Saturday, October 31, 2009

Background check?

Does anyone know what free website I can go to in order to do a background check, or whether or not someone has been jailed?
There are none that are free. Period.
How To Get A Free Background Check
You can perform a free background check.
Like many answers, it all depends on the details:
What information do you want?
How much work are you willing to do to get it?
How fast do you want it?
If you are willing to do some work yourself, you can perform a background check on someone for free.
Criminal Background Check:
Criminal records are kept by the Clerk of Courts in each courthouse. Every city, town, county, state, and the federal government have their own courthouses. We know there are 50 states, 3000 counties, and over 30,000 cities, towns, or townships in the USA. That is a lot of courthouses, and most of them do not share their information. However, it is all public information, and you are allowed to review it.
If you know where the subject person has lived and traveled, then you know which courthouse records to check.
Do-it-Yourself Free Background check issues:
a)One problem is finding out your subject-persons lifetime travel history. He could have committed a crime anywhere he has ever been.
b)2nd problem is the amount of work you must do to check every courthouse in those locations.
c)3rd problem is that you could miss important records if you miss any of the locations that your subject-person has been to.
d)4th problem is cost. If the courthouse has digitized their records and published them on a website, then you can often review them for free. But if you must travel to the courthouse, that requires your time and travel costs. Finally, if you get copy of the record, some courthouses charge $1 per page. Wow! That can be expensive.
e)So a do-it-yourself background check may cost you a significant amount of money if you want to perform a complete background check.
Other Records:
You will probably want to check out some other records on you subject-person.
Do your want to know about:
Marriages and Divorces
Tax liens
Civil law suits
Professional licenses
Corporate ownership
Property ownership.
All of that information is public, and you can review it. But, you have the same issues that you had with the Criminal Records. The information is not all in one place. You have to find out where it is, and you may have to travel to those locations.
Information Aggregators
On the internet, some companies specialize in collecting all of this public information, putting it in their database, and making it available for instant access. For example, Illinois Youth Soccer ( ) has a Risk Management publication that refers to .
You can review some of this information for free and get the results immediately on the internet.
How to Perform a Do-It-Yourself Free Background Search %26 Check:
Step #1 鈥?At an information aggregator, like, you can put in your subject-person鈥檚 name and find every city that he lived-in. That website provides this information for free. You can enter as many names as you like, as many times as you like. Now you know which courthouse records to review.
Step #2 鈥?At the same website, you can find a list of the Criminal Record Offices of every city, county, and state in the USA, along with their website (as reported to the U.S. government.).
Step #3.- Go to the courthouse website, or to the courthouse (if they do not have a website), and review their public records.
Step #4 鈥?Back at, you can find the Record Offices for Vital Records (Marriage, Divorce, Births, Deaths). Repeat step #3 for Vital Records and any other type of records that you need.
Purchasing a Background Check:
If you want to get a complete report, instantly, you can purchase a comprehensive background check from (or other information aggregators). Every company (without exception) will charge you something for a complete background check. The companies have to cover their costs to gather all of the public information, put it in a database, keep it up to date every day about everyone, and make it available to you on the internet for instant access.
Sex Offenders:
The U.S. government does keep a list of all convicted sex offenders in one place. You can find it here:

Background check - false information?

I just got a great job with a huge company, and i have been working ther for about 2 months until, i got a call from HR saying they checked my criminal background and "they say", they found some convictions on my record, which i know for a fact is wrong, they have now sent me home with pay, pending an investigation, does anyone know the right paper work, i am supposed to show or get from the court, they say they have the same person with the same name and the same date of birth. but the information does not include my ss or dl. what do i do?
You have the right to see whatever negative info they have. Then you can try to clear it up.
Contact the local police station or government building to get your records to show.
First of all though its worrisome it will probably turn out that it is no big deal. A huge company implies a trained HR staff and that training has to include this sort of situation. Plus the company that your company uses to do the checks has to have had this sort of thing happen before.
For one the odds that this other person lives in your same state are slim. So all it will probably take is for a real person to review the records instead of a computer. As far as your company goes I am surprised that HR has not apprised you of what the procedures are. Don't be shy about calling them as most people would be going crazy about this.
Another reason I am surprised is that I do know that in these cases they usually keep an employee up to date. Most companies figure out that it costs something like 25K all in all to hire somebody. Most would certainly not want you to start pushing out your resume. Plus they could be open to legal action.... hence why they are paying you.
I think the whole court thing would come later if need be. But you may consider being proactive. Call the police station and ask if they do background checks for a small fee as many provide this service. People get them for jobs as far as child care and security. Provide HR with this if you get one but it really shouldn't be necessary.
But it would help in the regard of if you lose your job for whatever reason (which probably won't happen) to have for later. You could sue a lot of people over this if it came down to it.

Back pay for getting ripped off?

Okay, I have been at a big company 6 years. It was explained to me when hired we work 8 hrs and they automatically take .5 for lunch. I have a weird job and you really cannot take ur lunch. The hr person explained to us and the boss that they only pay for 7.5 hrs a day, I have been ripped off for 6 years, what can i do.
I dont want to go demand back pay, but its like $12,000.
Please help what can i do?
If you are working 8 hours a day and only being paid for 7.5 that is against the law. However, if you are taking a break and they simply deduct that from your total hours that is okay.
If you are truly concerned I would contact the dept. of labor... they will audit the company and determine whether or not you are owed money.
get a lawyer thats 12,000 cash that u have earned, get the rip of scum bag..
You were informed of the situation so you needed to make it your mission to not work for 1/2 hour a day. I don't know what else to tell you they don't owe you money when you willingly worked for free.
not much your word against theirs prove it
Tell them that you understand that it's hard to fit a lunch hour into your schedule but you are willing to compromise. You'll either come in 30 minutes later or leave 30 minutes earlier, whichever is more convenient.
What can you so? It was explained to you when you were hired, and you have an issue with it 6 years later? You either need to find a new job with policies you are ok with, or just deal with your current situation. Sorry...
you would have to prove you couldn't take your lunch plus if you file a law suit they would find some reason to fire you so if you need your job forget it. from now on take a lunch period.
Lawyer up. You might get to pocket about 9 grand after fees
I implement time collection systems. Like the clock that you use to punch in and out of each day. I frequently program the clock to auto-deduct a lunch if people don't punch for lunch. Typically, when people punch for lunch it is overridden, and the auto deduction is not taken.
If you take a shorter lunch, punch out and back in. It might work.
Each person is assigned a pay rule. If your job is special, they should assign you a special pay rule where the auto lunch deduction is not taken. That is easily programmed into the software/clock
In terms of getting back pay, this is something that you should have taken up with your employer 6 years ago when you got your 1st check. You should at least straighten this out going forward by explaining your situation to your boss and the HR department. You might run into trouble getting back pay on this unless you quit and take them to court.
You've gone 6 years not taking your lunch and still getting deducted for it? Wow!
If you signed your payroll then you are kind of stuck since you just agreed that all was correct with your check. can take your lunch everyday or refuse to sign payroll until the adjustment is made.
They are stealing from you and you should stop it. If you were getting paid for a lunch you took they would make a big stink so make one back!
Oh, baby, I can see you getting millions in damages if, as you said,
it is a Big company,
you can show that not taking lunch break was not voluntary,
show that you actually worked or was at least compelled to be present at your workstation during lunch break.
Go baby, go. Sue the pants off that company.
If you do, and get a fat settlement, I could be persuaded to accept consultancy fees.
a few questions- one where do you live? I know that in some states you are not required to take a lunch nor get paid for it. you might want to look that up. Now from what i got you don't take lunch and they still take the time out? If this is right, that if you go to ask for the money in back pay all they have to say is " well, you should have told us or you should have taken your half hour". Waiting 6 years is a little long to go without lunch break. I would look up the laws and the contact a lawyer for their opinion. But understand this, if the lawyer THINKS YOU HAVE A CASE, YOU WILL PROBABLY GET FIRED FROM YOU JOB. not ABOUT THIS AND NOT UNTIL YOU have settled this matter. But at some point after this they might label you a problem maker and end your employment with that company. Now if you don't care and fell it is time to move on, then don't sweat it. On the other hand if you like your job then i would just not worry bout the past and start taking lunch. weather they like it or not! p.s. sorry about the caps, i did'nt look up.
I'd say that the best way to get the most money back is class action.
Go see a lawyer that specializes in this area, get together with other employees that have been ripped off and sue the company.
Bare in mind that you will need proof. So if you can get something in writing from the boss or HR, but first try the tape recorder before you talk to them about anything.
they might get cautious if you ask questions first.
You knew the policy when you were hired. If you chose not to take a lunch break, that is your problem.
You have no case for back pay.
I'm surprised that it took you six years to notice this. But federal labor laws require that if you work during your lunch break, you must be paid for it; and lunch is not considered "relief time" as defined by law if you work through it. If they do not want to pay you for your lunch time, then you are not required to work through it. Period. And it is the company's responsibility, not yours, to find someone else to relieve you of your job if you need to take an unpaid lunch period.

Back in 2001 (post 911), I was working for a major travel company when I had to stop working because ...?

medical issues associated with Cancer and pyschological problems pertaining to my health, deaths in my family, the office enviornment itself and post 911 stress; I've been on Social Security disability since, but just remembered that I'd also checked "double" my yearly salary and had money deducted from my paycheck; that would mean 80K per year that I haven't recouped; Can I still get that past due money; I would assume I'd have to repay Social Security which is the right thing to do...
If you run into any legal problems getting what is rightfully yours I suggest you contact your congressperson- it's in their best interest to help you..
If you would like to talk with an attorney about this you can review this website for our member services.

