.
But another truth is that alot of young kids out there press charges for the wrong thing, just out of anger or spite to get back at a person and its wrong. People will rarely take your side against theirs too. It sucks when you're innocent.
But what can we do? I don't think the laws should be changed because of it.
In this case they should have looked for more proof to prove that whats he said was true because now your life has been ruined while she sits back living life happy with no regrets.
She's gonna have to have SOME kind of evidence, which is good for you. Also, I wonder if the statute of limitations applies to this in your state, whatever that may be.
Don't forget, you are able to counter-sue, which may scare her, and at the least avenge yourself if a case goes to court. you know like lost time, lost money, ruined marriage, etc, because of her!
14 year olds don't usually need babysitters. What's up with that?
She was probably infatuated with you and now that she knows that you are happily married and with children she is probably just doing this out of pure jealousy and revenge for not keeping your word and coming back
It is going to be a tough one to disprove. It is your word against hers unless you can find someone else she has done this to. At her age that is a possibility because she has problems in her attic. As for the {"was" happily married} part, your wife should stand by you no matter what. The wedding vows I said and maybe you did too was, "For better or worse" this is a "worse" and she shouldn't bail out now.
I hope you can get this straightened out so that it won't hurt your Navy career either. Even if you are not active now or you have been discharged. If this happened before you joined, it could come back and bite you where you sit. I would get legal counsel if I were you. Most lawyers will give a free consultation and let you know if you have anything to worry about. It would be worth your time. Just a thought. Not trying to add to your load.
I would say that she fell under the seven year statue of limitations. Best thing to do is to start from scrath, or square one. Get a lawyer if needed or a military one as well. Things like this take time and you will need everything you got in order to take care of this. Thou there is a new law out in some stats about teens interacting with teens. IE 19 is a teenager so that might be something to check out.
Talk to a lawyer. Contact your local bar association and see if they have any referral service. Most attorney do not charge for the first consultation anyway. Get moving on this. Unfortunately, even false charges can be very damaging to the defendant.
It sounds like now she thinks she can get something from you. Won't a judge take into account that there was only a 4 yr difference between then, she didn't say anything til now?? why now?? I agree that 14 yr old and a 40 yr old is 100% scum of the world and should be posted around the world as a piece of garbage, but you do not sound like that type to me. Maybe she has someone whispering in her ear about "how much money navy men make" or something. My husband and I both look at the sex offenders website and we think that there should a dividing line for young men say 18, where the girl is like 14, does not necessary mean the man is a pedafile. That really saddens me.

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