Saturday, October 24, 2009

Aren't you glad the NAACP is consistent when dishing out forgiveness in the cases of Vick & Imus?

Imus didn't commit a crime, yet apologized and yet was crucified by the NAACP.
Vick pled guilty to a felony and the NAACP is already trying to smooth things over.
I think True Patriot up there is missing the point. The NAACP needs to throw their support behind people who actually deserve it. Michael Vick doesn't deserve the slightest bit of sympathy. He didn't make a mistake. He purposefully engaged in a cruel act of animal abuse. There are black people out there who are being overlooked for good jobs and promotions simply because of racism, but racism is not a factor (except to the media) in Michael Vick's case. He should be locked up, regardless of what race he happens to be, he's an idiot, he's cruel and he's inhumane.
Yeah that's why I don't take them seriously.
Don't forget about their apologies to the Duke Lacross players.
In both cases, the person supported by the NAACP was black. Considering that they are an advocacy group for blacks, that makes perfect sense to me. You may not agree with it, but are you actually confused?
I suppose Imus could've tried to find an advocacy group of loudmouthed bigots, but it's possible the public didn't want to hear from them. As for Vick, most of us are glad he has a jail sentence. The NAACP isn't suggesting he not serve it; they're only discussing whether he should have a future in sports after he's served his time.
I'd rather he not, but folks have the right to disagree with me.
The NAACP isn't there to stick up for rich white guys. Rich white guys like Imus have had years of holding blacks down and made a lot of money off holding blacks down. He should be able to stand up for himself
The NAACP is there for black people. Get used to it. They are still treated poorly by a lot of white jackasses in this country and they NEED organizations to HELP THEM.
You probably smell like sour grapes. Icky.
The NAACP is a duplicitous hate group.
I also heard that more people were more up set with Vick than were up set when OJ Simpson killed his former wife.
The Naacp, Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, are all what foster racism. Let's toss in the ACLU. Sure there is some true Racists still out there, but they are truely small comparitively. These groups try to go out of there way to point out discrepancies that are nothing more than the universe not all being apples to oranges. If the Naacp was really neutral in their attitude, they would blast Vick. By them standing by his side it just gives those nonracists more to be upset about. The NAACP needs to stop feeding the racism machine.
The NAACP is a crock.
Also if a white person started the NAAWP you would hear that they were nothing but a bunch of racists. Irony? you be the judge.
NAACP is a racist organization.
Hasn't the NAACP always been racist? They remind me of a black version of the KKK.
Oh but, wait. .. . they were forced to be slaves hundreds of years ago. . . . I guess we owe them the right to hate us now, right?
I am not racist; I hate racism.

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