Back child support! My daughter is 13- "dad" has never paid a thing!?

I am wondering when it becomes too late to file a motion for back child support- I had her when I was 16, and like most teenagers, I listened to my parents. They told me to just forget about him, have my daughter and never look back. She's to the age where she wants to know, so I introduced the two of them (yes he knew she was born and was his). I have never asked for anything financially and he has never offered. Does anyone know how I can go about setting up child support? I have tried to talk to him about this issue and he won't return my calls, I didn't want to ruin him financially, was just going to start child support now- but now I'm getting pretty ticked off and am thinking about going for all 13 years- is this possible?
The prior two answers assume that a court already ordered child support. Did you get a court ordered child support arrangement? If not, then you'll need to follow the below advice.
The best answers that matter won't come from here. You can get an attorney or go to your local jurisdiction's Family Court and talk to the clerk there about how to go about petitioning for child support.
After the duration of time that's passed, you're likely going to have to show some sort of proof that your daughter is his. Good luck after 13 years!
And as far as your concern for "ruining him financially" goes..who do you care more about, your daughter or the jackass who left and didn't care about her at all?
Good luck, you're going to need it!
Hell hath no fury like that of a woman scorned!
You can file with the Attorney General's office and they will issue him to pay the back child support. It's a term called arrears.
It'll be 20% of what he makes, but until he's caught up they'll tack on more.
You need to get a hold of your local child support services. They will determine how much he owes you. My mil gets child support for my husband and he is 54.
Probably not, since it is just now becoming a problem. Did your child never need food, medicine, clothes, education, roof, heat, air conditions, or any of that stuff until now? Who cares about this comfort. You have a child to raise.
You need to file a paternity suit in your local Family court. I do not know if you can get back child support ... it may be too late..
Contact a local attorney.. at least you can get 5 years.. if you file now..
contact child welfare in your city. they will file a case with the district attorney (not the attorneys general office, lol) and wherever he lives, it will follow him. his pay will be garnished until it is paid off.
personally, i think you should explain the reprecussions to him, and offer to take it in a payment plan. Tell him he will not escape and it would be better if he came to the wedding (metaphor here) on his own accord, rather than being dragged kicking and screaming.
you just call the child support agency and give them as much info about him as you can and they will do the rest. they will make him pay arrears wether you want him to or not.i think 16 is the cut off for when it's to late or when they leave full time education.
my friend's child is 13 and he is now paying 13 years of arrears.if he denies her they will make him take dna and if proved he will have to pay for the test if not you will.

Back child support for a child over 18?

My mom attempted to get child support from my dad while I was growing up but she was never able to catch up with him because he stayed in California/ Serveral certified letters were sent to him but he never would sign them. So he really started to come arounf after I had turned 18 because he felt like it was nothing that my mom could do to him as far as collecting child support. We never established paternity. I am 22 now and I want to know if there is any way that she could try to get all the back child support that he owes to her. It makes me made to know that he tried to ditch and dogde child support. Is there anyway she can sue him or something ..cause I want him to pay.
If paternity was never established, he does not owe your mother anything. She would have to sue him for a test, have it come back positive, then possibly the court would award her a portion of it, but not the full 18 years.but more than likely the case would be thrown out due to the timelyness.
She should call the Dept of Child Support Enforcement and see about state laws. To my knowledge, there was a support order from the courts she can collect the money even if you are over 18.
Yes. Child support does not have a statute of limitations. My father had to pay child support for us untill he died when we were in our 30's. He stayed away our whole life untill 18 too. My mom went to the attourney generals office in our state of texas, and they ordered a regular small claims type suit saying he still owes the money.
i dont think she can but you can go after him for the child support since your over 18
Spaznskitz is right on this one. The key in your situation is that you never established paternity at all. It's completely different than a situation where he signed off on the birth certificate and paternity was established through the court at the beginning. Your case is a prime example of why unmarried mothers should establish legal paternity through the court as soon as the baby is born. And the father signing off on the birth certificate does not necessarily constitute legal paternity unless the parties are married.
Since you feel this way then first off YOU need to tell this to him face to face. Yes it will be a hard but as politely as possible just let him know your feelings on this subject.
It is also your mothers place to talk to your father and tell him face to face that she would like for him to start making payments to her. Together they can begin a payment plan.
If your mother's x and your believed to be father refuses. Then it is your mothers responsibility to take action.
Whether he pays child support or not both you and your father should take the necessary steps to determine paternity. It is really easy to get this done.

B felony child molestation ?

Ok so I agree with everyone that child molseters are the scum of the earth and the lowest of the low and should be castrated, BUT i have found myself lookin g at those charges as we speak. A girl i baby sat for 4 years ago pressed charges against me for something i really didnt do. i told her i couldnt be her boyfriend cuz she was too young and that i was going into the Navy, and when i get out in 4 years maybe we can see what happens, ( never really expecting to contact her gain ) but anyway i was 18 at the time and she was 14 and now im 22 and have 2 kids and "was" happily married till all this drama came into my life. all you can judge me or whatever i know that i didnt do anything to that lil girl back then and i sure as hell dont know why after 4 years later when i get out of the navy she out of the blue presses charges ? any comments?
She probably went thru therapy of some sort and has images of fantasies in her head...I worked at a youth drug re-hab,and every girl there had these stories...whether they were true,or for sympathy or leniency,it was impossible to tell...
She is a lunatic, the charges won't stick
if you are innocent bring a civil suit if she can not prove it. false claims hurt real victims and these people are scum. if you have any unique features that she can not identify a jury would wonder why she did not know of these features and the lie would be exposed. example: helmet or no helmet?
OMGosh I'm sorry! It sounds like you didn't do anything wrong. I think if you just try to talk it out with her then maybe she will drop the charges because maybe she misinterpreted what you did or maybe if you have to go to court then you can just tell them what really happened and the charges will be dropped. I hope this helps and I hope everything works out 4 you! =)
Saying "Maybe we can see what happens", sounds like a proposal of marriage or something. No wonder she is angry with you. You would be better off now if you had done something physical and left her, instead of leaving her with hope for the future.
Child molesters ARE scum of the earth, yes its true.
But another truth is that alot of young kids out there press charges for the wrong thing, just out of anger or spite to get back at a person and its wrong. People will rarely take your side against theirs too. It sucks when you're innocent.
But what can we do? I don't think the laws should be changed because of it.
In this case they should have looked for more proof to prove that whats he said was true because now your life has been ruined while she sits back living life happy with no regrets.
She's gonna have to have SOME kind of evidence, which is good for you. Also, I wonder if the statute of limitations applies to this in your state, whatever that may be.
Don't forget, you are able to counter-sue, which may scare her, and at the least avenge yourself if a case goes to court. you know like lost time, lost money, ruined marriage, etc, because of her!
14 year olds don't usually need babysitters. What's up with that?
She was probably infatuated with you and now that she knows that you are happily married and with children she is probably just doing this out of pure jealousy and revenge for not keeping your word and coming back
It is going to be a tough one to disprove. It is your word against hers unless you can find someone else she has done this to. At her age that is a possibility because she has problems in her attic. As for the {"was" happily married} part, your wife should stand by you no matter what. The wedding vows I said and maybe you did too was, "For better or worse" this is a "worse" and she shouldn't bail out now.
I hope you can get this straightened out so that it won't hurt your Navy career either. Even if you are not active now or you have been discharged. If this happened before you joined, it could come back and bite you where you sit. I would get legal counsel if I were you. Most lawyers will give a free consultation and let you know if you have anything to worry about. It would be worth your time. Just a thought. Not trying to add to your load.
I would say that she fell under the seven year statue of limitations. Best thing to do is to start from scrath, or square one. Get a lawyer if needed or a military one as well. Things like this take time and you will need everything you got in order to take care of this. Thou there is a new law out in some stats about teens interacting with teens. IE 19 is a teenager so that might be something to check out.
Talk to a lawyer. Contact your local bar association and see if they have any referral service. Most attorney do not charge for the first consultation anyway. Get moving on this. Unfortunately, even false charges can be very damaging to the defendant.
It sounds like now she thinks she can get something from you. Won't a judge take into account that there was only a 4 yr difference between then, she didn't say anything til now?? why now?? I agree that 14 yr old and a 40 yr old is 100% scum of the world and should be posted around the world as a piece of garbage, but you do not sound like that type to me. Maybe she has someone whispering in her ear about "how much money navy men make" or something. My husband and I both look at the sex offenders website and we think that there should a dividing line for young men say 18, where the girl is like 14, does not necessary mean the man is a pedafile. That really saddens me.

AZ. attorneys that help low income persons in the restoration of driving privileges?

In 1986 while stationed at Great Lakes Naval Station I recieved a misdemeanor DUI, I paid the fines and fulfilled all of the courts requirements, but in 1994 after leaving the Navy, I found that I could not re-new my AZ. License unless I filled out an out of state petitioners packet; I have filled out five such packets to no avail, Illinois claims that one of the reasons is because I had aDUI in AZ. in 1997 and one in 2000; I asked MVD about being able to restore my privileges, and they told me that since I met the States requirements it would not be a problem, but that I would have to get cleared through Iliinois first; this is absolutely ludicrous, since when does Illinois tell the other states who and who cannot be re-instated? I find this to be almost if not downright criminal on the part of Illinois as it has cost me tens of thousands in potential earnings; as anyone knows it is impossible to get a decent paying job without transportation; I am also a veteran with many skills!!
Your license should be permanently revoked with 3 DUI's.
You can contact a local law firm and ask if they will take the case pro bono, or google some strategies and file the court papers yourself.
Bonne Chance!
Did I read this correctly,you have three (3) DUIs?All states are in touch with each,and your name (and record) are in the computer base,and it will take a long time to get full driving privileges restored.You will have to talk to a lawyer about this problem.You are what is known as a repeated offender.I have known people who have lost their driving privileges for 5 years because of one DUI.By the way,I am also a Vet(Vietnam) and an ex cop.

