Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bought a phone off Craigslist...can I get my money back??

The post I bought it from didnt say that it was damaged, but it didnt say it was perfect either. He did tell me there was nothing wrong w/ it though. I did look at the phone and paid the money for it. I have contacted him and he says that he will not give my money back. Can I take action or am I out of luck??
Sorry out of luck it happens to many people.
Didn't you already ask this question?
You're out of luck. Again.
file a criminal report with the police. It's fraud if the phone isn't working. I 'm not sure about the money but you can cause him hell by putting him in jail

Boss is trying to demote me while on FMLA?

was appointed office manager a year and half ago at my place of employment. Three weeks ago I went out on FMLA due to stress related to my job.
Yesterday, I received a heads up telephone call from one of my employees, who told me that my bosses were trying to demote me from my current position or reduce my salary and that human resources would be contacting me to sign some type of papers.
As a result, human resources did contact me, but I missed the call. So, I guess I will be calling her back on Monday to see what she wants.
What's is my next step? Can my bosses demote or reduce my pay while on FMLA?
No can do, you have a law suit pending if they do in Federal Court if they do. Advise them that you will and in the mean while get some help from an attorney familiar with the procedure.
Similar action happened to my daughter after she came off FMLA for a pregnancy and took some regular sick days to have a minor operation. She was demoted, then quit and followed it with a suit, collecting over 35 k for her trouble.
They can argue that you are not capable of performing the job duties.
This job doesn't sound like it's good for your health, anyway.
Look for a new company while you have the time and money to do so.
It is HIGHLY unlikely that your company would do anything illegal. I think there is a lot more to this story than we know.
As for taking FMLA due to 'stress' ... GIVE ME A BREAK. get back to work. That's the most lame excuse I've ever heard. If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen. In other words, if you can't handle the job; quit and get a job that meets your skills.
You will regret burning bridges and causing problems for your employers. They are only trying to provide a job for someone who WANTS a job. It that's not you, then quit. You will need their reference someday.
You are on leave from your job due to stress related due to that job. You obviously are not the right person to fill that position. Yes they can demote you, but you would be better taking a voluntary demotion and saving face. When they put a person in charge of something, they expect them to be able to handle the pressure of the job and BE there. I know of no jobs out there that they pay people to stay at home all stressed out from their job.
first - i am surprised that you are allowed to be out on a job stress related injury on Family Medical Leave. FMLA is a federal program for time for your to take care of family mattrers such as after a baby is born, adoption, caring for a parent, a child in the hospital for an extended amount of time.
but if your state approved it...then great for you.
second - yes, your boss and the company are only looking out for their interest and yes they can do this. they know you are out on job related 'stress' and that is an indicator to them that you cannot handle the job in the future -(nor do they want you to).and also they have no idea how long you will be out...they need someone in your position to take care of the office.
This happened to me in October and when I returned a month later, i was 'laid off'...so they basically rearranged the office and i did not know there was new authority in place of mine...and when i returned..i had no job.they gave a months worth of severance and i got unemployment.
From a companies standpoint...you have already made it clear that it is "job related" and they do not want their worker comp rates to go up and have to pay you a hugh settlement..this is what will happen if you continue there...so i am anticipating that you are eventually going to be let go (whether it be fired or laid off).
This is just the way of the corporate world now.sorry.
you can call your local Labor Board to check what i say...but it is pretty clear cut.
good luck, get well and find another job that is not stressful for you 鈾?
Exactly how did you manage to get time off due to the Family Medical Leave Act due to yourself? Isn't that act supposed to be used to take time off for your children or other family members problems affecting your work?
Or this is some other act in your state?
Funny how you cleverly hid it between an acronym and thought somebody wouldn't know.
I'm a computer geek! We popularized the acronym!
Here's my opinion of this situation with the information you provided:
Unfortunately, yes. The problem arose from the job appearing to being more than you can handle. I know of a few people who have voluntarily moved laterally to a different position. Since they did promote you in the first place, you appear to have made some favorable impression. Don't lose it. Utilize it to explore alternate jobs.
One of my colleagues, a fellow Engineer, took on the job of a manager, found he couldn't do it, and moved back to the Engineering job. His work as an Engineer is much more taxing and involves longer hours, but he is good at it - just not at the manager's job.
If you went out because of job related stress, , then your boss has no choice but to reduce your job and salary. He needssomeone who could handle the stress.
And, whoever called you, is way out of line, and they should be terminated. So, I suggest you act as though you never got that call.
Honey, FMLA is for taking leave while you care for a sick family member.
You can't take FMLA for personal job-related stress.
Who are you trying to fool?

Bookkeeper won't supply financial data!?

I volunteer for a non-profit agency. We decided to change bookkeepers because this one is very uncooperative and slow. She will not give us our data, so we are held hostage. What is our recourse? Is there an ethical code that bookkeepers should follow?
I trust that you hired this person as an independent contractor to do you bookkeeping. Assuming you have paid her something for her efforts on your behalf, and she accepted payment, she is legally obliged to act as your bookkeeper, doing everything that a bookkeeper would ordinarily do, INCLUDING returning info that you need. I would suggest that you sue her for the return of your data, in that she is in violation of her contract with you. Just because you turned over data to her so she could perform her job, does not mean that you have given up your right of possession of such data. I would also make this situation known to your local Chamber of Commerce. Hope this helps. Good luck!
If she is a CPA she should follow the AICPA rules. Is she keeping your receipts/invoices bills, that sort of thing? Or is she keeping the balance sheets/income statements that she prepared? Or both? You can charge her with theft if she refuses to give you back your data, but she doesn't have to give the completed information unless you have paid for it. If you want have a lawyer write her a letter, that will usually take care of things.

Blocked fire exit?

I live in a rented 3rd floor apartment, it has a balcony door but the letting agency has had new blinds installed and they have been insatlled in a way that the block the balcony door opening. Is this classed as a fire exit and is it illegal?
The balcony is not a fire exit unless stairs are provided. In the UK it is now law for new buildings more than two storeys high to have a fire escape/ alternative means of egress in case of emergency (don't know if this is retrospective)
Silly if the blinds block access to the balcony, sounds daft, perhaps the fitters have got it wrong?
verrry illegal, sue em and live off the money for the rest of ur life
Do they merely cover the door opening or do they totally prevent access to it? If there is a ladder from the balcony, it is a fire exit but I would insist that the door at least be available to me.
Yes, it does constitute a fire exit if it is a primary escape route from your apartment,take this up with the letting agency immediately,also ask them for a copy of the last fire inspection report,just to make sure that all is O.K. and as it should be .
if that is the only other way you could escape your apartment in a fire then it is a violation and needs to be adressed by your landlord. If they do not do anything about contact your locl fire department right away
I wouldn't think it's legal. I think they have to have regular inspections by the fire marshal. They don't take it too kindly when escape exit doors are blocked. Maybe if you made an anonymous call to the fire marshal and told them of the infraction, they might come out and inspect.
If it Blocks access it very illegal, fire exits have to have fall access to whether there used daily eg balcony or they are a desinated fire exit, only to be used in the event of a fire.
Contact your local Fire Prevention Office and ask for advice.
If there are no other means of escape in case of fire this is definitely a violation.
firstly have you 2 exit points ,
meaning do you have two escape routes to get out of in case of a fire,
if not it is illegal but the best place to go would be the CAB (citizen's advice bureau ) they will have the necessary info for you.
By law each floor should have an Emergency fire exit with a sign to say as such also it should have direction indicator arrows pointing to the exit. Contact your local Fire and Rescue Officer he will then visit the premises and check out your worries don't be afraid to do this it's your life that could be in jeopardy, Don't wait act before it's too late.
From every apartment there is the need to have at least two independent exits in case fire has blocked one of them. Now in an emergency, I can get out a window, but I would prefer to go out door. I suggest you do the following.
1. Visit the agency %26 explain that the installation method has blocked balcony door exit, rendering the balcony unusable, an inaccessible in an emergeny. Ask politely that they look into this and get this fixed. Tell them that in case of fire, you want to be able to exit via the balcony, in case fire blocks the regular way out.
2. Visit a fire station, or use the non-emergency line (NOT 911) to ask about the regulations in your community. Are they in agreement with what I have stated.
3. You might check other fire safety.
I have a smoke alarm in my apartment.
I test it periodically.
How about you?
Can you get from the balcony to the ground via some kind of ladder on outside of building?
as its a third floor apartment it could be deemed that it is too high for the balcony to be considered a fire exit. However if you feel unsafe from it, have a word with your agent/land lord to see if there is anything they can do
one way round this is go to your local fire station and ask for the safety officer and explain this to him he will probably check this out by looking at the door and if it contravenes the safety laws he will notify the letting agency to have it removed or be taken to court for blocking a fire escape.
first of all is the fire exit clearly marked?,is there a luminated sign above the door?,if that is the case then it is illigal to do so,if the problem carries on then you should get in touch with your local fire stn to arrange a visit to clarify the problem.
am only speaking from a personal point of view as i have lived in rented properties and worked as a fire warden,in the any obsruction no matter how small or large should not block the exit,and plus the fact my late dad was a fireman by trade.


charged me $30 for a late fee. i know that i have to pay for the movie itself. does that mean since i paid for it i have the right to keep it?
you do keep it. With their new rules if you keep a movie over the week date they bill it to you. If you return it within 30 days of the due date you get your 30 bucks back but they keep a one dollar fee. 30 days after the due date and the 30 bucks stays on and you own the movie.
If you were charged for a "late" fee, that is simple a late fee, the movie still belongs to Blockbuster. If it is a lost DVD fee, then if you pay the fee the DVD is yours.
When you rent a movie it cost $4.99 when you buy one you do get the right to keep it soo...you porbably rented it thinking you bought it.
looks like the movie sold off onto your account. and looks like its a done deal. if you brought it back sooner then you would just have to pay the late fees...or restocking fee, depending on if it's a franchise or corporate store. but since you kept it a long time there's nothing they can do about it, it's yours. you pay for the movie and keep it. ive worked at blockbuster for a few years and people always get dumbfounded when they have to pay for a movie after keeping it for months. duh!

