Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Barrack Obama has done cocain, he said so in his book.?

That makes him Ineligible to work in any federal law enforcement agency in the US. So my question is if he can't join the FBI or DEA then in some way should't that prevent him from overseeing them and appointing there directors?
Good point...haha well i'm sure it won't matter and in any case he might be able to appoint good people to those jobs even if he is 'ineligible.' I think what he did as a kid shouldn't affect his future jobs.
Bush did coke too. It didn't stop him, did it?
If true not at all... The president can aso be someone that failed a military physical.doesnt prevent him from being commander in chief
It's spelled cocaine. And Bush did it too. Or have you forgotten?
bush was an alcoholic for part of his life, was convicted of a DUI and many of his college buddies have gone on record that he did cocaine with them in the early 80's and he's the big chief now
does that answer your question?
The only way he would have been ineligible is if he tested positive. At least he was MAN enough to admit it even BEFORE he went into politics. Unlike the twit in the White House who used his Daddy to change his DL # so no one would have found out about his DUI conviction as well as the fact that the drank until the age of 50, he has yet to take responsibilty for anything he has done
I heard GWB and Obama snorted coke off each other =)
I've read and reread the portion you are talking about. I'm not quite sure it is a confession of drug use, rather a discussion of general malaise in poor urban communities in the 1970s and 1980s. However, there is no limitation on who can be president based upon drug use current or in the past. Any limitation would be beyond the limits of the constitution (and any of those have been largely frowned upon).
No, of course not. I'll bet you'll find that many people in those agencies have, at one time or another, broken or "stretched" the law.
I don't care which party you vote for, its time to stop putting our candidates personal lives under the microscope and start trying to figure you who is already doing a good job and whether or not they are smart enough and capable enough to do a good job in the office for which they are running.
Few of us could withstand the personal scrutiny we give candidates these days and most of it is completely irrelevant to whether or not they can actually do the job.

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