AWOL 2 1/2 years?

Okay I have made previous posts and I am ready to turn myself in but I have been training. I am 6'1 225 lbs I can do 100 pushups 85 situps and I run a 11:31 2 mile. I have made many mistakes in my life and the army has been a huge one. I am wondering if there is anyway that I could remain in the army. I left due to a serious gambling addiction that would take to long to explain everything. I am ready for whatever when i turn myself in but I am just wondering if it is possible that they will ask me to finish my contract?
It depends upon what they charge you with and which Article of the UCMJ you are judged. With an Article 15, the punishment then depends upon the rank of the Officer that is dealing out the punishment.
If the officer imposing punishment holds General Court Martial authority, or a commanding officer of the grade O-7 or greater
* Arrest in quarters: not more than 30 days.
* Restriction to limits: not more than 60 days.
* Forfeiture of pay: not more than 陆 of one month's pay per month for two months.
* Admonition or reprimand.
By Commanding Officers of the grades O-4 to O-6
* Restriction to limits: not more than 30 days.
* Admonition or reprimand.
By Commanding Officers of the grades O-1 to O-3
* Restriction to limits: not more than 15 days.
* Admonition or reprimand.
Also the type of Court Martial will play a big role in how you are charged and punishment dealt out, you may be given a dishonorable discharge, bad conduct discharge or may be required to fullfil your obligation.
The link below will give you a spot to look at Court Martials
Good luck to you
EDIT: You could face charges under Article 87 which normally carries a jail sentence of up to 2 years
EDIT: Don, I hope that I was not one of the 'everyone' you were speaking of, I was not insulting you just trying to answer your question. I am not here to judge you, in fact I commend you for owning up to the issue and facing whatever it is that you have to face.
After 2 1/2 years, you are no longer AWOL, you are considered a deserter. There is no way the army will retain you. (again)
although this sounds like complete b.s. you are completely f'ed if you return. so keep hiding like the punk you are. in a time of war you are considered a deserter and have no chance of returning to the army. your only option will be prison.
You're a deserter! Turn yourself in and they might just give you an undesirable discharge instead of a long stretch at Leavenworth or Charleston after your court-martial!
AWOL for 2 1/2 years, there is a felony warrant for your arrest. If you are pulled over by any officer, the warrant will show up in NCIC you will be shipped off to the nearest military base. Desertion is something the military takes extremely seriously. My best advice is go back to your unit, throw yourself onto their mercy and hope for the best.
I highly doubt you will be able to serve your contract out honorably. Too bad for you, you made the choice to leave 2 1/2 years ago. It's better to face up to it now and tell them you are trying to do the right thing and hope for some mercy.
you might be looking at some serious time. I'd check with an attorney instead of posting a question on message room thread.
Did you desert a post? or not return from leave..
You are so crazy.
You'd be better off, checking into a mental hospital and using the addiction as a sideline.
Geezzz...better now than later, turn yourself in, rather than living your life, looking over your shoulder.
If you do go to a lawyer first. Make sure he is not a jackass first, because,he'll have you doing triple your time, in this time of war. And you won't get any sympathy.
I don't like the war. but you've made your bed, so figure out the best way to lye in it.
Good luck.
My Friend Nobody can tell you that. It will depend on what they class as a fair punishment and remember there is a war on so they may treat you more harshly.
Get legal representation and discuss it with your Lawyer before you do anything hasty. you have been away for a long time
You are not AWOL by the way
A service member who is not officially on leave, and fails to report to his or her training or duty station is Absent Without Leave (or UA, Unauthorized Absence, in the Navy and Marine Corps).
On the 31st day that a service member fails to report to his or her training or duty station, the member鈥檚 AWOL status changes to Dropped From Rolls (DFR), or desertion
As far as they are concerned you are a deserter and on your return you may well be given a dishonorable discharge.

Desertion in time of war carries a Death Sentence. I am not saying that this is what you will get but be aware of this before you go handing yourself in
I wish you the beat of luck
have a look here
you been hiding for two years and now you want to go back
to the army? with everything going on now this is not the time
to be in the will be better off taking the heat.
Don, you are not AWOL or UA, but a Deserter. That means that the Army isn't going to let you finish your contract. They will reduce you to private, forfit all your pay and allowances, and dishonorably discharge you. You won't get to finish your contract, you will get to spend some time in the brig, and get kicked out on your @$$. You also will never see a dime of your veterans benifits like your GI Bill.

AWOL 2 1/2 years?

Okay I have made previous posts and I am ready to turn myself in but I have been training. I am 6'1 225 lbs I can do 100 pushups 85 situps and I run a 11:31 2 mile. I have made many mistakes in my life and the army has been a huge one. I am wondering if there is anyway that I could remain in the army. I left due to a serious gambling addiction that would take to long to explain everything. I am ready for whatever when i turn myself in but I am just wondering if it is possible that they will ask me to finish my contract?
Nope. You are done after they put you in the brig.
Quite unlikely, you will most likely be either dishonorably or administratively discharged
Unlikely sorry to say but maybe if you presented a good case you could maybe not go to jail.
If you turn yourself more then likely you will be court marshaled and spend most of your life in a Military Prison.
Don, you are not AWOL or UA, but a Deserter. That means that the Army isn't going to let you finish your contract. They will reduce you to private, forfit all your pay and allowances, and dishonorably discharge you. You won't get to finish your contract, you will get to spend some time in the brig, and get kicked out on your @$$. You also will never see a dime of your veterans benifits like your GI Bill.
Listen up, Troop! Don't listen to any $#!+ house lawyers, nobody knows for sure what the Army is going do about your case because the future ain't been written yet! Ultimately it will be how you're able to spin this, admittingly the situation doesn't look very good for you, but I've seen stranger stuff in my 30 years of military service.
Stop wasting your time here, go turn yourself in and do it now. You want to walk in under your own power and not be hand carried in by a couple of special agents of the FBI...
If you turn yourself in on your own, it is more likely you will come out of it better.
If you show that you want to stay in it will help.
Email me if you want. Good luck!
I answered your question on another post. Look, you are going to serve some time in jail, though , probably not as much as some people have been posting.
I doubt the military will let you finish your contract. You will probably either receive a bad conduct or a dishonorable disacharge.

Avoiding a totting up ban?

My mother, god bless her, had nine points on her licence and has just been caught by a speed camera again. She doesn't make excuses for this, she knows the law and will take whatever punishment is doled out. (I've always found her an infuriatingly slow driver to be honest, but I think she's a bit gormless when it comes to noticing 30 limits on dual carriageways in cities).
Has anyone got any experience which might suggest what ban she might get? I know the starting point is six months. Points she can put in her favour:
- she's a manager for a charitable Social Housing organisation, and has to drive considerable distances to do her job - with a six month ban she'd be at a high risk of losing it
- three of the points were due to expire in September
- they're all for doing under 30 - 35 mph in 30 zones
Just really interested in what people think she'll get, from their own experience or things they've seen in the news - so we can start planning things!
I believe it's correct that the fixed penalty thingy isn't used if the driver is in danger of losing her licence. Mum will be summonsed to court (or she can ask to be if they try to use the fixed penalty) and she'll have the opportunity to plead guilty, apologise for using the court's time and put her case for avoiding a ban. It is actually discretionary and thus JUST possible that the magistrates will be understanding.
The suggestions to get someone else to "cop" for the ticket are daft, and extremely dangerous. If caught, it's conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and likely to attract a prison sentence!
she` will be deported
i think you are speaking English but under review i don't know some of those words lol
They just raised the penalty for "totting up" to death by a thousand cuts
Under the totting up procedure she WILL get a ban. Her best bet is to plead not guilty %26 try to get the trial put back as far as possible. This will give her the time to sort out her license. Courts are snowed under at the moment, so it shouldn,t be a problem. (Doctors line - whatever will work) On the day of the trial, she should plead guilty and throw herself at the courts mercy. For saving court time on the day, her lawyer could gently try to persuade the presiding judge to give her just 5 points instead of the normal 6, because of the good work she does in the community. Hey hey, she keeps the license.!
ask for a calibration check on the latest camera.
most speed cams will allow for +10% i.e 33mph (i know a cam which didn't go off when my mate did 35), it just depends on how greedy the local council is.
My other mate got caught twice in 6 months and was eligible for a training exercise instead of the latest fine which was about speeding; you get to see a few really nasty car crash vids, talking a group about past experiences
Good Luck
Should not really tell you this,but police don't care who is driving as long as they get the money in.
Tell them it was someone else and give them the 60 quid.
Students are always hard up and will take the points for a small sum
have a bug placed in her speedometer at say 28 to buzz ( assume she is not going deaf)when she nears the speed limit. Try it and see if it works .If not ask her to put some money apart to continue to pay fines ( by habit)-Old skulls are hard to penetrate. many have their Gods inside it and they say it's God who was driving!So paying fines becomes a manifestation of love unto God!
She can say someone else was driving if its a camera if shes got some nice person who'll agree to take it for her!
im in no way condoning your mums actions however i was flashed at 38 in a thirty just after the new year i was sent the standard form and contested the judgement so i had a choice to go to court or plead guilty by post. it has taken 6 months to go to court were i recieved 4 points instead of 3 points and it added 35 pounds to the costs so if your wise play the system.
refuse or contest the points allowing the other points to be removed then when you go to court or plead guilty by post get your mum to explain her circumstances and she should be able to keep motoring.