Blockbuster Movie Rentals question?

Has anyone ever had a problem in getting a rental movie on line where it has taken more than a month and you still have not received it? They say I will have a short wait then long wait. This has been going on for more than a month. I have complained and they say it is because of the high demand of requests. They have been giving me free rentals for the inconvinience, but I really want the movie. Help! I really don't want to complain to much for fear of them kicking me out of the rental club.
Yeah, happens to be too. See if Netflix has the movie you want. Sign up for a free trial membership. Rent your movie and return it. Cancel the trial.
Your online membership allows you to get movies at the store too. Go to the store and try to get it and if it's out of stock leave your name and phone number with the manager and he will call you when it comes in. good luck!
I don't deal with Blockbuster. They censor the films they rent.

Birth certification(weird question)?

If someone was born in the back of a van or something(hippie parents I guess) and the parents never bothered reporting the birth so there was no birth cert, when the baby is older, about 18,19 years old how would he be able to get a birth cert?
Contact your state's Health Department to register the birth and obtain proper certification.
Hard to imagine that even "hippie parents" wouldn't have registered the birth. The parents would have lost a lot of tax breaks for failing to do so. The child couldn't have been registered in school.
By first contacting a lawyer. He will then go back and get what ever info from schools doctors and people who know about the birth
the child wouldn't be able to go to school...and I believe he/she would need to go to the local department of health.
But with nosey neighbors and concerned family, I don't see that happening in today's society.Unless they were just poor parents in certain 3rd world countries(there, you have to pay to get a B.C. and it cost too much for them,so they often don't get it done.)
Years ago, (the '60s) this could possibly and probably did happen. Now, I don't think you can even start school with out proper documentation, birth certificate, SSN, etc.,.
To answer your question, I would start with a Lawyer..

Birth Certificate problem?

My baby is a week old, today I discovered that the hospital royally screwed up and put the wrong middle name down for my daughter! It took us going to her 1 week check up to discover this. I was NEVER asked her middle name while in the hospital but my husband had written it down on the nursery card. Instead they put my first name as her middle name. I know I signed something stating all information was correct - while I was completely sick and drugged up. Why they had me even attempt to do such a thing is beyond me.
The hospital Birth Certificate is wrong (the one with her footprints), the information sent to the county for her state BC is wrong, and the information sent to Social Security is wrong! I know I can go to the court house and get the state issued BC corrected, but what about Social Security, and the fact that the hospital BC is incorrect? What can I do about those? On the hospital BC-can I white-out the wrong name and put the right name Or does that make it invalid?
Get the state-issued birth certificate corrected, then use it to apply for a correction to her name with Social Security. The hospital one doesn't really matter.
give the hospital a call, and let them know...see if they'd be able to at the very least, give you the name/number of where you should call...
Whiting it out would invalidate the birth certificate.
Go to whatever County office that records birth certificates and explain to them what has happened and see if you can get it straightend out without having to go to Court (many times, it can, especially since it was only a week ago...you aren't the first person this situation has happened to and likely not to be the last either).
Most State agencies want a certified copy of a birth certificate anyway, not the certificate from the hospital (where I live, the issue a wallet sized card and it costs around $6).
As you indicate you are going to WIC on this week, take the hospital issued certificate, explain the situation and they will probably advise you to proceed with the application based on the current information (information on the BC) and indicate the issue of the wrong name on the BC and that you intend to get it corrected and indicate the new name. Once the problem is resolved, take the certified copy to them to file the appropriate forms.
The hospital certificate is not that important, what is most important is the papers are correct at the County Recorder's level.
Setting up a social security number for an infant is usually not automatic; you have to request one from the social security office, so it should not be an issue. Just wait until the matter is resolved, then file for a social security number for the child.

Birth certificate may be fraudulent?

That is pretty simple to find out. It should have the Record Number and the Recording Agency listed on it. Just call them and ask for it! (This is why employers cannot accept a birth certificate that does not have a file # on it!)
real one has a raised notary seal
Well, if you didn't know it was fraudulent and you simply accepted what you were given, then no one can blame you for that.

Bill of rights?

where can i find examples of modifications of the bill of rights?
The bill of rights was never modified AFTER it was passed. It has been interpreted through numerous Supreme Court cases. I suggest you research each individual amendment and the cases that deal with each one.
The major modifications stem from the 14th amendment. Read about all the case law based on the due process and equal protection clauses.

Big problem with Walmart shredding people photos.?

A bud had some photos develope at walmart when he got home he looked and counted his photos, he was missing three photos so he went back and ask the clerk about the rest of his photos, she told him that she kept the photo for they were pornography. The photos were of a vaction he took to Peru and he took some photos of the native living in the jungle, well there were some that showed women topless, but it was photos of people living in their natural enviroment. Well he told them about the photos and ask for them back. They told him that the photos were shredded and that he can not have them back. They never told him that they kept the photos when he paid for them so he talked with the store manager and got nothing then he also called the police to file a report. My question is does he have some legal issue here.
Wow, I have never heard of such a thing. I would definitely consult an attorney.
Lmao did the native have 36 double d's and a bamboo stick stuck in her? I may consider that pornogarphy my friend..next time try walgreens their all about the native peruvian porography lol
I think if you check with the Wal Mart photo policy's you will find they will not develop for you an nudes, exotic, or other pic, that can possibly be considered porno or partial nudes pretty much the policy states something to the effect of
G Rated photo's. Ask for the negatives and take them to a place that will develop them for you good luck
They must have been extremely porn. Wall mart is the best thing for the average shopper for years.

Besides the fact that it cannot be taxed, why would the government not legalize marijuana?

Don't give me, "it leads to other drugs" speach. So does alcohol and we sell that in grocery stores. Because you can grow it in your back yard and the government can't tax that is the only reason I can figure. What's your answer?
Cotton---hemp is stronger than cotton
Pharmaceuticals--THC in natural form is free---they want you to pay for the synthetic
DEA/FBI--have to keep their buddies employed and an easy way to control people and convince them to give up rights to "save the children"
Drug testing industry--do you have a clue how much money is made from drug testing?
Alcohol--many people only drink since marijuana is illegal (myself included). There are many people that would rather smoke than drink...
The list goes on...but this is the gist of it.
Thats the story in a nut shell if they can not make any tax dollars from it they will not make it so others can make money from it either.
If they could get there share it would be a done deal.
The Criminal Justice system is filled with petty drug dealers/users, which means more money is added to the system (more cops, more prisons)
It's also a way to target minorities or the poor, who can't afford attorneys and get stuck with a public defender and two years in prison.
By locking up "hardened criminals", the politicians and lawmakers appear to be tough on crime and who wouldn't reelect someone who is tough on crime?
My daughter took it ONCE and was not the same for 2 years, lost her job, was on medication, and is only now getting back to being normal. If i had a gun I would have shot the supplier.
because to do so would mean that they would have to admit that all the horrible things they've said about pot for all these years were actually wrong. we know they are wrong, but they will never admit it. it would also mean that all the taxpayer money used to wage the pseudo-war on drugs has been wasted. good luck getting them to admit that, either.
You are correct..that's the only conclusion I have had for years...it's easy to grow and no way to regulate it or tax it.
There is another possibility that weed can be and has been tainted to make them stronger..but so has Shermans.
Beer on the other hand can be made by anyone..but it's a lot of work so not very many do...and the ingrediants are taxed.
For starters, if marijuana were legalized the number of traffic accidents and fatalities would go way up from people driving while stoned (and don't insult my intelligence by saying it doesn't happen -- I come from a family of cops and the average in the state of Michigan right now is half a dozen arrests PER DAY for driving while stoned, so imagine how many it would be if marijuana were legal).
Secondly, the number of workman's comp claims would go way up and productivity would take a nose-dive because of people working while stoned (again, don't insult my intelligence by saying it doesn't happen -- many people who smoke dope think it's not harmful in any way and that they can function normally after a few hits off a joint or a bong or a bowl/pipe, and they couldn't possibly be more wrong).
Finally, the government would have to deal with the messes caused by people who abuse marijuana -- those who lose their jobs and their homes, not to mention the innocent family members who also end up homeless or destitute (you can hear this coming, can't you? Don't insult my intelligence by saying it doesn't happen or that marijuana isn't addictive -- I know people who have lost jobs/careers because getting high was more important to them than being straight for work, and the so-called "research" that has been done that claims that marijuana is not addictive or harmful is funded by pro-legalization groups).
BOTTOM LINE: The government doesn't want to create a whole generation of jelly-brained idiots who will cost the government more money than they could ever make by regulating and taxing marijuana.
A lot of money changes hands because of illegal drugs. I am sure that some of that money makes its way back to the hands of the PAID LOBBY to lobby congress to KEEP IT ILLEGAL.
Of the dollar, By the dollar, For the dollar.
i think we should all get together and smoke this fat blunt i have here. who wants a shot gun?
Because marijuana turns people into worthless, good-for-nothing sacks of manure. There are more than enough such people already; legalizing it would just make the problem worse.
Im for de-criminalization.. big diff from legalization.. decriming just means if you get caught with it, the po-po wont waste their time unless ur driving and using(youngsters)
but you still have to get it from ur personal pharmacist not ur local Walgreens

Bereavement leave if not attend funeral?

