Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bail question-?

My boyfriend violated a no contact order (ex made false charges and said he did when he's been with me the entire time). The judge gave him 11,000 CASH bail. Bail bond wanted 2,000 min. I couldn't get that. He has his court hearing friday... I have proof in emails of her stating she has lied. My question is, how low could a judge lower his bail? Would he get unsecured, or just a low bail? HELP ME OUT! please, I'm going crazy and I don't know what to think.
You can take that proof to his lawyer and have them try to get the bail lowered, but it probably won't work. Judges rarely go back on bail amounts unless it's for a very good reason.
Bailing out a stalker?! You are a redneck! Dump this jerk before you become the next victim. Even if he was with you THIS time it takes a lot to get a restraining order in the first place. Save you money honey and find a new man!
Find a boyfriend who doesn't get a restraining order placed against him, chooses to ignore it, and is dumb enough to get caught.

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