Saturday, October 31, 2009

At what age can a child move from parents?

At what age can a child legally move out and be liable for theirself and the parent not be held responsible? I live in NY and heard the age was 17--I don't quite think so but maybe, Hope to get some help--Thanks
Oh unless like me you graduate high school at 17...It's like the same thing as being 18
The age of majority - most every state, if not all of them it is 18. Unless you can get a lawyer and prove that you are better off alone- you could be emancipated.
At age 18, unless they get emancipated from their parents. You could move out at a younger age if your parents agree but they're still responsible for you legally.
Some children stay till their parents shoo them out.
You can move out at 17 *if your parents agree to allow it* and provided that you are moving to a safe and appropriate environment. However, your parents are still responsible for you and they can change their mind and order (for lack of a better word) you to come back home at any time.
As far as emancipation...not all states have an emancipation statute (a procedure in place that allows a minor to petition the court for emancipation), and to the best of my knowledge NY does not have one. That doesn鈥檛 necessarily mean that you can鈥檛 petition for it (because you can pretty much ask the court for anything you want), but the chances of you getting it are likely slim, because again, there is not an actual process in place for it. Even in the states that do have an emancipation statute, it is RARELY granted.
I think a child can get emancipated from their parents at the age of 16 or 17 but the child I believe has to show he or her can support themselves completely without the help of their parents. I hope this info helps..
17 in michigan. just call the local police they can give you the correct answer. thats how i found out
In most states, the Age of Majority is 18.
If there are extenuating circumstances, you can petition the courts to be declared an emancipated minor before then.
With their permissions, you can join Job Corp. This is a federal program to provide job training for young adults (16-24). If offers free job skills training, free dormatory housing, free food, a small allowance, and free medical.
There are centers throughout the United States. Beyond trades, you can earn a GED, high school diploma, and some centers even provide some community college.
The main advantage is that you will have a viable trade.
In New York, the legal age of majority where you can move out is age 18. Unlike most states, New York does not have a law which allows emancipation of minors.

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