My grandma died last week friday. I live in in the USA, she lived in Hungary. My boss told me, that I can take the 3 days bereavement leave even if I don't attend the funeral. 3 hours later (since they worried who was going to do my job for 3 days) they said I can't leave because I don't go to Hungary.
This is in the company policy:
"When death occurs in his/hers immeiate family (i.e. spouse, parent, child, brother, sister, mother/father-in-law, or grandparents), an employee, on request, will be excused for three (3) normally scheduled days of work (or such fewer days as the employee may absent) during the three (3) days (excluding Saturday and Sunday) immediately following the date of death provided funeral."
That was their excuse..
You are asking for a legal interpretation of an employment contract provision. That is something you should ask an attorney. No responsible attorney will give legal advice on a forum such as this.
You may not have to go to Hungary, but you might be required to care for a child or elder person, while others go. The company policy allows you the time, they're wrong.
Absolutely you have it. It doesn't matter if you travel there or not. The policy states that you have up to 3 bereavement days and you can choose to spend them however you want. Excuse or not, they're keeping you from something you're entitled to.

Benefits of discipline?

as in other than protection of rights?
a few more words might make your question more clear.
to secure a better future for the younger generation maybe..
err.. fyi zaf, your question is d first thing that appears when I google-d the motion..

Being threatened with dismissal (unfair)?

I have been threatened over the phone (no witness) by my employer that unless I "be nice" to an employee that I have been reporting to my boss about, due his incompetance and misconduct, and that he blatantly lied/accused me of saying and doing things I have not done, that I will be fired. My boss during this call was threatening and intimidating, and also accused me of doing/saying things I did not do/say. I feel he was pushing me to quit, so he cant be blamed for unfair dismissal. I am now very stressed and dont wnat to go back, but dont want them both to get away with this either. Any suggestions? Can I sue boss for unfair dismissal? Can I legally tape them (in Vic, Australia) to prove my innocence? Can boss just fire me for no reason being a casual (but working f/t hours)? Any advice, would be appreciated. Lastly, I resorted to only writing notes to this employee to pass on info, so that I had proof of any communications.Boss tells me I have to stop and must talk to him.Do I?
yeah i would tape him after all he is resorting to unfair ways of treating you.u can do that using most mobile phones these days.claim thru union or tribunal for unfair dismissal
You must obey your employer.
Taping him or getting into a power struggle or picking fights will only get you fired.
I have had employees like you. Very few because I can smell workers like you a mile away. You cause more trouble and cost more management time that you are worth.
At this point they do not care if that other employee is right or wrong. They are not going to let you run their company.
Change you attitude or find a homeless shelter you like cause you are going no ware.
If your boss says you have to communicate verbally with this employee then you must do so. However, you can document these communications for your own records.
Does your boss own the company? If so, he can fire you without consulting anyone else. If your boss doesn't own the company, do you have a human resources department? If so, talk with a HR employee about the problem.
Why do you want to work at a company where you are so unhappy? I suggest you quietly look for another job. If at all possible, don't quit your current job until you have a new one.
Most importantly, relax. The world is full of good guys and bad guys. In the end, the good guys win.

Being sued by sewer company what do i do?

I recieved a summons last week and court date is in two weeks. What should i do? Should I find an attorney(which I can not afford) or should I try to contact the their attorney and try to work out a payment plan on my own? The person that served me the summons said that 9 times out of 10 they will work with you with payment plans,what should i do? I have never been sued and I am scared. please any advice is appreciated
YES, YES contact them. It is better for them to get a small payment from you weekly or monthly than to get a judgement, where they will get little or nothing.
Tell them your whole situation, and tell them you want to pay you just need an extended payment cycle.
tell em. just be honest... and dont take no SHlT from them... lol get it... sewer company... woooo
The best thing to do is contact their collection department and work out a payment plan and make sure you read and understand the Fair Debts Collection Act. some collection departments try to bully you and threaten you which is illegal and can result in fines and law suits.
Then if they try to sue you in court you can inform the judge that you have tried to make all necessary arrangements for payment but they refused.
You will still have to pay them but 9 out of 10 times you will get the arrangements you are asking for.
yes call them they will work with you it's in their best interest, and you don't want a judgment against you on your record.
Oh, a sewer suer, aye ?
The sewer company or sewer authority will work out a series of payments for you. In the interim, they may file a "municipal claim" lien against your property to assure themselves that they will be paid before you refinance your property, sell it, etc.

Being off work sick...?

My boyfirend has been off work with a bad back for a few months now, (he is going back to work hes just got to wait for an operation)he is struggling to keep up with the bills etc.. and now work havent paid him even though his doctors note hasnt ran out yet. what can / should he do?
thanks in advance!
If your boyfriend has Short Term Disability that should pay
him for 6 months. After that, if he has Long Term Disability, that should pay him until he goes back to work. Neither will pay at 100% and, of course, the only way he could have the benefit is if it's offered by his employer. If he has neither, FMLA will hold his job for 12 to 16 weeks, depending on the state. He needs to be in touch with his employer and keep them up to date on his condition and a possible return to work date. The employer is not obligated to pay him unless he has a contract of sorts. Hope this helps.
Contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau they should be able to help and tell you what you are entitled to.
you get statutory sick pay of 拢52 per week when you are off work, your employers don't pay you.
Doesn't the employer have term disability?
If in UK try applying for incapacity benefit...I don't know the exact legislation, but employers only need pay Statutory Sick Pay for 28 weeks..(May be a bit more or less than that) after that you have to apply for state benefits. Hope this helps.
he needs to check the terms of this contract, but his employer does not have to pay him, your boyfriend should apply for social security for financial assistance. Call the bill people and explain situation and most companies will help by creating payment plans - best to be upfront before he gets into real difficulty.
sorry i cant help, but i hope he gets well soon.
In America, you have paid sick time only if your employer has a policy of paying sick days.
Even if an employer grants an employee sick pay as a benefit of employment it is rarely more than 10 days paid leave- usually paid at 1/2 your rate of pay as compared to vacation time which is paid at your normal rate pay.
But paid sick time is up to the employer and is in no way legislated by state or federal law.
Now unpaid sick time is a guaranteed right - FMLA- federal policy sets out standards for employees to be guaranteed 12 weeks of unpaid leave when out due to their own illness or caring for a family member who is ill.
FMLA guarantees that after 12 weeks of leave your employer has to have a position for you that pays at the same rate that you were paid before you leave.
Sorry, I can't give you more positive info
im off work sick with a very badly injured coccyx, which means i cant sit down for more than a few mins and seeing as I drive for a living I cant work. Your boyfriend can claim for benefits. If he contacts citizens advice then Im sure they will help sort something out for him.
Depends on what benefits he has. A job is not obligated to pay for sick leave or injury leave...unless injured at work. Your question is not clear about any of this.
Is your boyfriend's problem work related, if so, he can claim for industrial injury. If he is in a union he will be able to get full support and free legal assistance.

Being drug tested for a job, help!!?

