Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are you afraid to let non Christians take over the better paying jobs and rule your society? Why?

Plenty of Jewish people have great and influential jobs. I wouldn't mind Buddhists ruling society--they are peace-loving. Let's face it, many ruling the world who claim to be Christian may not be, anyway.
Because it will offend the Christians and everyone else. Non Christians just don't have our American values at heart. But then again I'm talking to an American apologist, aren't I? Or worst , an Islamic sympathizer maybe? Praise Allah, right?
No. I'm one of those "non Christians" you're talking about, and I'm smarter than a lot of Christians seem to be... ie it wasn't "god" that gave me a job, I went and got the job based upon my own hard work.
I'm not worried about it either way. As long as the people running the society mostly tell the truth, keep as many campaign promises as possible, and unite instead of divide the country, I don't care about their religion. That's personal, between them and their God.
No.There is nothing wrong with Agnostics
No, I'm an atheist.
There are plenty of non Christians who are doing quite well in society. Think of the Jewish tradition that occupy many of the high paying jobs in our society, also there are more and more Muslim and Eastern religions emerging into important roles. Much of the antisemitism in this county was based on the belief that Jewish people were controlling too many of the high paying jobs in the U.S. and Europe. I am not sure this question is still a current issue.
As a practicing Buddhist, I hope that you find peace and compassion.
...I'm sorry, rule YOUR society? It's just as much my "society" as it is yours. Christianity doesn't own the world, you know. In fact, last I checked, it's becoming the minority religion in this world.

One would think that atheists make better workers anyway. After all, we don't have to take arbitrary holidays off to honor a long-dead MORTAL man.
I don't think it should be relevant what religion or if a person even subscribes to any religion when getting hired for a job.
Your religoun is not listed on your resume or discussed in an interview. Nor is it practiced in the work place. So what is the point of this question?
Only if get in the media and start proclaim that god is dead and burn the white house in the name Allah.
i wouldn't care if they were Buddhist cause they're all peace loving

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