Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Blocked fire exit?

I live in a rented 3rd floor apartment, it has a balcony door but the letting agency has had new blinds installed and they have been insatlled in a way that the block the balcony door opening. Is this classed as a fire exit and is it illegal?
The balcony is not a fire exit unless stairs are provided. In the UK it is now law for new buildings more than two storeys high to have a fire escape/ alternative means of egress in case of emergency (don't know if this is retrospective)
Silly if the blinds block access to the balcony, sounds daft, perhaps the fitters have got it wrong?
verrry illegal, sue em and live off the money for the rest of ur life
Do they merely cover the door opening or do they totally prevent access to it? If there is a ladder from the balcony, it is a fire exit but I would insist that the door at least be available to me.
Yes, it does constitute a fire exit if it is a primary escape route from your apartment,take this up with the letting agency immediately,also ask them for a copy of the last fire inspection report,just to make sure that all is O.K. and as it should be .
if that is the only other way you could escape your apartment in a fire then it is a violation and needs to be adressed by your landlord. If they do not do anything about contact your locl fire department right away
I wouldn't think it's legal. I think they have to have regular inspections by the fire marshal. They don't take it too kindly when escape exit doors are blocked. Maybe if you made an anonymous call to the fire marshal and told them of the infraction, they might come out and inspect.
If it Blocks access it very illegal, fire exits have to have fall access to whether there used daily eg balcony or they are a desinated fire exit, only to be used in the event of a fire.
Contact your local Fire Prevention Office and ask for advice.
If there are no other means of escape in case of fire this is definitely a violation.
firstly have you 2 exit points ,
meaning do you have two escape routes to get out of in case of a fire,
if not it is illegal but the best place to go would be the CAB (citizen's advice bureau ) they will have the necessary info for you.
By law each floor should have an Emergency fire exit with a sign to say as such also it should have direction indicator arrows pointing to the exit. Contact your local Fire and Rescue Officer he will then visit the premises and check out your worries don't be afraid to do this it's your life that could be in jeopardy, Don't wait act before it's too late.
From every apartment there is the need to have at least two independent exits in case fire has blocked one of them. Now in an emergency, I can get out a window, but I would prefer to go out door. I suggest you do the following.
1. Visit the agency %26 explain that the installation method has blocked balcony door exit, rendering the balcony unusable, an inaccessible in an emergeny. Ask politely that they look into this and get this fixed. Tell them that in case of fire, you want to be able to exit via the balcony, in case fire blocks the regular way out.
2. Visit a fire station, or use the non-emergency line (NOT 911) to ask about the regulations in your community. Are they in agreement with what I have stated.
3. You might check other fire safety.
I have a smoke alarm in my apartment.
I test it periodically.
How about you?
Can you get from the balcony to the ground via some kind of ladder on outside of building?
as its a third floor apartment it could be deemed that it is too high for the balcony to be considered a fire exit. However if you feel unsafe from it, have a word with your agent/land lord to see if there is anything they can do
one way round this is go to your local fire station and ask for the safety officer and explain this to him he will probably check this out by looking at the door and if it contravenes the safety laws he will notify the letting agency to have it removed or be taken to court for blocking a fire escape.
first of all is the fire exit clearly marked?,is there a luminated sign above the door?,if that is the case then it is illigal to do so,if the problem carries on then you should get in touch with your local fire stn to arrange a visit to clarify the problem.
am only speaking from a personal point of view as i have lived in rented properties and worked as a fire warden,in the any obsruction no matter how small or large should not block the exit,and plus the fact my late dad was a fireman by trade.

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