I might be working for Sam's Club in Dallas, Texas really soon.
I am going in for an interview in about 2 days.
I recently took a hit of marijuana with my friends last night, and smoked a little about 11 days ago as well.
They are mandatory drug-testing.
If THC shows up on the test will I be arrested,
or just declined of the job?
Also, what can I do to clear up my system...fast!
Denied the job depending on how anal the company is.
They will not call the cops. Having THC in your system is not illegal unless it impairs you.
There are some products you can buy to attempt to clear it up. I can't vouch for them. I have never used drugs so never tried them, but my friend has and he got the job.
I don't know of anyway to clear your system. Some do hair tests instead of urine, and if that is the case, they can test for drugs that you have taken up to seven years ago. You cannot be arrested, but can be declined of a job.
i don't know - but the best way to pass a drug test is to not do drugs.
You should not have smoked the dope in the first place -- idiot
And to answer your question the test is confidential -- so you will not be arrested -- nor will you be employed
back to the unemployment line for you
Idiot. You need to sweat THC out. That can take a hell of a long time, depending on how much you smoked. Even if it was a little bit, you'll still have it in your system. I doubt you'll be arrested (though you should be) you'll just be declined the job. Maybe you should've thought about the fact that you needed a job and this might've happened before going along with your shithead friends and doing something stupid.
if you do a test then and from 30 days your in trouble pot can stay in your system for as long as up to a few years but traditionally 30 days it all depends on your fat ratio, drinks lots of water although nothing can take it out except for time at least you ll be detoxing yourself good luck lab technician at our VA hospitals
find a small child.
They make this liquid cleanse that they sell at head shops...I think it costs around $30.00 a bottle...it works, just follow the directions...and drink a lot of water till your interview...
You obviously don't think you should be smoking that crap or you wouldn't be concerned. First, you cannot be arrested unless you are being tested by court order. Second, most companies test for a certain level, like 47 T's on a scale they use. If you are lets say a 38 and they are asking for a test of 47, then you will, come out of that test with a negative result, even though it is in your system you tested lower than what the company was looking for. Each company is different and some have a complete no tolerance law.
As for clearing up your system, if you take any of the junk on the market, it will show up in your urinalysis as a false negative, meaning forget about the job completely.
Good luck and keep your head clear. Is smoking that crap really worth all this stress?
worst thing is you will not be hired -- they will not call the police. time is the only answer to clearing up your system.. your heard the music -- time to pay the piper. good luck.l
they are looking for someone who is clean...you are not...so to take the test and try to pass it when you are a drug user would be a lie. find another job that does not do drug testing...because these tests are very accurate..and, you probably will have random drug tests in the future (even if you pass this time).
No you wont be arrested but you can say good bye to the job. Youn can only be arrested if you are caught selling or having the stuff or intoxicated in public.
There is no way to clear the system but time. You can test positive from 3 days up to 90 days (depending on many factors; regular users can test longer than "one in a while" users). Since you smoke twice in 11 days is almost sure that you will need more than 10 days to clear your system.
People try many home stuff and they all fail, it's a fact you can't trick the tests. Just pray for the best, maybe be you will be lucky.
Go into drug rehab. If drugs affect your life, then you are a drug addict that needs help.
Even if Sam's Club does not hire you, you will have to put it on future applications that you were denied a job because of drug abuse.
Get help now before you totally ruin your life.
#1 QUIT USING DRUGS! They will not have you arrested, but you may be passed over for the job.
You are pretty stupid smoking weed when you know you have a drug test comming
take a little box of " Urine Luck Detoxifying Agent " pour it in . they can not watch you pee if its for a job?.

Been interviewing and met with 8 people... been discussing position for hours... however, haven't been hired??

Why do they tell me they are interested if they aren't ready to hire? Also, they have informed me if I find a position elsewhere that they will "speed-up" their process. Any suggestions or ideas to what they REALLY mean?
They REALLY mean that they're slow as far as hiring, which can be quite rude to someone in need of a job. It also shows that they're very selective though, so if you get the job, good for you! If you really want the job, just be patient. Good luck!
Your not getting the job.
They want you but they're burocratic and afaid to commit. The fact that they've spent so much time talking with you shows that they like you.
Bluff them. Say you have an offer and need to make a decision in 4 days.
What IS your question? sounds to me like "they" are out to get you.
they are not interested
You had what usually happens at the second interview stage, where the actual supervisors want to see you. If they are ready to expedite the process for alternative offer- go ahead. Let them know that you got an alternative offer, but the salary is $1,000 lower and you are very interested in working in this particular office (explain why).
The dangers are that they may want to know the firm that has made an alternative offer and that they may be cautious of people who do market for better job at the expense of commitment to one employer.
I got an offer somewhere else approach worked for me to get into better law school. I have no reason, why it would not work for you, if used smartly.
An interview isn't just you and them -- it's you, them, and the other candidates they're considering. After all, they want the best fit for the job, not just the first qualified applicant. Interviews at our company often span two days and involve multiple interviewers, but they're usually also interviewing several people for a single opening -- so it takes time to go through all that with each person, then to make a decision.
Frustrating when you're the one applying, I know.

Becoming a trust.?

What does it mean when you become a trust?What is the difference between a trust and a will?What are the benefits of becoming a trust?
If you have minor children (or other dependents) get a trust. It's much easier to transfer control of a trust to those who will assume parental responsibility. Technically speaking, my four-year-old owns my house, my retirement, and other large assets. Should both parents pass away while he is still a minor dependent, my mother will have immediate access to my finances to offset any expenses associated with my son. However, we still have a will - to clarify any transfer issues with the trust. Depending on the size of your estate - there may be tax benefits associated with a trust.
Someone cannot become a trust.
A trust is a legal entity that exists to own property -- the trust is managed by a trustee, who as legal control over the property -- but the trusts exists for the benefit of someone else (the beneficiary) who gets the benefits of that property
A will is a document that describes how property should be distributed after a person dies.
A will can create a trust (called a testamentary trust) to handle some of that property distribution -- but otherwise, wills and trusts are entirely distinct and independent of each other.

Because it is legal does it make it right?

Government imposes taxes on it's people gradually and without our notification. They take away the moeny that we earn without our say so. what they are doing is wrong and if an individual were to do what the government is doing it would be called a scam. But the government gets away with it why because they are the government. Do you thik this is wrong? What are your thoughts?
No, it does not make it right, it's wonderful that you think the government is one big scam because it is and who profits the government. Who suffers- we do.
Adultrey is legal too but that doesn't make it right.
If you want a military to protect the country, police and fire departments, parks, roads, education, medical care ...or any of the other services that the local, state, federal governments provide you have to pay for them...ie..taxes. The government can't pay for these things if there is no money coming in. Just like you can't pay your bills if you don't have an income.
Only 2 things are certain - death and taxes!
I receive all sorts of services from the government. I need to pay for them in one form or another. I am glad that every time I need the Coast Guard, they're there for me, ditto firefighters, police, military.
I enjoy our paved roads. I like the local public library.
Yup, I don't agree with everything the government does with money, nor with every way in which it gets money. Still, I think I'm better off with government than without.
If you have specific concerns, please write to your representatives in state and local government, and in Congress. Most of them will even send you a reply.
It's legal but it is WRONG! Of course the Government needs money but they squander BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars in foreign countries and on bogus projects. The average American works 4 months (or more) out of each year to feed the rich bureaucrats while many of the taxpayers struggle to make ends meet. Think America is "free"? Think again!
Without notification? Without our say so? Hardly.
Hell YEAH! The gov. extorts from its citizens. In order to work legally, we MUST fill out a W-2 form. Remember Rosa Parks, she refused to move to the back of the bus as the law required all colored folk to do. Thomas Jefferson believed that all citizens have the right to revolt against the government periodically. And I say lets STOP PUTTING OUR MONEY IN THE BANKS and see what happens. That would send out a clear message to all the elitist power mongers
Our taxes are really low compared to some European countries. Either deal with it, or move to Switzerland.
This is a democracy, so your premise that we have no say is flawed. I might not agree with what our government does with our tax dollars, but I vote and I can lobby for change if I believe it is necessary.
The government has certain duties and obligations under the law and the Constitution. It needs money to fulfill its obligations. If you don't like, speak up and be a voice for change.
The government does tax us...but WITH our say so. Congress legislates tax increases (and cuts), and they are elected by the American people. If you don't like what you are paying taxes for, I suggest you get more involved, and find out just what kind of tax policies your congress people have...2008 elections are coming up FAST!

Becare of homes doubling in price and foreclosures I'm considering dropping my real estate license?

Do you think I should renew my real estate license or drop it and why.
Are you a real estate agent? How difficult was it for you to get started? I've heard very few agents work while 75% just have real estate companies holding their licenses while they are inactive. Your comments please.
my moms a real estate agent and its been really tough on her because my parents r getting divorced and the market has been really slow. shes with long and foster and since u have to pay ur rea estate bills and its easier f u sell houses which give u money to pay the bills, but with the doubling of foreclosures and prices its hard 4 her to pay the bills.
as for you, the cancelation or renewing of your lisncene is a hard decision, if u want to continue the business ur probabaly jst gonna have to work really hard until the market speeds up.
but if u don't want to wait, then canceling ur license is the best thing to do
Every time the real estate market went south it always turned back around again. Hang on to your license. It would be more difficult for you to get it back again when the market turns back around. If you can't survive on real estate sales right now, find something else to do in the mean time.
One out of 10 people who make their license end up actually to make money! It depends a lot on your skills as snake oil sales man/women. Most succesful agents are blonde and wher in their thirties, when they started. You are peddling a Product, worth 100$ (for a MLS listing) to the public, asking 7% of the house price, thats 35,000 on a 500,000 house.
Its not for everybody. It doesnt matter what the market is, the top 5% will always be the top 5%. You have to realize the top 5% are always going to make 90% of the money. The same in any sales job. Take a Loan Officer, A Car Salesman, A Realtor, A Copy Machine Sales Person. Take the top 5% of their sales team and put them in any other job. They will still be the top 5% of that job.
You can either sale or you cant. If you are worried about the market, maybe sales isnt the best job for you. When I started at 19 I was in the top 5% in less then a year. I just could sale. Not saying im better, it just came easily.
Im not trying to be a downer on this post, but you can make a good living, but you have to work really hard. You might like mortgages better, you dont make as much per mortgage but all your eggs arent in one basket. If you are working on 20 loans and lose 2 you really dont care. If you are working on 2 real estate deals and lose 1 you are dead.
Good Luck
Disagree with the snake oil comment. It is true there are alot out there. Those are the people in the top 20% that want to be in the top 5%. 99% of my business is referrals from past clients. The top 5% dont need a nice car, or have to be sleazy, we just tell the truth. Its the people that are trying to get up there that are sleazy.