Autistic child safety versus easement rigths?

I have an autistic child. We have moved since a year and half ago to a property with conjoint driveways between the next door neighboors and ours. Our child does not have concept of danger and runs towrd the so close neighbors parked or open cars. I have waiting all this time to be able to determine where our property line falls (hired a surveyor finally that summitted papers to the city of san jose on july 20, 2007) but AT%26T came to build abox only to find that the PG%26E box had been berried there for 10= years (since the nextdoor neighbors did not know it was there, and they have been living in their property for this 10 years) PG%26E came and brought their box up to the surface, but it is now about one inch into my property line. They are telling me that accordingly to easements rights I can not built a fence there because it violates the easement rights. How about the rights of my autistic child to be safe and not killed by running into the next door neihboor driveway. We have doble locks in our yard side doors, and our front door, but with age our child is increasenly taking his own decitions, and had allow to ask the kids next door to open the side door, and our child excape to a very busy street about four blocks away only to be found by an extrange woman who was able to determine where the child lived. We are constanly in pins and needles because we are sure a tragedy is awating to happen if we do not create some kind of boundary for our child for him to determine that it not okay by visual discrimination that going to the next door neighboors driveway is dangerous. We are so in a bad situation. Please help!
You will be in a far better legal position if you build the fence then challenge any authority that demands you remove it. They will have to go to court to do it and then you can tell the judge all about it. I am sure you will win.
Try installing an electric fence and putting a shock collar on him. It may take a few zaps, but he'll learn eventually not to cross the boundary. It worked for my bulldogs.
Sorry you can not build on easement property, you need to provide the protection that your child needs, that responsibility dose not involves any one else, I used to supervise a home that included autistic children , you need to provide constant supervision for your child's protection and improve the difficulty in your home locking system. You have a special child, that requires special needs. There are many agencies that may help you meet your child's needs, to allow your child to leave your home unattended, and if he is not able to negotiate life on the streets and puts him in danger of assault by children that do not understand his needs.I am sorry to say is Neglect, get help from autistic services available in your community and leave your neighbors alone..

Australian lottery is is true?

This office is in receipt of your message and based on the information which you provided: 257 Maasln Mangaldan Pangaslnan,We have processed your winning and a copy of your winner's Certificate shall be sent to you on the address that you provided.
Hence,you are required to follow the payment procedure. Before the delivery of your prize can be carried out/effected, you are required to make the payment for DHL COURIER SERVICE DELIVERY . After verification of your winning notification and documentation sent by our Co-Ordinator: MRS ROSE ADAM, we are required to get Notarization and Stamp Duty on your winning to enable the DHL carry out the door to door delivery of your winning prize and also to make you the ultimate beneficiary of the draw under the Australian International Lottery Inc., zoned under United Kingdom and Nigerian Payment Center.
You are required to make payment of US$350 to enable the DHL Courier Service delivery of your
All such lotteries are looters as with my experiance,they never stick to payments and like to extract money on false grounds.I asked from such UK National lotteries,to sent money cheque to my bank through manager of bank assuring COT amount,them they are gone and eloped.They are only looters,be careful.
why do people keep writing the same stuff over and over!
If you did not buy a ticket how can you win..and why do you have to send $350.00 to claim your prize..spam it now..all they want is access to your bank acct so they can clean it out..Spam, spam..
This is a scam. I dunno what bubble you've been living in.
I don't know what country you are from but if you ring this number 02 9752 5500 which is the NSW Australian Lottery Office and ask them if there is an Australian International Lottery Inc. in this country. I live here in Australia and as far as I know I've never heard of it, but then again it could be something new. Whatever you do don't send them any money. There are so many scams going around like this, it's best to make positive attempts to find out if it is real. I don't know what the number is that you put in front of that Australian phone no. to get into this country, is. I'm sure the telephone company wherever you are will be able to tell you this. Besides you have to buy our lottery tickets here in this country they are not given out freely.

Audacity of illegals in this country...?

I never understood how the US tolerates illegals in this country by allowing them to break our laws and let them protest that they want to change it!
Only in America can such things happen :(
We need to have a massive deporation like Operation W--back (I had to self-censor to circumvent La Raza motivated "politically correct" filter, despite this being an historical term, guess the first amendment only applies to the left) during the Eisenhower Administration. At *most*, it will cost US, the CITIZENS of the United States, $10,000.00 per deported illegal. Conversely, prorated healthcare *alone* will set us back $300.00 per month per illegal. Assuming one gets here at 18 and lives to be 72, that's $194,400.00 in savings on healthcare alone! Not to mention a disproportionate consumption of public aid resources, free housing, free education, etc., etc., it's an excellent return on your taxpayer dollar.
One more thing, to those who keep trotting out that "No Human Being is Illegal" garbage. We're not saying the person "is" illegal, but breaking into the United States means you're here illegally, just as if I broke into your house and shot you, that's illegal, too.
I say round up all the protesters and check there status. That would be a good way to find some of these people. You know that they are mostly illegal if they are protesting. So deport them.
I have a hard time with it, also. They blantantly protest in the streets waving their flags, admitting that they are illegal, and yet they are allowed to continue without being arrested and deported. Just unbelieveable.
Only in America!! I agree let them protest but check thier documents at protest Illegall the ship them back Forget the Fence Just allow American Ranchers to collect a Bounty on dead illegals just like and damm Coyote
Our policies and laws our ill-forced and the illegal immigration problem is much bigger than the border patrol can handle. Change is definitely needed.
yeah and the legal ones always protest with a mexican flag
what the hell is that all about.
or go back where you came from.
I was at those protests that you are talking about and although the crowd was advocating very open border solutions and waving flags from other countries (sparringly), there were very, very few illegal immigrants. It was mostly Americans or legal citizens that were there protesting the absurd immigration policies of this country. The reason is that illegal were mostly afraid of exposing themselves for fear of deportation. Just FYI

By the way... isn't illegal a code word for non-white scapegoat so that we don't have to think about the genocide the US government is committing in IRaq and up coming recession brought to you by irresponsible capitalism?
Immigration has been and will continue to be one of the largest social problems that this country has and will face. I do not agree that some one should violate immigration law to enter the US. However I can understand why a person would want to live here. Our laws, from the Constitution down to the local city code are intended to protect everyone legal citizen or not from harm. I know that some of these illegals are dangerous. Most are trying to have a better life. I can't fault them for that.
I do agree that mass protest and the "day without immigrants" marches are a nuisance. I lived in Dodge City KS which has experienced about a 19% increase in population over the last ten years. I know it is higher than that as most people would not fill out census info if they were here illegally.
I finally moved away to escape the constant pressure of the local government to accomodate this general group of people, most notably in the public schools. What is happening is not a new problem. As I said before, immigration is not new. We have a new general group, and they believe that we should bend to their will instead of them bending to ours. It will take some time, (a lot I believe) but we will all reach a point of acceptance. Then there will be another group singled out as the illegals and the whole thing will start again.
The numbers are outrageous of course no one can run a census or jail them instead they should be given a number and a program for national assistance should be implemented.They would be trained to do jobs as national reserve members and could include army training. Why put them in jail? Why allow them to sell drugs in this country? Why allow them to work illegally? Set a program to label and find out who they are and start training them to do the jobs that cost to much for contractors. Building homes for the homeless and they could go home to their bunkers at night like a army reserve post. This sounds strange but it could assist more than you know This is one idea whats yours?
First, the First Amendment speech, associations, and protest rights apply to all persons on American soil, not just to American citizens.
Second, as a poster above has noted, there are American CITIZENS (many of whom are first generation Americans with relatives who may be in other countries or illegal here) who don't agree with the immigration laws and want them changed. They are the major protestors.
Third, I was bemused by this comment:
"yeah and the legal ones always protest with a mexican flag
what the hell is that all about.
or go back where you came from."
Are you kidding? Do people not fly an Irish flag during the St. Patrick's Day parade? Do people not fly German flags during Octoberfest? Do people not fly Italian flags on silly chain restaurants? I wonder if the same guy above would defend his right to fly the Confederate Flag to the death.People have a right to be proud of their heritage.
Fourth, YOU benefit from illegal immigration. Illegals do jobs most Americans won't for salaries that wouldn't support Americans. And if you don't like it, blame the BUSINESSES that hire and exploit them rather than the people who cross the borders simply looking to fill a niche in our capitalistic marketplace.
Yes, illegal immigration is a crime. Yes, illegal immigration is a strain on America's internal infrastructure. Yes, illegal immigration causes hardworking Americans to lose (a few, undesirable) jobs. But we simply cannot deport everyone who is here illegally, nor would it be desirous to do so. Let's make everyone accountable (which Congress was not able to do last session) and let's stop spreading hate at a large group you all bunch together.
(P.S. And I'm PROUD that "only in America" do people have rights of free expression, due process, fairness and justice. Because maybe some day your views (or your ethnicity) will be in the minority, and you'll be happy that you can still protest or say whatever you want without fear of government reprisal.)
I am interested to see that I have four thumbs downs. I believe that they should be reserved for "incorrect" or "scandalous" answers, not ones on which the reader disagrees. This is especially tragic considering that the asker asked an opinion question.

Attorney's & Legal Advisors... Is it legal to use common carrier, such as Fedex to serve a subpoena?

