Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are UK and NY citizens aware that they have less freedoms than Chinese or Russian people ?

i have read that before and i personally do not believe that is true but if you think it is please tell us in which way// I do realise we have to put up with a lot of spin and HR and PC has stifled us and i just hope Mr Brown will admonish both soon before we all leave the country
Think you might be talking out of your butt. I know where I would rather be, thanks
Who cares i would rather live in the UK or NY any-day..No offence! : )
How so? If you're going to make a statement like that, you should provide some examples.
don't think so. why u saying that? no foundation to what u saying!!!
I don't know the Chinese freedom rights but I do agree with you - although we have freedom of speech in the UK that doesn't apply to our opinion against other nationalities living in the UK. The freedom of speech in UK changed a few years ago to give ethnic people their own laws. They can do and call us what they want but if we say anything against them it is a crime.
I dont think so, ask the Chinese themselves and the drunk Russian about Vodka and they will tell you why?
tell us why then!.....
In what way? We have different freedoms, but I would rather live here. There you life is dictated to you by (in China) a communist government, who'se idea of communism is a bit wide of the mark (i.e. it doesn't exactly help everyone, like it's supposed to). Ok, so some of our rights have been taken away, but from what I have seen, they have a lot less freedom than we do.
Are you serious? This is a ridiculous proposition.
Besides, I as a non-smoker, have the freedom to go to my local and not damage my lungs as a result. They don't have that freedom in Russia or China do they? Oh, they must be less free than us then.
Freedoms work both ways. I'm pretty sure though that last time I checked, I couldn't be arrested and thrown in prison indefinitely for criticising the Government like I could be in China.
Stoopid question.
I don't see how the ability to commit violence, become pregnant pre-20yo or get a divorce can be classed as lack of freedom. I am happy to accept that services like the NHS, defence and education do not grow on trees and therefore pay taxes.
The cost of living is higher in China than it needs to be because their government insists that importers send in goods in a semi knocked down condition that requires Chinese people to be employed by that government (indirectly via companies) to finally assemble them. The government then reclaims this wage expenditure from those same people through the prices they pay for food, shelter and so on. If China relied entirely upon its own industry to provide its people's employment then prices paid by the Chinese consumer would reduce. Comparatively, therefore, we in the UK are better off than our Chinese counterparts.
Everyone moans about speed cameras which means they are talking about them, which means they are thinking more about their driving standard, regardless of where the fines revenue goes.
Street cameras. As a businessman I welcome them. It's a sad reflection on our society that they are considered necessary inside pubs, but only the anti-social element of those who use the inside areas of pubs can obviate the requirement by modifying their behaviour, thereby adding for themselves the freedom NOT to commit violence.
Visit China and learn how you would not be free to place a similar question while living there.
As i haven't been out the country for a couple of years, I'd forgotten just how much our lives are controlled, I've just got back from Spain, there you don't seem to have the government controlling your life as here, you can park where you want smoke just about anywhere, drink as late as you like and so long as you stay within the law of that land have no interference from the state. Unlike here where there are so many controls over our life's that as you say "we have no freedom anymore" I really don't think i want to stay in this country any more, not that i think Spain is the place i want to settle down in, but almost anywhere has to be better than here.
Mc, are you aware that in the UK and NY or America for that fact, that you do not have to worry about strange men showing up at your door and taking you to a prison or worse, because you said things about the government that the government did not like.

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