Bb guns..?

An old war veteran neighbour of mine is being harrassed by kids with soft air guns on a daily basis because he's a little eccentric and I really feel for him as do others. The kid's parents refuse to discipline and some even find the situation amusing! What can be done about this legally?
Call the police. A firearms team will be sent and police turning up with real guns will scare the **** out of them. They will not be hurt however. The police are too highly trained for that.
They will also be seriously punished because even carrying an imitation airsoft weapon in public is an offense unless you are transporting it to a skirmish in a locked case. In any case, its basically illegal for it to be shown in public and the fact that it is just an airsoft weapon will not affect the sentence these kids get. It will be the same as if they were carrying real weapons.
The parents will also be in trouble for allowing this and allowing any under 17 to use the weapon in such a way.
It will solve the situation very rapidly.

RIGHT, call the police and say you have seen kids waving guns about the next time you see them. I guarantee armed police will turn up and if they are even vaguely gun shaped they will be locked up.
If they still dont turn up then write to your local chief constable and say that if nothing is done then you will be going to the local and national media with the story of their incompetance and you will be making a complaint to the IPCC.
And if nothing is done then go up to the kids and snap their guns. Get all the residents to support you and just do it. Thats just me though.
Give this vertran a gun and let him show them how it was done in his day
Call the cops and have the kids taken to jail. If they do not do their job tell them your calling the news and having the local news show this on nightly news. Also tape that is going on so when it goes to court the judge can see what happened.
Call the police.
contact your local police station. they will most certainly sort this out. . you cannot have kids running around shooting bb guns. they might have someones eye out
Actually it would help if someone other than the eccentric old man called. Police get tired of hearing repeat complainers and whiners. They become immune to them and ignore them. If someone other than the man would call it would help immensely.
And I would suggest someone call the child welfare authorities. Small children should not be playing with weapons, bb guns or not. It is a form of parental neglect. They would actually do more than the police would to control the situation anyway.
Future top gun is right. Trust me I know people who have been messing on with BB guns and had armed police appear from nowhere and arrest them.
Since they are abusing an elderly gentleman, why have you not called Social Services.? If they can get a bite on the situation they will even prosecute the parents of these little brats. Get a vdo cam to show the law what is happening. Then arm your neighbors. If the whole group makes a stand then you know the parents will call the cop0s. This will be self-serving and you get the satisfaction of putting the red as# to the little brats also!! Fight fire with fire. As soon as they know how it feels then they will at least hesitate. Trust me getting shot HURTS LIKE HELL!! Even by a BB gun.
Future top gun is correct. This situation can be resolved very quickly. It does not matter what the police say because if it is handled properly they will have to deal with it. If proper police reports are filed they themselves will get in trouble if it is pushed up to the next level.... say state police if it's a rural area.
Most Airsoft guns look like real guns. Even if they didn't or if it was a Super Soaker it is assault or attempted assault. It does not matter if the guy is somewhat odd or not as it is what it is. The guy is an old veteran? He will win in court bigtime. Who deserves to wonder about if they walk outside of their house someone will be shooting something at them? Nobody.
The police are obligated to take a police report even if they don't see real grounds for it. You said you and others are concerned. You get him and go yourself and file a police report. They have to.
If there is any damage what so ever? Even a little ding? Take pictures of it. When they get busted for it this will become handy. A mark on a fence, siding, the car or whatever can be big bucks because most times you can sue bigtime as redoing one little part can look odd.
The parents will look bad regardless. People have complained and they chose to not err on the side of not getting sued. They think it funny and if this is going on they are endangering their children. If this all gets going social services can get involved. Most parents would just take them away as somewhere, somehow this could cost a whole bunch of money and time. An adult informed them of this situation?
The parents could potentially owe $50,000 dollars if they are not carefull. And good for you for thinking to help this person.

Battery charges?

I am going to court for 3rd degree battery because this girl that was cheating with my husband hit me and I defended mysef. What are the chances of this being throwed out if I have a witness and I acted in sef defense. By the way this is my first offense.
Self defense must be proven by you and your witness to convince the court that your act was made to protect yourself. Be clear and detailed in the narration of facts.
if u dont charge the battery then u cant use it... lol
As long as you take your witness with you to back up your account of the story then your chances are pretty good at the case getting dismissed. Also, it isn't going to look to good to the judge that it was your husband's mistress that threw the first punch. Maybe you should consider suing her for cheating with your husband. Adultery is against the law in almost all 50 states.
Well i have been through the system before,from what you said your chances are better than most and if you get a lawyer your chances are even better.If this is your very 1st time the worse that will happen to you without a lawyer will be probation and withheld ajudaction.means while your on probation for a 6 months to a year or what ever they want to give you ,and you keep out of trouble it will not show up on record as if you did anything wrong,or its like them throwing the charges out the window,But if you do not keep nose clean and you get into trouble again you would be held on that charge and it will be on your record.And the other thing i was telling you about the lawyer he/she will or can get you probation/or get these charges thrown out completely alot quicker.Get a lawyer who specializes in battrie/criminal charges not just any old lawyers.do your homework and you'll comeout fine.Or if you need more help go here. www.lawyers.com or legalmatch.com remember,you want a lawyer who only speacializes in that type of crime or simliar.I hope i was of some help
What do you mean be "defending yourself"? If you hit her back once, that is probably self defense. If you beat the hell out of her, that is probably not self defense. Was there any way you could have avoided physical violence? Could you have turned and walked away or were you cornered? Even if someone hits you, you do not necessarily have the legal right to hit them back.
A few words about the theory of self defense as a defense to criminal battery (see wikipedia battery http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/battery_(cr...
Generally, a person may use whatever degree of force is reasonably necessary for protection from bodily harm. The question of whether or not this defense is valid is usually determined by a jury. A person who initiates a fight cannot claim self-defense unless the opponent responded with a greater and unforeseeable degree of force. When an aggressor retreats and is later attacked by the same opponent, the defense may be asserted.
Deadly force may be justified if initially used by the aggressor. The situation must be such that a reasonable person would be likely to fear for his or her life. In some states, a person must retreat prior to using deadly force if the individual can do so in complete safety. A majority of states, however, allow a person to stand his or her ground even though there is a means of safe escape.
Whether the degree of force used is reasonable depends upon the circumstances. The usual test applied involves determining whether a reasonable person in a similar circumstance would respond with a similar amount of force. Factors such as age, size, and strength of the parties are also considered.
You really! need to speak to a criminal atty in your state (I'm assuming you're American) as the case law from each jurisdiction determines to a large extent what your chances are. You need someone to assess in strict confidence your facts against the elements of third degree battery, a very serious offense, to provide you with a solid defense. To find an atty, search the bar association in your state's Lawyer Referral link.
Good luck.

Bart Durham Law Firm In Nashville, TN?

Anyone heard of him or seen his TV ads? He's a big time lawyer here but he also has a mentally-challenged sister in a run-down group home. He never visits her or cares about her. I have met her and she is so sweet. Is Bart too busy or just a bum?
You have no idea how good or bad a brother he is. Neither do I. I do know he is a well-known lawyer with a great reputation.
He might be a great lawyer with his priorities out of balance, or a great lawyer who is doing a heck of a lot more than you realize. If you are not involved more closely than you seem to be, anything else you say is just gossip.
He the one running those coach foster fights back mini soap opera comercial right. He is to busy making and running those gay little things to care about people he should be caring about. By what your saying she'll be important around the time she needs a lawyer. Does he do anything for her like pay her bills or what. I would expect a lawyer would be pretty busy, especially in a place like Nashville, it might not be a good excuse, but it is one.