Will the subpoenaed documents be rejected by the Courts, if they have been served by Commom Carrier. I would assume it provides the same functions that USPS does... I am really pressed for time, and I am in another state.
If you are trying to subpoena a party from another state, you need an attorney helping you. There is a very specific and somewhat complex law dealing with serving a subpoena on a person in another state. It requires courts in both states agreeing that the witness is needed in your trial and that it would not be unduly burdensome on the witness to require them to testify in your case.
Bottom line, you can send a subpoena by common carrier or USPS, but such a subpoena will not be enforceable.
I don't think so. they should except it.
no... you can't use a common carrier. You have to use a certified service.
Call the sherrif's office of the county where you need it served. They can tell you how to get it handled. (they'll tell you the name of one of the local "Process Servers")
I belive registered mail is the only true method of serving a legal document.

Attorney question.?well this isn't really an attorney question but I have physical custody of my 11 yr old son

we have joint custody but like i said he lives with me. HE is going to start middle school this month. He has a mild form of autism. His dad is taking me to court in front of a talk about the middle school he will be going to. I want him to go to a middle school I have been to and his dad wants him to live over there and go to the school in that area. His dad is worring about gangs and bullies. I do not agree. Every middle school has gangs and bullies. He said he does not have an attorney. but it is going to be at a courthouse and i was served the summons that had his attorneys name on it. I can not afford an attorney and was wondering if anyone knows of any in the fort worth Tx area who will work with a low income person. Do you think I would need an attorney?
Gosh, YES, you need an attorney! Your child is your most important asset. There are no second chances with these cases! Beg, borrow or steal to ensure both you and your child are properly represented. Check out the Texas State Bar Association lawyer referral service and also the link If You Can't Afford A Lawyer See also Lexis Nexis listings for family law attorneys in Fort Worth: Start at the top and ask each if s/he has a sliding scale and, if not, does s/he know of colleagues who might? And be gracious. What you're asking for is time, the only commodity lawyers have to sell.
well your kid is involved...might want to find a way to get an attorney
Look in the phone book for all of the numbers of the family court and the courthouse you're assigned to (where the hearing is supposed to be held). Most courts have an office or a representative in the family court who can provide some legal assistance and even come to the hearing with you -- and they do it for free. It's usually called family services or something like that.
You should get an attorney.
Call law schools in your area and see if their pro bono program would be interested in taking your case. Should be several law schools in the DFW area.
Yes, you need an attorney. Try the site below and watch the movie. You will have access to a TOP law firm in Fort Worth, TX.

Attorney not returning my file?

I had an appointment with attorney to review my case.He requested I bring my file with me to review at the time of our appointment,which I have saved emails of our correspondence.He said he would need a couple of days to review my file so he could determine what causes we could file a cross complaint as well as determining a fee.I entrusted my files to him and was prepared to retain him as an attorney.He's had my file for almost a month now,I've called him repeatedly,sent emails and a cerified letter to him and he had someone else sign for cerified letter,still no reponse or phone call from him to return my file,what should I do now?
This is a very common problem. The file is yours regardless of whether you owe the attorney money or he isn't going to take your case. Many states' attorneys' ethics rules expressly prohibit holding client files hostage. First you should go to the office and wait for your file. If that doesn't work, you should file a complaint with the state bar. I think if you wait in the office for it patiently, you should get your file. If that doesn't work, you may have to bring a lawsuit, but I hope it doesn't come to that.
call the bar assignation

At what point does the people say enough is enough and what can they do?

For most people -- When the problem escalates to the point where their personal lives are impacted uncomfortably.
If you've never been arrested, or never had your home broken into by police -- why would you care if the 4th Amendment was taken away?
If you've never been denied counsel or denied a jury trial -- why would you care if the 6th Amendment was taken away?
People don't realize that every time the govt takes away someone's rights -- they area taking way EVERYONE's rights -- the rights are not any less ours just because we might not have needed to rely on them yet.
What people? Where? And about what?

At what point does racism at work become illegal?

I know it is illegal to discriminate when hiring people.
My question is if someone (your boss for example) was making racially derogatory comments about you at work, and you asked them to stop several times, is this illegal?
For the record I think people should have the right to their own beliefs and opinions, and I think there should be free speech, but at what point does free speech become harassment?
After you have asked them to stop, it is considered harassment. This is called creating "a hostile work environment" and is not allowed. You took the appropriate road in asking for him/her to stop, if it has continued, especially repeatedly, it is time to take it to a higher authority. If no one above your boss will do anything, then you can take it to a lawyer or such. You could now, possibly, but if you like the job, give the company a chance to fix it. I hope you can get it worked out and not have to experience any more uncomfortableness.
Any derogatory comments whether intentional or unintentional are unacceptable, and can get that person in trouble.
If the statements were truly racist then one is enough to file a complaint. If you can prove you've asked him/her to stop and they continue to make such statements then send a letter to your HR department about the harassment and a hostile work environment. You'll get there attention quickly.
I don't think derogatory comments made about anyone in any fashion in the work place. It is wrong to discipline someone in front of others, and especially when you play a race card.
I would think freedom of speech is allowed within reason, some places what you to keep your religion, and such outside the work place, which is fair. You are there to work.
But I would go to someone higher to report this, and if you have witnesses, ask them if they would write a statement.
Good luck!
It starts the moment it happens. Your boss is breaking the law and should be punished for it.
Talk to your human resources representative or a lawyer. Be sure to document the exact remarks along with the date and time.
If you are in the US, you bet it is illegal. Start keeping a log of date and time of every incident --- what was said. And also note any other employees that may have overheard the offending comments. Start building your case.
If it creates a hostile work environment (and how can it not) then a legal problem exists.
Um yeah that is discriminatory and he can be fired for doing that. If this is bothering you, you need to go to the human resources department of your business and talk with someone about it. First try talking to your boss and just tell him/her that their remarks are making you feel uneasy and bad. That should be all you have to do to get him/her to stop it. Then if it keeps on go to HR and file a complaint that will get him/her to shut up or they will be fired.
There should be freedom of speech for as long as it do not trancend the rights of others. You have the right to be respected for what you are, and its harrashment when someone make derogatory comments against you.
Gather evidences and witnesses and SUE HIM.

At what point are camps required to tell parents about fondling?

If kids(7 or 8 yr olds) are caught touching each others genitals during day camp is the camp required/responsible to tell their parents immediately?
I would certainly hope they would let parents know right away. I am not sure how this works, but if I was in your situation I would report to the campground manager or whoever is in charge.
depends on the laws of your state. for instance, in michigan, there is actually a statute that makes the camp personnel "local parentis" and loads all of the legal responsibilities onto the camp personnel.
anyway, i would not make too big a deal about it. talk to the parents and tell them they need to have a frank discussion with their children about sexuality. my daughter, at 8, asked me and i told her how it all worked. i also caught her diddling herself on the sofa one day and i just said "hey, i know that feels good, and it is your body, is sort of like picking your nose in public. nobody wants to see it. if you want to touch yourself there, you can do it in your room under your blanket". she said "ok" and that was it. no big deal, no freaking out.
certainly, the parents should be notified, but the children should not be castigated either, by the parents, or the camp personnel. more like a "johnny and lisa were playing today and.etc."

At what age do you become an adult in the uk??

At age 14 you are expected to pay adult prices on our busses.
at age 16: you pay full adult fares on our railways,
pay income tax,
pay national insurance,
get a job,
Can legaly have hetrosexual sex,
smoke/buy cigarettes.
At 17 you can hold a driving licence.
At 18 you can drink alcohol in a pub..
See what i mean its all very confusing......
I know what you are saying with all the different things at different ages, it is very confusing and even more with the drinking age probably going up to 21, and also laws possibly coming into place about young drivers under a certian age not being able to drive with passengers at night. *rolls eyes* Typically though, you are classed as an adult from 18. This will probably go up to 21 but who needs anything simple in life, hey?!
Based on observing Simon Cowell, sometime in your 50's I think...
Given the behavior of your british football teams and fans, it's questionable whether there's any guarantee that it ever happens.
dont bother.
i think some things like driving a lorry are 21 so maybe thats when you become an adult??
Well since you posted in the Law section, you become an adult with respect to the law and can be tried/prosecuted as an adult at 18.
depends on what age the goverment want to tax you at!
it's 18
at 18 you are an adult but the way some people behave it should be 25, sorry to all you mature 18 year olds
16, it is the age you can move out, have sex as you have already stated, lottery and drink some sort of alcohol at pubs, and can enter a pub on your own, get married, get a full time job. 16 is the adult age. And by the way, the person who said you can only get banged up from the age of 18-you are wrong. You can get banged up for life at 15/16.
16 is also the age at which you can have homosexual sex, too, since Sutherland v United Kingdom 1997, although it wasn't until the end of 2000 that the government finally was able to pass the bill through the House of Lords to amend it to 16 (previously 18).
You're wrong anyway, a male can legally have heterosexual sex at ANY age.
To reflect on some of the above answers, the age at which you can be prosecuted for a crime is 10 (the law of doli incapax, reduced from 14 to 10 to accommodate the prosecution of James Bulger's killers) and the age is probably 21 for lorry driving just to ensure you've had enough driving experience (and can see over the wheel).
at 14 , 15, 16 and 17 there are still things you can not legally do, at 18 all these things become available to you... so 18 is the answer.

