Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are YOU sick of reading this too? If PIT BULLS ARE SAFE...then why are we reading more every day?

and more about daily pit bull attacks? Here is a copy and paste of an exact article printed this morning:
An 85-pound Staffordshire bull terrier mix broke free and chased the 4-year-old Columbia Heights boy, then knocked him to the ground and bit his legs. His mother fought off the dog, which had bitten the boy's father a week earlier.
It's people that are the problem. I have a friend who has always owned pit bulls and none of his dogs have attacked anyone. Why? It's because he is a very responsible and caring person. A lot of people that have pitbulls do not possess the personality to take care of them. I would not want one myself because I do not have a strong enough personality. You have to show who's boss with the pitbull. You cannot waver. You cannot be wishywashy. They are very smart dogs. I have met some very nice and sweet ones. I have been around Rottweilers and have taken care of dobermans. The people who own them are responsible most often than not. These dogs need a lot of the right attention. Government should consider licensing owners that want to have them. If anyone is found having one without a license then the dog should be apprehended and the perpetrator thrown in jail. But a lot of things that are done in this country are crazy because they never solve the problem. Maybe that's by design. I'm beginning to have little faith in this country's ability to come together to really deal with the problems and come up with intelligent solutions that are reasonable and unbiased.
i hate dogs
yes, i had five pitbulls they never bit nobody, i guess people aint taking care of their pits
It wont solve the problem.
Here we just had a "pitbull attack" They showed the pictures of the dogs. One was obviously a boxer mix with no pit in it, the other MIGHT have been a pit mix, but was definately not a full blood pit.
The most common dog bites today come from Golden Retreivers, labs are close. Family dogs attack much more frequently than the so called aggressive breeds.
Aggressive breeds are usually huge babies who if trained with not hurt anyone. I agree that the owners should assume FULL responsibility for their dog if something happens, but not that is because I acknowledge that the owners are the problem, not the dog. Treat it properly, train it, and the dogs you want to ban make perfect pets. Treat a Beagle the same way as pits, rotties, dobermans, etc sometimes get treated and youll have a beagle that will attack just as readily.
Edit: Read my answer. Your view is ignorant because it ignores the statistics on dogs that bite most frequently and ignores all opinions of people educated on the breeds you mention and instead listens to what the media says despite them constanly guessing or lying on dog breeds to make the story more sensational.
The problem can also be due to people's perception of dog ownership. Many get a dog for the soul purpose of protection and status. You combine that with little knowledge of dog behavior, and bad things happen. AKC certified breeders have been successfully removing the more aggressive characteristics from the Pit Bull's bloodlines. Unfortunately, fighting Pit Bulls are still being bred, and being sold out of homes or taken to shelters. Not that I am saying you won't get a wonderful dog out of a shelter. There is a lot of responsibility needed when caring for Pit Bulls, and they are NOT AT ALL meant to be a first dog. They are too smart for their own good, highly energetic, and domineering. It is the responsibility of the owner to make the right choices. A license to own any dog should be required. It's funny that you need one for a inanimate gun, but a living creature can be taken home with very little consideration to the owners intentions.

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