2-5 Warwick Court, London
You will find David Berkley's details, including his contact details, below.
If, as I suspect, someone has sent you an email indicating that you have 'won' or somehow become entitled to a large sum of money and are using this address as a cover, I think you can rest assured it's yet another scam.
So what is the question?
so what?
he can not or should not be allowed to advertise .UNETHICAL
Croydon Central Library.
Croydon Clocktower, Katharine Street, Croydon, Surrey,CR9 1ET
This is a scam he wants to take your money. Report him to the Attorney General of your State.
It appears you have his name, address and title. Phone up BT directory enquiries and ask for the chambers (address) phone number and check it out for yourself!
Or are you trying to advertise him?
It's the 'Nigerian' scam, I expect.
Good for you.
Is this a question?
No, it's an easy two points.
He practices in Liverpool. I have emailed his contact details to you
The details do relate to a genuine QC. However, there is no such thing at the English Bar as a "representative attorney". It would appear that Mr Berkley's name is being used as some kind of scam. I would like to know more - as a barrister myself, I want to protect the profession. Perhaps you should contact his chambers.
Thanks for the info come back again when you have a question!

Barrack Obama has done cocain, he said so in his book.?

That makes him Ineligible to work in any federal law enforcement agency in the US. So my question is if he can't join the FBI or DEA then in some way should't that prevent him from overseeing them and appointing there directors?
Good point...haha well i'm sure it won't matter and in any case he might be able to appoint good people to those jobs even if he is 'ineligible.' I think what he did as a kid shouldn't affect his future jobs.
Bush did coke too. It didn't stop him, did it?
If true not at all... The president can aso be someone that failed a military physical.doesnt prevent him from being commander in chief
It's spelled cocaine. And Bush did it too. Or have you forgotten?
bush was an alcoholic for part of his life, was convicted of a DUI and many of his college buddies have gone on record that he did cocaine with them in the early 80's and he's the big chief now
does that answer your question?
The only way he would have been ineligible is if he tested positive. At least he was MAN enough to admit it even BEFORE he went into politics. Unlike the twit in the White House who used his Daddy to change his DL # so no one would have found out about his DUI conviction as well as the fact that the drank until the age of 50, he has yet to take responsibilty for anything he has done
I heard GWB and Obama snorted coke off each other =)
I've read and reread the portion you are talking about. I'm not quite sure it is a confession of drug use, rather a discussion of general malaise in poor urban communities in the 1970s and 1980s. However, there is no limitation on who can be president based upon drug use current or in the past. Any limitation would be beyond the limits of the constitution (and any of those have been largely frowned upon).
No, of course not. I'll bet you'll find that many people in those agencies have, at one time or another, broken or "stretched" the law.
I don't care which party you vote for, its time to stop putting our candidates personal lives under the microscope and start trying to figure you who is already doing a good job and whether or not they are smart enough and capable enough to do a good job in the office for which they are running.
Few of us could withstand the personal scrutiny we give candidates these days and most of it is completely irrelevant to whether or not they can actually do the job.

Barak Obama attends Trinity United's Church of Christ? Why is it that no one is afraid he will impose?

his faith on them, via changing laws to correspond to his value system. Part 2: what evangelical republican sponsored law (as specifically as you can get) took away one of your rights?
The reason is because not many people know he goes to a racist church...the Mainstream Media is not reporting this...if a candidate belong to a church that support "White values, and the advancement of White people...the New York Times would run a front page story on it and CNN would organism then break in on the programming to tell you about the story...Obama is the Media's boy...that is why he scares me..
To answer the second part of your question...none...
Well, I don't think the premise of your question is even valid, because a lot of people have expressed concern that many candidates, not just Obama, will change the laws based on his or her values after becoming president.
But Bush has done it several times ...
Everyone who knows someone with cancer or Parkinson's lost out when Bush vetoed a bill on stem cell research because of his evangelical beliefs. That's a lot of people who are at a loss to even find out if it COULD help them, just because of Bush.
Then there's the war ... thousands of our brave men and women in uniform have been killed, maimed and injured for life because of Bush's cocky (and religious) belief that he is right in refusing to end an unjust war. Americans elected a whole new legislature to end the war, and Bush stubbornly refuses to listen to the people he's supposed to represent.

Banning words?

Do you think its fair to ban words like.Ho,B*t*ch,N word? Or do you think that it stops our freedom of speach.I think that if you don't like it don't listen to it! I also think that people should stop wasting time on stuff like this
Freedom of speech (not speach) is only unconstitutional when the government does it, and does not apply to the censorship of curse words and offensive words on the airwaves. If the government passed a law banning the use of those words in all instances, then that would be a violation. I agree, people should stop wasting time on this.
I think common sense and dignity are best used here.
it is pathetic.dont like it, dont listen...using the words takes away their sting...it makes them bland...
In a medium like the one we're using, it's not entirely unfair. As a matter of law, no, specific words shouldn't be 'banned' - doing so abridges free speach - but, using such words in context to incite violence, for instance, should still get you in trouble...
please inform me how i can selectively hear things.
Offensive, immoral and insulting words must be banned because it has no place in a civilized world.
I think w* should ban the l*tt*r, "E". Just r*mov* it from us*.
Think of all th* liv*s w*'ll sav*! It's hard to hurt som*on*s f**lings without the l*tt*r "*"
If you are talking about how Yahoo puts the asterisks in place of cuss words on here it is mostly because there are kids that come on this site. Would you want your child on here reading that. Not all parents have the time to censor their kids, so websites do it for them. If you don't like to be censored on here, don't use the site. And BTW...It is SPEECH, not SPEACH!
A lot of folks just need to grow thicker skins.
Any company, government, or organization can set standards as to what type of language is proper to use, it is their legal right. Freedom of speech does not protect you when being offensive toward others.

Banning Pitbulls - Right Or WRONG?

Before you say your answer tell me this.
Should an animal be banned/exterminated because or is rep?
If you were mean would I ban you?
Don't you think its the owners fault?
This can be stopped.
But only if you help

Now tell me your answer.
There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.
I agree it is the owner's fault.
Of course it's wrong. I've owned two pits' and they were both sweet, loving dogs. The behavior of any animal depends on how it's raised. Banning pit bulls because some are trained to fight is like banning matches to prevent arson.
Unfortunately I would have to say yes they should. Don't get me wrong, I know lots of really nice pit bulls. The problem is that pit bulls are fighting and killing dogs and for generations they have been inbred so the bloodlines that are left are vicious. So even a really nice dog can't be completely trusted. How else do you explain when someone's pet, who has been mellow all its life, suddenly snaps and attacks the grandkids?
I am a victim of a dog attack (Rottweiler) but I know for a fact that Pitbulls can be wonderful pets. It's the owners that do them wrong. I think Pitbulls like most other dogs are territorial and protective, and they don't realize how strong they are sometimes.
I believe it is the owners' fault, but that's because I know several pitbull owners who have the sweetest (although slobbery) and most loving dogs I've ever seen. The dogs are treated and trained well and humanely, and the owners feel comfortable taking them anywhere and even letting small children on the street pet the dogs.
The dogs that maul and kill people are that way because their owners force them to be violent (through training or just their own treatment of the animal), and I believe that treating an animal that way is inhumane.
So I don't think the breeds should be banned -- bad owners should be banned. As far as exterminated, I think that has to be determined on an individual basis, and when it is, the deciding factors need to be the tendency of the dog toward violence, and the reasons he or she is so violent.
it depends on the situation. if you're talking about baning them from living in certain places, like an apartment community, that's the landlords decision. they can't trust every owner out there to be good to their pets, so they can only do what they can to proctect themselves from legal action. but if you are saying ban them from personal ownership, NO! these dogs can be very sweet animals.
I have worked with a lot of SPCA shelters and go to their facilities regularly. One thing that concerns me with pit bulls is the number of them up for adoption compared to other breeds. most of these were strays (who were obviously once owned because they were socialized) or relinquished. I am also concerned by the type of people who look at these dogs, young men in their early twenties that will go straight to the pit bulls and not giving a look at the shepherd/border/retriever mixes.
I am usually not for banning a breed but maybe banning them will actually protect them. I used to think that organied dog fighting was a rare occurence but the SPCA officers have told me otherwise. I personally own border collies, rescue dogs with aggressive tendencies (this breed tends to be aggressive too but they are defensive as opposed to offensive like terriers)... there is something to a dog's breed that determine their temperments. A dog owner should be aware of these tendencies and should be in control over any dog in a social situation. I fear that most pit bull owners are ignorant of their breed's temperment and rely too much on the pet's temperment... Fluffy can be a killer and can easily revert to what his/her breed's temperment when he/she is anxious or scared. I just don't think that most owners (as good intended as they are) really know what their dog can be capable of... a nice owner can have a very anxious dog who will bite given the situation and the problem with pit bulls are that their jaws are phenomenally strong and they have a tendency to lock their jaws doing some serious damage.