At what age can you get a workers permit.?

i know the permit comes from your school but what is the limit of age. i knoq its it like 15 and a half or 16
* A minor under the age of 14 may not be employed or permitted to work unless the child is a model, performer or entertainer with a special permit. Special permits are issued only by the Commissioner's Office. Information can be obtained by calling (410) 767-2239.
* Minors 14 through 17 years of age may only work with a work permit.
* Certain activities are not considered employment for the purposes of this law provided the activity does not involve mining, manufacturing or hazardous occupations and it takes place outside the school day. Those activities include: farm work performed on a farm; domestic work performed in or about a home; work performed in a business owned or operated by a parent; work performed by unpaid volunteers, in a charitable or non-profit organization, employed with the written consent of the parent; caddying on a golf course; an instructor on an instructional sailboat; delivery of newspapers; work performed as a counselor, assistant counselor or instructor in a youth camp certified under the Maryland Youth Camp Act; and hazardous work performed by unpaid volunteers of a volunteer fire department who have completed or are taking a course of study relating to fire fighting or rescue and who are 16 years of age or older.
Minors 14 and 15 years of age may not be employed or permitted to:
* work more than 4 hours on any day when school is in session
* work more than 8 hours a day on any day when school is not in session
* work more than 23 hours in any week when school is in session
* work more than 40 hours in any week when school is not in session
* work before 7:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. Minors may work until 9:00 p.m. from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
* work more than 5 consecutive hours without a non-working period of at least 30 minutes.
Hours of work for minors employed by an employer covered by the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act are more restrictive than those allowed by Maryland law. In general, it is the more protective standards which apply.

Minors 16 and 17 years of age:
* May spend no more than 12 hours in a combination of school hours and work hours each day.
* Must be allowed at least 8 consecutive hours of non-work, non-school time in each 24 hour period.
* May not be permitted to work more than 5 consecutive hours without a non-working period of at least 30 minutes.
i believe 15 1/2
Every state sets it own laws.
should be 15 my cuz lives in cali and he works at a grocery store and he's 15

At what age can i pick my own high school?

I currently attend a magnet high school and am i rising junior in New Jersey. I wish to attend my own home district in my town. At what age am i allowed to choose this by myself (i.e. without parental consent)?
You are not allowed to pick your high school at any age. You must reside legally in the jurisdiction of the high school you attend, most likely with a legal guardian, or by yourself if you are considered an adult.
In our state you must attend according to the district you live in currently.
When you are 18, you can make that decision, but not until them. However, your school district CAN reject your decision, even if you are 18.
I thinks it's when your 18.. but even when you are 18, you would be a senior, and transfer all that fuss..
I think that a parent/guardian is still needed in all alot of paper stuff in transfering schools..

At what age can a child move from parents?

At what age can a child legally move out and be liable for theirself and the parent not be held responsible? I live in NY and heard the age was 17--I don't quite think so but maybe, Hope to get some help--Thanks
Oh unless like me you graduate high school at 17...It's like the same thing as being 18
The age of majority - most every state, if not all of them it is 18. Unless you can get a lawyer and prove that you are better off alone- you could be emancipated.
At age 18, unless they get emancipated from their parents. You could move out at a younger age if your parents agree but they're still responsible for you legally.
Some children stay till their parents shoo them out.
You can move out at 17 *if your parents agree to allow it* and provided that you are moving to a safe and appropriate environment. However, your parents are still responsible for you and they can change their mind and order (for lack of a better word) you to come back home at any time.
As far as emancipation...not all states have an emancipation statute (a procedure in place that allows a minor to petition the court for emancipation), and to the best of my knowledge NY does not have one. That doesn鈥檛 necessarily mean that you can鈥檛 petition for it (because you can pretty much ask the court for anything you want), but the chances of you getting it are likely slim, because again, there is not an actual process in place for it. Even in the states that do have an emancipation statute, it is RARELY granted.
I think a child can get emancipated from their parents at the age of 16 or 17 but the child I believe has to show he or her can support themselves completely without the help of their parents. I hope this info helps..
17 in michigan. just call the local police they can give you the correct answer. thats how i found out
In most states, the Age of Majority is 18.
If there are extenuating circumstances, you can petition the courts to be declared an emancipated minor before then.
With their permissions, you can join Job Corp. This is a federal program to provide job training for young adults (16-24). If offers free job skills training, free dormatory housing, free food, a small allowance, and free medical.
There are centers throughout the United States. Beyond trades, you can earn a GED, high school diploma, and some centers even provide some community college.
The main advantage is that you will have a viable trade.
In New York, the legal age of majority where you can move out is age 18. Unlike most states, New York does not have a law which allows emancipation of minors.

At what age can a child in kentucky seek public assistance and move out on thier own?

18. However you can be denied public assistance for moving out without a way of supporting yourself.
i believe its 17-- look on google the minor age limit in kentucky-- i believe its either 17 or 18 -- could even be 16!

At what age can a child choose where he wants to live?

A friend of mine has a grandson who since the age of two has not wanted to live with his dad and his stepmom, his mother died when he was very young. My friend would like to know if her grandson has options, can he go live with his grandma or his uncle. Is there an age at which a child can choose to live in a better household?
At 18 he can live anywhere (or earlier if emancipated). Otherwise, it's up to the court's discretion. Almost always in a case like this, the biological father will have custody, and unless there is a very compelling reason to live somewhere else (abuse, drug use in household, unsafe living conditions, etc) then the child won't get to live wherever he wants.
check with the courts in the area i know in AZ its 14 where the court starts to take into account child wants but the case needs to be brought up by someone else
He can't choose anything unless there's some sort of abuse going on. Unless there is, or he wants to be emancipated and go through all that hoop jumping for it, 18.
My friend joined the Service right after he turned 17 (still needed parental problem)
Boot Camp was rough, but now he's off seeing the world, making his own money, serving his country and proud of himself.
Never. Once 18, he can choose but is no longer cosidered legally to be a child.

At what age are my parents not "legally" responsible for me anymore-17 or 18? In Texas?

I'm not "supposed" to even go into the nearby big city because I need "someone to be responsible" for me. According to my parents. Which I think is a load of guesswhat. Because I can take care of myself a hell of a lot better than my over-18 brother.
I turn 17 in two months, will that do it, so I can throw that dumb reasoning out the window?
The age of majority in Texas, when you are considered an adult, is 18.
Then, you can move out, get a job and support yourself...providing you have finished your education and have marketable skills that will get you a job to pay enough money.
However, at 18, I wouldn't count on that happening.
Sorry, its 18
18 sorry its the law
You have 14 more months before they are no longer responsible for you, but if you continue to live in their house after you turn 18 then you need to still abide by their rules.
Sorry sweetie - you gotta be 18 in Texas to reach your age of majority. This is true in most of the States -- and most countries as well.
Don't sweat it though. All kids think they are mature enough at 16 to handle life. Fortunately, when you are born you come with parents attached. Parents who also thought they were mature at 16, but soon came to realize that true maturity doesn't usually come until after 30.
my advice is to wait until you don't live in your parents house anymore; (assuming they are feeding, clothing, and housing you)
In Texas , it's 16 technicly, 18 legaly. Depends on how the state wants to view you at time of offense.

At the scene of an accident that the police are attending if someone stated they were fine can they sue later?

having taken responsability for a car accident the other driver stated to myself and the police who were attending that they were fine with no injuries. we also met later when taking documents to police and other driver was laughing and saying how much they wanted a new car and how good it was to have happened and showing no signs of injury at all. They are now suing claiming to have sustained injuries to wrist, shoulder, arm, neck and hand, this seems rather a lot to have suddenly came on. Letter from lawyer has my surname wrong and proceeds to say him and he when refering to their client although it was a woman driving. accident did not happen at speed as car moved from stationary. Is this legal.
It is legal as pains and realization of injuries can happen at a later time. However, your attorney will be able to use the statements on the police report, and will be able to have the allegedly injured party submit to an independent medical exam to see if she is really injured, and if so, if the injuries are due to the accident.
welcome to america, home of the free and land of the people who want something for nothing.
It is immoral but legal.
Definitely get your ducks in order and make sure that the evidence they are using is legit. Keep track of any harrassing phone calls you receive also.
Anyone can sue for anything. Whether they will prevail or not is another thing. If they accepted the responsibility for the accident, I don't see how they can sue you. I'd change lawyers if you can.
Was an ambulance on scene? Did the other driver sign a Refusal for Treatment form, stating they had no injuries? Can your attorney subpoena ALL medical records showing date of injury and treatment, as well as medical records of x-rays, etc., showing injuries? Contact YOUR attorney, give him the particulars on the accident, show or give him the letter from the other attorney, and let him handle it for you. It is cheaper to pay your attorney to handle this that to try to fight it yourself.
Yes, one can pretty much sue anyone for anything, as long as they can pay the court filing fees.
However, the fact that they were fine after the accident, refused medical treatment, etc., will make their case extremely weak.
By the way, have you actually been sued (i.e. served with an official complaint), or have you only received the attorney's demand letter?
Unfortunately not only is it legal, it is medically possible.
Injuries like muscle injuries and strains can come on days later. I have personally had that happen, where I don't feel the true pain until a day or two afterwards.
What you can do is visit your own lawyer, and explain what you have seen. If the person was found at fault, and is trying to sue you, they are going to lose. But if you were at fault, then you can use all of what you know to damage their case. And that includes the letter sent from the law firm. If the facts are incorrect, then how accurate are the claims of actually looking to sue you.
Speak to your insurance company as well. Explain what is going on. They are going to be the ones that will pay if you are insured, and they will have the resources to truly investigate the allegations.
Good luck!
For the record: You assume fault for hitting a stationary car, that had a woman in the driver's seat. During the police investigation and document gathering, the lady confirms she's fine with NO injuries. But weeks later, you get served papers suing your insurance company for now, the lady claims physical injuries. Always expect the other party to "spin the fortune wheel" in Civil court if you are at fault in any auto accident.
Legal documents print your name wrong, listing the other driver as male and present the other car as moving when in fact it was stationary.
It IS possible this woman's attorney may have allowed these intentional mistakes on official legal record. Why is left to speculate--and who cares if such mistakes get you free of liability.
Best thing to do is quietly get a good attorney to represent you, if your insurance company doesn't provide one.
I understand you are in the USA but the advice I would give in the UK should be of help to you
1) do not deal with it yourself forward all correspondence to your insurance company( you may only loose your excess)
2)Never admit liability make statements only when advised by your insurance company, preferable with a solicitor
3)Voice your suspicions to your insurance company they will investigate fraudulent claims they can demand to see his medical records police reports
4) remember nothing is right or wrong 100% in law or we would not need Lawyers.
5)don't get stressed get even
good luck

At stores, Can security ask you to show your handbag if they just suspect you for shoplifting?

