Saturday, October 31, 2009

Armed robbery no criminal record before, how much time will he get?

only 250.00 taken in california
Assuming this is a second degree robbery (i.e., it did not involve public transportation or an inhabited dwelling), the sentencing range is 2, 3, or 5 years. (Pen. Code secs. 211, 212.5, 213(a)(2).) However, if the weapon used was a firearm, that can add 3, 4, or 10 years, and make him ineligible for probation.
So, if no firearm was involved and nobody was hurt, it could be anything from probation (with up to one year in jail) to 5 years in prison. If a firearem was personally used, it could be anywhere from 5 to 15 years in prison.
I have to mention, however, that firearms charges are often stricken in plea bargaining, which is a good possibility for somebody with no prior record.
Well Monique, you will probably get a good 10 years at least. But for good behavior, it might be 5 years or something like that with probation.
what did he use as a weapon? who did he rob?
Guilty plea- probably looking at 6-12 month sentence, actually serving 3 mos. or so- but a lot depends on where in the state he is.
Depends on the circumstances as well. If the gun was licenced or not, if anyone was injured, the mood of the judge, the circumstances leading upto the robbery (like what made him commit the robbery) how good a lawyer he can afford. But I would say 10-15 years full sentence with early release for good behaviour.
anywhere from 6 months to 15 years, some judges don't care they're just there to get paid, and really don't listen to your side.

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