Saturday, October 31, 2009

As Americans, it's no question we are all created equally right?

When born, we were born with a right to life and the moment we took a breathe the constitution protected us.
Does it really matter that some people are born into better conditions than others?
I did the research, I picked myself up when I fell, I laced my boots tighter...when will we stop rewarding laziness and convenience and the uneducated/uninformed?
If I get pulled over for a moving violation I can't use ignorance of the law. So why are individuals catering to those who do as a just reason?
It seems as though the Democratic party wants to spoon feed Americans and not hold them accountable for poor, uneducated decisions they've made. Example, Mrs. Clinton wants to start a 2 billion dollar fund, which the great taxpayers will foot, to help cover the costs of those who, only now, can't afford to pay their mortgage note.
What happened to the American way where if you f***ed up you were held liable for it? Ignorance should never be rewarded, right?
I'd have to agree with you sir. I was bought up by a man who was a carpenter by trade. He worked his entire life for a little next to nothing but I never wanted for anything.
He always made sure that the mortgage was paid, the lights stayed on, and we had food in our bellies. I learned to appreciate what I have and the accomplishment of a hard day's work. Far too many people in our great country don't have it so well and they can only blame themselves.
It doesn't matter if it's Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Bush, or any other politician for that matter. I've chosen to call myself an independent for the simple fact that I can't trust politicians.
They make money of the taxes that I pay and really don't care much about MY beliefs. In my mind they are there only to push forward their own agendas and ideas.
What's really puzzling is that we can't seem to be open minded to find plausible solutions to our problems. I mean I really don't agree with killing brown people because they don't have the same belifes that we do and that they have oil beneath their feet.
My question is when are our leaders going to be held accountable for their actions? When are they going to sit in front of a tibunial and answer for their crimes?
hey look its glenn beck pretending to not be white!!
Yeah that was before but now too many people are idiots and lazy *** people so if the government leaves them to fend for themselves well that would be a really big number of people in the toilet.
So far this is the best quote I've seen on the questions you ask. With the European socialist wreck as a glaring example of where we area going, it's hard to believe that people are still supporting the 'Great (welfare) Society'.
"The U.S. has the resources that allow people to get fat and lazy," said Paul Terry, an assistant professor of epidemiology at Emory University in Atlanta. "We have the luxury of choosing a bad lifestyle as opposed to having one imposed on us by hard times."
It's a lot easier to complain about something mediocre than to take the initiative for attaining something better.
No one values things given freely. People don't vote because they were never deprived of it. We're now doing the same with citizenship. Soon that will be meaningless as well.
We're doomed.
Very true.
We have, though time, taught to many of people that the government will take care of them.
Like so many things in life and the world it was a great idea when we first started. We have money and we are strong so lets make everyone stronger by helping them out when they are down.
But then we never ever weaned people from this and now we have huge groups of people who really haven't a clue how to live any other way than by sucking off the government. And we aren't doing a thing to change that.
Don't worry though, just because one politician is promising something pretty much guarantees that it wont happen. After all it never does. And that's a totally different topic!
I agree.I was taught if you wanted something in this life you worked for it,if you failed you just worked a little harder till you did succeed.Clinton's bail out for mortgage defaults is like the amnesty ploy-give them it now and five yr.s later the next bunch will be crying for it ,pay the mortgages now and it will be the same thing again later down the road.If they didn't plan before why plan for later?Let the govt.bail me out again.
Every America citizen is guaranteed equality ,but d*mn not cradle to grave at tax payers expense please!

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