No, something has to warrant it. They can't just go and search everyone's handbag if they "suspect" it.
More than likely they were monitoring you on CCTV.
Edit; If you say no, there's nothing they can do. They can't detain you, period.
Sure. You don't have to show them, but they can ask. Of course, if you refused, they'd probably get suspicious.
They can ask, but you are well within your rights to say "Piss off, rentacop."
They can arrest you and take you into custody, then search your belongings, but if they're wrong, it's lawsuit time.
If they put their hands on you, you are lawfully allowed to beat them senseless.
They usually have seen somebody take something and
put it in their shopping bag before they stop them and
ask them to show it. They have to be pretty darn sure
the person has taken or hidden something.
When you are at a store, your status is generally that of a licensee or an invitee. In those situations, the landowner, i.e., the store, may detain you for a reasonable time and in a reasonable place if there is good cause to suspect you of shoplifting. In so doing, they can certainly ask you to show them your handbag. If you refuse, they don't have much in the way of recourse, but they can hold you in a locked room to question you, for example, without being liable for any sort of lawsuit -- even if you didn't steal anything (as long as their suspicion was reasonable).
That is the general, "common law" rule. If you have questions about a specific incident in a certain jurisdiction, you should call a lawyer

Assuming abortion is murder what should...?

be the penalty? This question is ask because if the Sumpreme Court overrule Woe vs. Wade then abortion would be a crime, not just for the doctor but for the patient.
You are incorrect. Overruling Roe v. Wade would not make abortion illegal, this is a common misconception. Roe v. Wade and its progeny actually just say that there is a Constitutional right in certain circumstances to have an abortion. If Roe v. Wade were overturned, abortion would still be legal in most if not all places, as I don't know of any states with anti-abortion statutes on the books. Florida, for instance, has a Constitutional amendment making abortion a constitutional right under the Florida constitution. Therefore, even if Roe were overturned, the Florida legislature could not prohibit abortion procedures. This is all, of course, assuming the Supreme Court doesn't say a fetus is a life that has due process rights, in which case abortion would likely be illegal in all states.
Penalty in states where it is illegal - same as murder.
Coragryph is incorrect. A state could not make a law prohibiting a couple making less than $30k from reproducing. Just because abortion is no longer a fundamental right, reproduction would still be, in both state and U.S. Constitutions. Further, even if it were not a fundamental right, that law would likely be violative of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.
And while it is about who gets to make the decision, coragryph has it wrong. The government has made the decision as of present through nonsensical Supreme Court case law. What we want is the freedom to choose, to freedom to vote on this issue. This issue should be left to the states so that the citizens can decide whether or not this procedure should be legal. It is we the conservatives that want less government, the liberals want more government as long as it makes the choices they want, we just want the ability to vote and make the choice, rather than have 5 elitest liberal lawyers decide for us.

Cheyenne, if you are correct that 80% is pro-life (which you are completely making up that statistic) then why hide behind a made up constitutional right, why not let people vote on the issue at the state level? A facist with fake stats is what you are.

Skullerman, Hitler had those same views, good for you. Maybe if abortion weren't such an easy option people would be a little more particular about who they slept with and use protection more regularly, resulting in less unwanted pregnancies.
in my opinion supreme court is right
What a pathetic waste of time (the abortion debate). The penalty should be, a thank you card for not increasing the population.
Sorry, I won't play that game. Why would I assume that? It's not, and the current law supports that reasoning. And guess what? All of those Republicans politicians that you anti-abortionists elected sure fooled you. They will say anything to get a vote, but once in office they avoid controversial decisions.
Abortion is killing an innocent baby. That person deserves life in jail personally.
The law is not changing, don't stress yourself
Abortion was around before, and if the law ever changed it would continue, illegally.
How many children have you adopted to help with this problem??
Well, you just asked this question so I'll just copy and paste my answer.
It won't be overturned. More people are pro choice than pro-life. Actually, only about 20% of the country is pro-life, the rest is pro-choice. The reason that it seems the other way around is because the pro-lifers are so loud and obnoxious. The pro-choicers just let each person make their own decisions. Since 80% of this country is pro-choice, they would Never overturn Roe vs Wade.
EDIT: Yes, Amanda- we would find that the majority rules---- and the majortity of the U.S is pro- choice!
Abortion actually is murder, and the fetus (heartbeat and all) wraps its baby fingers around the sharp pick before it rips the arm off, and then stabs and pulls it apart piece by piece (lots of blood).
Of course, the mother is not physically harmed because it is not her body she is killing. Her body is safe from the body of the fetus which is not her body either.
So, what should the punishment be? Hmmm...let's see. I guess the punishment should be

I do not agree with abortion and feel it is a crime. I have a few friends who have done this and do not agree with them however stood by them as a shoulder if they needed it. I feel that all abortions should illegal and puishable in some way. However, am I the one to make the choice on what that punishment should be? I am affraid not but maybe if everyone was required to vote on it we would find the majority rules?!
I believe abortion IS murder and people who have abortions and the people who help with it should be tried for murder and should get the death penatly. It's not like they mistangly killed someone, they had it planned out which is wrong
Well I would like to know who is going to take care of all those unwanted children if women don't have the right to choose?
How is going to feed, cloth, house, educate, and god forbid try to keep them out of trouble because they feel unloved that their own parent's don't want them or cant for one reason or another.
Guess us tax payers fit the bill, for all of it and prison if they go beyond. Now I am sure many of them grow up great but I would like to see the stats on how many do and don't.
Also if the fetus is considered human how come we arent 9 months when we come out into the world. we start at zero?
Wow, look at all the creative ways of dodging the question! At least a few people are honest enough to admit that making abortion illegal as murder would mean putting the formerly-pregnant woman in jail or in the electric chair.
You know the old saying about 'assume'. It makes an as* of U and ME'. Wait for the court to decide.
That's like saying... assuming all sex is rape, what should be the penalty.
If you completely change the laws to define abortion as murder, then the penalty is the same as murder. By definition.
But first, Roe v. Wade is not the current law on the issue. Roe was already partially overturned in 1992 by Planned Parenthood v Casey, which set the "undue burden" standard -- that's what allows abortion to be regulated at all.
And if Casey (and a dozen other cases) were overturned, then it would still be up to the states to determine what is legal or illegal. But that's where things go very different than what anti-choice people assume.
But if the Supreme Court decides that reproductive rights are not fundamental rights, if women lose the individual right to choose, and the government makes all the decisions. Try to imagine what could happen, if all reproductive rights are now subject to state control.
New York or Florida could pass a law saying that anyone making less than $30K per year cannot have children, and must abort any pregnancy, because they obviously cannot support them financially. No constitutional challenge, because reproductive rights are no longer nationally protected. It's up to the states to decide.
Or North Carolina or Texas decides that convicted felons should never have children, and starts imposing mandatory sterilization as part of criminal sentences. No constitutional challenge, because reproductive rights are no longer nationally protected. Let the states decide. Right?
South Dakota has already outlawed abortion, even in the case of rape or incest or permanent harm to the mother. Then, they decide that they have too little population, and require every female under the age of 28 who is not celibate to have at least one child. Or mandating that women serve as surrogates. No constitutional challenge, because reproductive rights are no longer nationally protected.
Once the right to reproductive privacy is taken away by the court, it will be decades before it can be reestablished. Conservatives better start praying, if they get their wish, that during that time they don't become the minority under a legislation that decides to require abortions. Because, once that right to personal choice is lost, the government will always be able to decide whether you can have children or not.
Overturning the constitutional protections for the right to choose doesn't make abortion illegal. It just allows the states to do anything they want -- from prohibiting abortion entirely, to making abortion mandatory. That's the point of the debate. It's not about WHETHER abortion is good or not.
It's only about WHO gets to make the decision -- the individual or the govt.
Murder 1. Life in prison is generally the sentence.

Assume our class wants to make a video yearbook and sell coppies to classmates, what do we need to do legally?

Can we just put the music to the video? Or do we have to contact the artist or anything else?
You are free to copyright and sell any original content. Any content copied from any owned source, including published music, commercial video, even trade marks and logos of companies, can be used only by written permission of the owner. School plays, concert music with paid admissions, CDs made of copies of other works, all are subject to license. For charity, public school benefit, and some religious organization uses, it is customary for owners to grant free written use licenses for the material. Do your homework, get permission to use every piece of intellectual property you copy, and while you are at it, copyright all the original material for the school.
All you need to do is video tape around school or whatever shots you want to take and then you pick out the music that you want and send it to the company that makes your yearbooks and tell them the special effects or whatever else you want added to it and you should recieve it by the end of the year.
I think you just sell on your classmate right? just take video, attach a songs, burn cd and sell the copies. Nothing matter maybe because yous ell on your own community. Not big issue

Asbestos cases i think he may be ripping off?

