Saturday, October 31, 2009

Autistic child safety versus easement rigths?

I have an autistic child. We have moved since a year and half ago to a property with conjoint driveways between the next door neighboors and ours. Our child does not have concept of danger and runs towrd the so close neighbors parked or open cars. I have waiting all this time to be able to determine where our property line falls (hired a surveyor finally that summitted papers to the city of san jose on july 20, 2007) but AT%26T came to build abox only to find that the PG%26E box had been berried there for 10= years (since the nextdoor neighbors did not know it was there, and they have been living in their property for this 10 years) PG%26E came and brought their box up to the surface, but it is now about one inch into my property line. They are telling me that accordingly to easements rights I can not built a fence there because it violates the easement rights. How about the rights of my autistic child to be safe and not killed by running into the next door neihboor driveway. We have doble locks in our yard side doors, and our front door, but with age our child is increasenly taking his own decitions, and had allow to ask the kids next door to open the side door, and our child excape to a very busy street about four blocks away only to be found by an extrange woman who was able to determine where the child lived. We are constanly in pins and needles because we are sure a tragedy is awating to happen if we do not create some kind of boundary for our child for him to determine that it not okay by visual discrimination that going to the next door neighboors driveway is dangerous. We are so in a bad situation. Please help!
You will be in a far better legal position if you build the fence then challenge any authority that demands you remove it. They will have to go to court to do it and then you can tell the judge all about it. I am sure you will win.
Try installing an electric fence and putting a shock collar on him. It may take a few zaps, but he'll learn eventually not to cross the boundary. It worked for my bulldogs.
Sorry you can not build on easement property, you need to provide the protection that your child needs, that responsibility dose not involves any one else, I used to supervise a home that included autistic children , you need to provide constant supervision for your child's protection and improve the difficulty in your home locking system. You have a special child, that requires special needs. There are many agencies that may help you meet your child's needs, to allow your child to leave your home unattended, and if he is not able to negotiate life on the streets and puts him in danger of assault by children that do not understand his needs.I am sorry to say is Neglect, get help from autistic services available in your community and leave your neighbors alone..

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