Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are you a racist?

Okay, I have one question...
So eveyone knows about the "Brown Vs. Education" case, right?
Well how would you feel if someone said this to that girl's family:
"You want to file a lawsuit because it takes your daughter too long to walk to school?"
That doesn't sound correct to me.
I am very upset about the responses I've recieved to the question I posted. The one before, "Why are people so mean?"
Please take a look at this, and I'd very much enjoy your feeback to this question.
Thank you for your time.
(NOTE: I am only 13. Also, the reason I want to file the lawsuit, isn't about the not getting the roles in the play, but to the fact that I believe I was a victim of either racism or prejudice because of my religion. I want to make a point, just like that girl did in the Brown case is. Where would we be without it?)
see...the problem you have is that your former school is a Catholic institution...they are private, not such, they reserve the right to discriminate (choose) on the basis of religion
and that counts even for hiring staff...they could refuse a teacher simply on the basis that they are the wrong, normally there are laws to keep people from being discriminated against on that basis, but as the school is, at its very nature, Catholic, the case can be made that hiring staff of a different religion (whether it be a Hindu, or a Muslim, or a Jew) will have an adverse affect on the type of institution they wish to run.
now, if they can get away with refusing to hire someone because of religion, then i'm afraid there really is no case for you to sue someone based on a matter of opinion. as so many people have said before, there is no way you can know what the casting people were thinking when they rejected you. and, even if it is because of your religion, they can make the argument that, as a Hindu, you do not meet the requirements for the part.
it is 100% legal. is it right? well, thats a bit of a sticky issue...
think of it this way: what if, years from now, you decide to send your children to a private school for Hindus. would you like it if the professors were all Catholic and Muslims? you would want that school to have the right to hire Hindus, as that type of education is why you are sending you children there.
Your not giving enough information about the circumstances of your situation. I personally think we live in a society that is far too willing to solve our problems through the courts. The courts should be a venue of last resort.
I really wish I could answer since you seam sincere and may have been truly wronged, but you havent said what exactly happened. This includes the initial problem, your response, and then the response by the school administration to your complaint.
I am a racist against criminals and anyone that tries to do harm against another person that is the person I descriminate against.
I hate it when people claim that they're victims of discrimination. It gives the person who was discriminatory a little bit of power.
You better learn at age 13 that sometimes life just isn't fair. Not everybody gets a fair shake, and sometimes it just sucks. But then go do something else. There's always an opportunity.
If you blame all of your disappointments on who you are, you're never going to learn to like yourself and have pride. You'll just be a lifelong, self-proclaimed victim.
This is racist.
And this happens to Hindus in India.
I've heard a pretty valid theory that most humans have the instinct to cluster with people who remind them of their own family and, because we see through the filter of our own experience, we are ALL--no matter our race--mildly racist. It can be as subtle as not noticing when "nude" colored pantyhose are in fact way too light to look nude on about 40% of our population, or as significant as automatically distrusting someone for his/her color (but thinking the distrust comes from something else). To that level, I *may* be slightly racist. But the thing is, I try NOT to be, and I've adapted pretty well (it helps that I've lived as a minority, as a child). See, the best way to NOT be a racist is to recognize that everyone has the inclination in that direction, so that you can combat that inclination.
In other words, people who say "I'm not a racist!" honestly believe what they're saying, but may be wrong, all the same.
"Asshat McPoop" (very mature name) Shouldn't our society be attempting to be fair? You say that life isn't fair, and that somehow makes discrimination ok. Our goal should be to make things as fair as possible.
Maybe you missed out because you suck.
There isn't much racism around any more. Most of us judge people on their own merits and using your race as a means of getting ahead when you do an inferior job does not help anyone.
Having read your previous questions, I know the situation, in a nutshell, is that you want to sue your school because you didn鈥檛 get a part in the school musical and you feel that was due to racism/prejudice.
Don鈥檛 even attempt to compare such a frivolous thing as not getting a part in a school musical to Brown vs the Board of Education.
As others have said, you have no case. The mere fact that the director, producer, etc are white Christians and you are not proves nothing. When it comes to the arts, everything is *subjective*. Therefore, no matter how talented you believe you are or how long you鈥檝e taken classes/studied the craft, the director may have believed someone else was more talented.
But since you apparently don鈥檛 believe that, why don鈥檛 you ask your parents attorney, who according to you, is one of the top 10 lawyers in the country? He/she will tell you the same thing.
Now, with all the said, I would like to compliment you on your writing skills.
Racist- let me ask u this- What is the difference in a black man and picknick table- Think about it- ok here is the answer- A picknick table can support a family

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