I am the personal rep for my grandfathers case,How do I know he is telling me about every co that settles? I am supposed to get a check when they settle with a co. How do I know I am getting the amount that was settled the lawyer may pocket some of the money!?!?!?
Be able to know the details of the case and the award of compensation so that you will know up to how much are you entitled.
If your grandfather suffered from mesothelioma I would appreciate a comment on it has articles on asbestos and mesothelioma. I can not give you any advice on your current situation however any input you have would be of great value to any readers that are in the same situation.
I personally don鈥檛 trust lawyers, but what you going to do, you need them. Good luck and I hope your problem is resolved without any suspicion

As much as I hate Lindsay Lohan this made me think of a question...?

this is not a celebrity question or gossip
She, and idiot, was charged with two counts DUI, poss of cocaine, and bringing a controlled substance in a jail. Is bringing contraband, either guns, drugs or whatever to the police station while beong booked considered a felony?
Lindsay Lohan herself should be considered a felony !
You would think so
why do you hate her? did she dis you? are you jealous of her? why? why? why?
that law is referring to "smuggling "contraband in to the jail. I would be surprised if that charge wasn't dropped. She was being booked so there was no intention.
Well, they'd search you before they booked you, so you could only get busted for possedion of those items rather than trying to get them into the cop shop.
I imagine so, it would probably be considered felony possession.
Don't waste time on hating this kid, she is just one of 100s of thousands of people a years who do the same thing. She is just a celebrity, so she gets the news coverage.
Want to not see this stuff on T-V all the time? Write your local station managers and tell them you are sick of it and are unplugging your set.

As grand parents what rights do we have to see our grandchildren when their parents split?

They were young and incompatable and inevitably seperated acrimonously. we are now made to beg (or so it feels) to see our grandson. where do we stand. Serious answers please
I sure do not agree with a lot of these answers. Grandparents have visitation rights in my state both by specific statute and case law. Also, if the criteria in your state is "best interests of the child", a Court could find easily that continuing contact with you is best for your grandson. Since I don't know where you live, I don't know the laws of your state. However, just google grandparent visitation rights and you'll get a lot of links. About the 2nd link gives information about individual states. Even if your state does not have a specific statute like my state, you might be able to win rights through a court. The "Parental Rights" doctrine, which treats children as property, is dying. It is being replaced by the "best interests of child" doctrine. Most of the answers say you have no rights. I say you may have rights. I'm an attorney who has represented children for more than 25 years. Unless your visitation is harmful to your grandson, you'd win this in Court easily in my state. See an attorney and file a Court action. The Court will appoint an attorney for your grandson and you can very likely get visitation. EDIT: I checked and saw you were from Wales. I, of course, gave you an American answer and I sincerely apologize. With a lot of effort, I found a case that gave grandparents custody from a court in Wales. Therefore, you at least have a chance. I could not find a definitive answer to your rights in the U.K., but after reading the case from Wales, I am strongly convinced this issue is worth a visit to a barrister or solicitor. I generally know the difference between barrister and solicitors since I did a course at Oxford in law school, but I am not sure which you visit to determine your rights in this type of case.
sadly, you have no rights
No rights!
No rights at all sadly
Serious answers only, OK.
You'll have to see a brief, but you shouldn't have 'rights' as their not your kids. Unmarried fathers struggle for rights to have access to the nippers, so grandparents must take a rung below.
you have no LEGAL rights.
None. Sad but true. My best friend has the same trouble, hasn't seen her grandkids in years.
Sorry, Unfortunately, I don't believe you have any rights at all. You could sign the petition at and this is the url for grandparents' action group
There really ought to be another petition to give children the right to see their grandparents! I'm bitter becausemy own children would dearly have loved to see their grandparents, but they couldn't be bothered, and would practically pass the bottom of the street without calling in! Life's a *****. Isn't it?
It depends on the state you live in. I know in California grand parents do have rights. Call a family law attorney. Alot of them give free consultation right over the phone. I know what you are going through, as I am going through the same thing. I don't think they realize how much they are hurting the children.
Good luck to you.
you don't have any's up to the parents.that's why it's so important to be a good non-interfering in law.
Sadly, the snippy answers are correct. I assume you're in the U.S.? The Supreme Court has held that grandparents do not have an automatic right to visitation when the parents object (subject to some modification by state law).
Generally, child custody/visitation are awarded based on the "best interests of the child" test -- the judge asks, "What is in the best interest of the child?". However, for a grandparent to get visitation, they have to make an extra showing above and beyond simple "best interests." They generally have to put on a really compelling case. However, the specifics of grandparent visitation vary from state to state. You should contact a family law attorney, who will help you. You will eventually have to petition the court, which will hold one or more hearings, and ultimately rule on how much visitation you get (if any).
Good luck!
No rights but hey don't give in stick with it as they are your kith and kin and if you lose contact with them now it will be a long mountain to climb to get back those lost years.
From one who has not see her eldest daughters children for 19 years. It still hurts like mad but I cannot intrude as too much water has flown under the bridge.
So again my advice and whilst you have no legal rights do try and talk to your daughter-in-law. Let her know that you have no animosity towards her but that you would still like contact with your grandchildren and will help out if she needs help at anytime. She will appreciate plain speaking and the impartiality.
The only rights you have to them are the ones the parents give to you.
Grand parents have no legal rights and if the couple were not married the father has no legal rights unless he goes through the court but that is expensive and usually doesn't help out. Can you not talk to the mother and try and sort something out, from past experience do not make the mother out to be a horrible person because the children will always take the mothers side whether or not she is a bad person.
I guess your access to your grandchildren will have to be through that parent that is YOUR child. I take it that your child is the non-custodial parent ?
Try visitation to coincide with when YOUR child gets to visit his/her children, ask him/her to bring them by on his/her visitation days, or ask if you can come to visit him/her.
If your child has had ALL parental rights severed, I guess it gets trickier. I guess your "rights" depend on the state where you live.
However, if your child has had ALL parental rights severed, and a judge agrees to allow you visitiation, I imagine that you would have to agree not to use YOUR visitation as a way of sneaking in a visit with the parent who had the ties severed.
You probobly could find better answers from a lawyer, I really don't know enough about your situaion.
It doesn't seem that you have been cut off completely, it seems to me that you feel you don't have enought visitation from your remark about having to "beg".
Understand that the child is already having their time divvied up between TWO households, school and any extra-curricular activities, if every relative started to demand their "piece of the pie" (the pie being the child's time) then you are going to end up with a kid being pulled in a hundred different directions.

Try maintaining a good relationship with BOTH parents and grandchildren, perhaps see what you can do to help, and don't DEMAND huge amounts of your granchildrens time.
You catch more bee's with honey, so the saying goes.
edited to add: see links below
It really depends on what state you live in. Many states are giving grandparents rights now. First thing to do is see an attorney about your rights in your state. Most offer free initial consults. You can try legal aid for low cost attorneys.
You don't have any rights as a Grandparent...One of which I do support because you aren't the one who has to raise the child. If I sound bitter it is because my own mother-in-law tried to split my husband and myself up...JUST so she could try to get a hold of my she could get more money to "raise" him, all of this based on lies and getting my medical records ILLEGALLY (which showed nothing negative about me.) There are REASONS why there are the laws which limit what Grandparents can and can't do. Yes, my husband and I are still together, but she is kept at a very long distance, so she can't meddle again.
Depending on your grandchild, and if they are in sports...why can't you go to their games, and participate that way in their life? Let the parents know that you are willing to watch the child whenever they need assistance. Don't make it into "VISITATION" rights because that will only anger the parents..and rightly so because it is THEIR child that they already have to "Share" that child with one other person.
Grandparents can't force visitation. That was decided by the supreme court. All you can do is try, and avoid any confrontations with the parent making you jump through hoops to see your grandchild. Yes, that sucks, but it how thing are. I wish it wasn't.
sadly you have no rights whatsoever-i hope everthing works out for you-people who use children as pawns make me sick x
I went thru this in the 80's ...i was divorced and my mother wanted to see her granddaughter more often than allowed. It is a sad situation. Divorced parents need to make the world a happier place for their kids-that means tolerance for visitation rights, etc.The parents need to get ALONG
It is too bad that you and your daughter-in-law/son-in-law give you such grief over this. I have 2 grandchildren that I have rarely seen since they were children - and now they are in their 20's. Because we were so estranged they still don't visit me or call because as far as they are concerned, I am a stranger. But I also have 3 other young grandchildren that I always stayed in contact with. (They live in another state right now, but I talk to them often and whenever they are nearby they make it a point to visit.) If your grandchild lives nearby, perhaps you can invite them over with their (Mom/Dad) for a nice BBQ, Sunday dinner, or a major holiday. Explain that you have no hard feelings about the break-up of the marriage, and what's done is done. That was yesterday's news. Oh, and don't have the other parent there at the same time if there is such animosity between them. Explain that when you invite them over.
been there and endedup going to see a family court solicitor its the children that as rights , every one thinks its the grand parents go and have a chat with a solicitor you will get all information you need.
I have read the answers on your question and was very surprised,everyone seem to say grandparents have no rights.
As far as i'm aware they are all wrong,as grandparents now do have the legal right to see their grandchild.
This i will admit is a very new ruling,so would explain why so many have given the answer that they have.
It would have to be done through a solicitor,and through the courts but should get the result needed.
But to be honest a little sweet talking and sucking up to the mother may get quicker results.They need to speak to the mother and very nicely stress there wishes,and hopefully come to a more pleasant agreement.
If they have to go the legal route,the chances are the mother will get upset and stop all visits etc until the court decides otherwise.This could obviously take sometime,and the grandparents could wait sometime before seeing their grandchild.

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