Banks, credit cars. telephone services all cheat?

banks credit card s are notorious for trapping customers in all kinds of hidden charges and interest rates. Ins co.s do their best to get out of settling claims. health ins too under one excuse or another do not cover their customers
I have received a letter from my wirless service provider saying my contract has been renewed for 2 more years when Ihave never signed anything and are trying their best to trap me into agreeing for 2 more years!
What is the incentive for an average man to remain honest in this enviorment and why should one be honest in dealing with these institutions especially when so many become helpless victimes?
They do it legally
The government is their accomplice to the crime.
When I moved from Minnesota to Arizona and I switched Cellular Providers, they slapped me with a 700$ charge for breach of contract. The phones were no longer under contract but they were trying really hard to force me to pay.
Thank god I was able to get out of that but I have had other issues like that especially with Sprint and Chase.
I will never use CHASE as a CC provider again.
and one day the meek shall realize their mission and inherit the earth. Revolution, Revolution, Revolution !!!
In the corporate world, there are no ethics. There are just varying laws that must either be evaded or gotten around. You see, the very idea of a corporation is that it is a legal entity designed to have the rights of an individual with none of the legal responsibilities. Add to this the basic mentality that making a profit is an activity beyond reproach, and you have what see every day in our dealings with banks, the phone people, etc...
The horror is the people who work for the corporations... by repping for this sort of entity, these people must, just to keep their jobs, learn to treat other humans like cattle.
Throughout the ages, people have gained freedom from various oppressors. One by one, we have dethroned kings, deposed dictators, seen through high priests... people are even beginning to learn they don't have to be slaves to the invisible man in the sky and his robed shysters on earth...
But the last great liberation will not come until we make the princes of business have to answer to common ethics and decency. Then, and only then, will we be free people.

Bankrupt with child support?

Hello. so my father is filing for bankruptcy and he is currently on child support monthly installments. The money is being received by my twin sisters and they are both seventeen years old.
Does the bankrupty affect them? how do I help my mother handle this case or situation?
child support obligations are not removed through bankruptcy,he still has to pay it(including any back child support owed). he can hire a lawyer and request a reduction on what he is currently paying,but that rarely happens. i can't see it being worth it for him to try for a reduction though.
Your mom should tell her divorce lawyer. I don't think bankruptcy releases any child support obligations, but the divorce lawyer will know.

Bank Robbery?

If a person robs a bank and is on $50,000.00 bail, why would the person that just drove the car the robber ran away in have bail of $100,000.00?
Shouldnt the robber have more bail for actuall doing the crime?
The driver may have a more extensive criminal background or a history of jumping bail making him a bigger flight risk.
Perhaps the driver had a worse criminal record and was considered more likely to try and abscond.
It may be because he has more money and can afford a higher bail.
Or they think he's a bigger creep for lying about his involvement.
most likely the driver got charged with more offenses than the actuall robber and is likely to have previous charges or be considered a flight risk to justify the higher bond amount.
example robber get charged with armed robbery
driver get accesory to armed robbery, felony fleeing and evading, speeding, careless and imprudent driving ect, ect

Bank Robbery?

If you stole a pen from the bank is it still classed as a bank robbery?
i robbed a bank once. was exciting.
No it's called Profit, whats one pen to them.
yeah! take it back now...lol
lol yes oh god i have done bank robbery then
If you are going to go down, go down big. Not worth risking 25 years for a pen. But for a few million?
Just write them a note to say your sorry...
No. Robbery is taking by force or the threat of force. Taking a pen is petty larceny.
That's "misdemeanor desk theft..."
Bad girl...(take them from your roommate...)
No crime there...
If you want to split hairs, the answer is yes, because you robbed from a bank.
NO! I don't know which country you are in but I think the maximum charge you could get would be a regulatory offence of stealing, maximum of a $300 fine however I don't even think the police would waste their time even humoring the bank with such a ridiculous complaint!
These pens are usually on a chain so i think u went in with a pair of pliers or cutters, shouted to everyone to get down, cut the chain and ran with the pen.
When you got out the door did the dye cover the pen like it does the money ?
If not than i think u might be safe.
Well if you stole a pen from a bank, is it still considered a bank robbery. I very highly doubt it. First of all, we probably have all picked up things without noticing it, and returned it when we realize we have it. I highly doubt if someone has taken money will bring it back in good faith. I don't think that a person who has taken a pen, is convicted of a robbery.
he he he...they're so money-grabbing that they would probably try get you arrested for it...

Bank kept my liscence as i cashed my 5th fake check Should I go back to America and apply to be a citizen?

I cashed a few checks totaling in more then 10 thousand dollars. using my real liscence. then i got caught. then i left america cause i felt like people were following me. now i'm in my home country. i think if I apply to be an american citizen they will do a background check. and my brother said some cops were looking for me at a bar 1 week after i got caught. they already have evidence, my liscence and maybe finger prints. it's been a few months now i havent been in america but my family keeps saying i should apply to be a citizen. when i looked up people who got caught cashing fake checks, they did more then 2 years each and probation. if i go to america i'll just go to jail and get deported. or stay in my country and help the poor. should i go back to america apply to be a citizen and risk getting caught, going to jail and getting deported anyway? or stay in my country and play it safe and never go back to america?
Jail is not worth being AMERICAN.
U have 2 choices go to USA and end up in jail or stay in your country and be free.Jail in USA is NO FUN..My cousin Jimmy is in jail in Cailfornia is NOT PRETTY..he cried home saying he "got raped and sold for pack of ciggerates"he was a pretty boy.I hope ur not since u will need alot of protection .My aunt is paying protection now for him in prision "scary"he got gang raped by 5 men he had to get stiches.
He was in jail for stealing a car.Less crime than what u did ..Worse part is his going to get deported after his 2nd year term.so his doing time than get send back.
If u go to jail it will change u FOREVER like a man and FREE MAN..If u stay in your country u have enough and safe.USA is not worth all drama..and don't cash no more fake checks in your country ok..not smart idea.
I think the best legal advise in my opinion is to ask a police officer what you should to.
Does the term 'Smart @ss" mean anything to you?
Duh! You have no chance at becoming a citizen. Stay in your home country and pray they don't put out an Interpol warning on you.
If you go back, because of the dollar amount and number of times you have committed fraud, you are on an FBI list and likely to be picked up at the airport.
They may try and convict you, or worse yet, hold you indefinitely under the National Security Act.
I automatically assume when I see a "I broke the law can I become an American Citizen" question the the person is just yanking our chain. There is no way someone who could write this question is dumb enough to ask it.

Bank charges . anyone know? ..?

I haven`t heard the outcome of the banks being taken to court over bank charges. Anyone know?
Keep sending your claims in and teach these greedy b*stards a lesson in the misery they cause.
it will probably take at least a year for the 'test case' to get to court so we will not know until then, in the mean time-still send your claims in as you will not be able to charge for the full 6 years if your claim is not made now. the bank will not pay out but they have to acknowledge your claim
as far as i know, no bank has ever gone as far as going to court over it, they always back down at the last minute. bank charges are unreasonable, and not enforceable by law..but read up on it.. there used to be a website called www.bankchargeshell.co.uk but i dont know if its still running.
This can take up to a year for an outcome however I have just found out from the Ombudsman's and FSA that there is a clause under Hardship that is part of the banking code and what this means is that if you can send proof of hardship the bank must progress the complaint I contacted my bank today and asked what was the criteria and they did not know so I can only assume you would need to prove financial debt..
The most recent case last week ruled in favour of a bank. (Nat West, I believe). On the grounds that it is not an illegal charge.
There is an outstanding case jointly submitted by the Banks themselves and the Office of Fair Trading to get a ruling on what is a fair charge for those making unauthorised withdrawals. This may take a year or so to resolve.
In the meantime any claims are being shelved subject to the outcome of that case. However still submit any claim just in case.
Let's hope the banks prevail or otherwise we will all be going to have to pay for our banking because of the actions of the irresponsible. That way the banks will more than recover any money from any claims that they will have to pay back.
Either way we are on a loser.
The Natwest case was all about taking the claim further and laying a presedance to make banks justify the costs but the courts disallowed it the claimant still got the charges back. Charges are still deemed unlawful but it is getting more complicated to claim as more and more banks are going to court i used www.claimsadviceservice.org.uk to do my claim as the bank decided to go to to court only to back out in the last hour and settle

Bank charges say they wont pay up?

received letter 1st aug it would be their normal approach to resolve complaint through internal process they have asked fsa has agreed to suspend the normal timetable what will happen next depend on court could take many months if at this stage you do not agree with conclusions i will be able to refer my case to the fos or the courts ihavefreinds who have applied for there bank charges 3-4 weeks after my claim and have been sorted and received fullpayment . only last week recieved letter from bank complaints had calculated the sum of 拢 and would take 5-6 weeks
does that mean ihave to take them to court now and why have other friends been paid before me started claim on 1st may many thanks

Questions a bit confusing and why the big space? Your friends could be with different banks, there are lots of variables. Not sure if what you have written is the reply from your bank if it is they are just trying to put you off, go ahead, take them to court if necessary. There are plenty websites to help you follow it through.
In short, you don't have to take them to court. you are in the same boat as me. we will have to wait for a court ruling before our claims are resolved. Your bank will have your complaint/claim on file so you will just have to hang on in there.
I have stated on other questions that the FSA and the Ombudsman have agreed a clause which is hardship under the banking code. If you can prove financial hardship the bank Must progress the complaint. I think it is 6 banks that have agreed to wait to the outcome of the court case but this could take up to a year...If this can't be proved then you will have to wait till the outcome of the case.

Bank applied me for a loan without consulting me, is this legal?

My boyfriend and I opened bank accounts on the same day NOT joint but we had recently moved out of state together so we went in to the bank together.
Anyhow... about a week or so later he went to the bank by himself to apply for a car loan. According to him.. they asked if he had a co signer and he said that I would probably be willing to do it. They said they would run his and my credit to find out... ok that doesn't seem right to me without my permission... but then last week in the mail I got a letter from the bank saying that I had actually applied for an auto loan through them and it got denied etc... this was all without my acknowledgement or consent... this doesn't sound right to me at all...
it isn't right
specifically, no one but you can apply for a loan in your name. It requires your signature.
if someone else, 'boyfriend' or not, applied for a loan in your name, the police call it identity theft.
so here's what you do:
you go to your bank with the rejection letter and ask for 'another' copy of the loan application. a Xerox will be fine.
then you take that to the police department and swear out a complaint for identity theft and give them the loan application copy. [They'll probably want a separate sample of your signature as well.]
Then you go back to the bank, with a copy of the complaint you just filed, and ask them to remove your name from the dead loan application.
Then you telephone the three major credit bureaus and place an identity theft fraud watch on your credit. [see Google for their websites.]
btw, AFTER all this, you find a new boyfriend. this one will end up taking you for everything you've got.

your boyfriend convinced them somehow. you need to take it up with your boyfriend and also clean up your credit
Your boyfriend shouldn't have given them your ss# without your permission. Now he's managed to screw up your credit. The bank had no right to run your credit. Give um hell.
Your boyfriend volunteered you. Yes, this is standard banking procedure. You were denied, so you are not accepted to be a co-signature. This was legal !

Band gets noticed... then what?

My friends have made a band. Im not in it as i cant play an instrument, but i help with the lyrics, i design album and singles artwork, i also edit some songs using digital software on my pc (none of them is as computer literate as i am). im considered part of the band, but not exactly. my question is, if they get noticed for anything theyve created (songs) and ive helped create, do i have any claim on it (we dont have contracts within ourselves or anything). cuz if they get noticed then im not a really important part of the group, so will they (or can they) just drop me? I mean, without giving me anything?
You can stay with the band as a songwriter and album artist, but if they get noticed and make a full-length studio album, they'll probably hire a producer for the mixing and overall audio design.
So yes, you do have (at least) partial copyright ownership of anything you've helped create, which would include album art, songs, etc.
If you want to be part of the band, see if yall can write in a background vocalist, like Emery (see "Ponytail Parades" from "The Weak's End") or various other bands.
Well, if you're writing songs, together or separately, you should be copyrighting your work. Otherwise, someone can easily steal it out from under you!
In the meantime, you should get a letter acknowledging everyone's part in any songwriting you've done. That way you all have a record of who's doing what. And, if ownership becomes a problem latter, you have something to support your claims.
Good luck!
You can take credit as being a co-writer and I would place a copyright on your artwork.
You should discuss this with you friends. But if your name isn't associated with the lyrics than you cant prove you created them in court (with out a very good lawyer). But if they really are your friends the won't let them drop you and it they get contracts make sure you name is on at least one of them as the Lyricist

Bait and Switch with my employment?

My wife just accepted a full time position with a local company in Dallas, TX. She signed an Employment Offer Letter stating that it was a full-time position. She has worked there 3 days and now she has been told that the position is now a part-time position and they are reducing her hours to 30 per week. Can we do anything about this since she signed an Offer Letter to accept a full-time position and now they've switched once she started working?
She can walk out without notice. You can look at what the offer letter said--they can be bound to it, but I'll bet it has a 'no guarantee of continued employment' clause on it.
Fighting it would take a lawyer, and she'd have to show damage (what job did she leave for this) to get anything. It may be worth a shot if she lost money and really got screwed with this deal. Most likely, she just needs to find another job.
If I were treated so shabbily by my new employer, I would not feel like I owe them anything at all. If she wants to look for jobs online at work, take a day to interview somewhere, or quit without notice, that would not be immoral in this instance. If the employer won't treat employees with honesty and decency, there is no reason to be decent back--the work ethic has already been broken.
Management has the right to limit hours unless you are part of a collective bargaining unit/union.

Bailiff's rights?

can baliffs enter or break into a property if the owner is not around??
Depends what they are collecting. For a magistrates court fine they can force entry straight away, wether youre there or not, but they generally wont do theyll give you a chance to pay up.
For almost everything else, they have to first gain peaceable entry ie they cant push, threaten, break in or lie to get entry. They can walk through an open door, reach in an open window and unlock a door, come through the garage into adjoining kitchen etc. Once they are in they will want you to sign a walking possession order ie a list of your goods they want to take and sell to pay for the bill. Once they have this, or if they have had peaceable entry, then the next time they visit they can force entry wether youre there or not.
There are other twiddly rules and regs depending on what type of debt it is and if you have business premises etc so to get the best advice for your particular situation you should go to your local cab.
No they are not aloud to break in.
NO, absolutely not,
No, absolutely not. Do not on any account let them in. Speak to them from the bedroom window if necessary. Once you let them enter your property, you have given them permission to come back when you are not there and take your goods. How far has this got, have the company taken you to court or not, if they havn`t then they have much less clout.
Can a bailiff force his/her way into my house?
Most bailiffs do not have the right to force their way into your home to seize your goods. The only exception is that bailiffs from the Collector of Taxes (Inland Revenue) can get a warrant to force entry, but this is very rare.
All other bailiffs have a right of peaceful entry only. This means that they cannot use force to enter your home, for example, by breaking a window or a door. However, they can enter your property through an open door or window (front and back) and can climb over fences and gates, but cannot break them down. See also ''If a bailiff does gain peaceful entry to my house, what will they do?''
You do not have to let a bailiff into your house. A bailiff cannot force their way past you if you answer the door. If all your doors and windows are securely closed they will not be able to gain peaceful entry to your house unless you let them in.
Bailiffs are well aware of their limited powers and may use a variety of different means to gain entry peaceably. They may attempt to walk in as soon as a door is opened. They may ask if they can use your telephone to check if an arrangement is satisfactory with their office. They may simply ask you if you would prefer to discuss matters inside. You do not have to go along with any of these methods.
No only if you open the door to them
Not without a court order.
They can't enter your property either unless you invite them in, any attempt to cross the threshold and you can call the police on them.
A friend of mine is currently in the middle of problems with a couple of bailiffs and repo company's who keep haranguing him because he has a debt which he doesn't owe but is paying them to get them off his back.
I keep telling him not to let them run rough shod over him but all those *ankers keep on doing is calling around when they know he isn't in and adding more fees to the debt.
So watch out.
what state
If the baliff has been instructed by the mags court and the money owed relates to a fine.yes they can break in.
If the baliff has been instructed to collect from the county court.no they cannot.without an invite...after an invite any other visits they make they can break in
only if they are court bailiffs serving an eviction notice. If its for repossession, they can only make peaceful entry which some of them interpret as climbing through a window, but forcing entry is well beyond that

Bailiff please can i have some advice please ??

i just want to know at what value would you take a car away to take as payment ??
i have been told i can keep a car but it must not be worth more than 拢1000 is this true ??
please can i have some advice on this ??
very serious answers only and from a bailiff who knows his job.not a bully
I don't think there is any set limit on the value of any of your possessions. The bailiff can take anything you own so if the car is owned outright, without any loan outstanding, they can take it. It may be the case that you have other possessions that they can take to pay off the debt and so would be willing to leave you with the car. I don't know where you stand if they are not willing to come to that arrangement and insist on taking your car but leaving you with other items of value which could have been used. As other people have said, don't let them into your house - they have no right to force entry. But of course, this would make it more likely that they would seize your car.
At Market Value -original cost minus depreciation.
You should go to citizens advice. But on no account let them into your home, once you do that you give them permission to list your possesions and to come back and gain entry even when you are not in. They can take anything that belongs to you, so consider transferring your car into a relatives name - quickly. If you show them proof that items are not yours they can`t take them. They cannot, by law, take the tools of your trade. Get some advice anyway. How long have you got, are they definitely coming or is it just a threatening letter, they often pester you by phone, so just keep saying he/she`s not in. If they threaten to take you to court, i believe they don`t bother for amounts less than 拢2000, it costs them too much.
sorry u down on your luck.wish u all the best
Park your car somewhere away from your house and don't tell them which one it is.
Don't EVER let the bailiffs in - if you don't allow them in they can't force their way in. The credtior will haver to find an alternative method of payment such as attachment of earnings. Its not illegal to refuse a bailiff access.
I would believe a second hand car to take away as a payment would be 拢500.00. No more and no less. Cars are sooooo cheap second hand nowadays, look up www.autotrader.co.uk and see what the value is.
Hope this helps.
Why ask a bailiff , these people think they can take anything , and given half a chance they do
The only way to stop a bailiff is to know , just what they are allowed to do by law ,
There are some very quite simple ways as to stop these people
The value of the car is irrelevant. If a bailiff has reasonable grounds to believe an item or items may discharge a debt he can take it.
After all where would you draw the line with other items of value?

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