Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are you surprised about who was arrested in the execution of the bright young college students in Newark?

Who is truly surprised that the suspect is a Spanish speaking (doesn't know English) illegal immigrant who was out on bail already facing several charges including child rape? Who is surprised that this happened in America?
I think it is odd that the other Answerer described this man as someone who happened to being the US illegally.
I guess he also just happened to have raped a little girl.
I guess he just happened to kill those college students as well.
When you let people into your home unregulated then you do not know who you are letting in. In this case we let in someone who senselessly slaughtered three of our best and brightest. We as a country were counting on people like them to run the country someday. Now they are dead, everything they had and ever will have was stolen from them.
The only thing that could make this worse is for a bunch of politically correct apologists saying it is not about ILLEGAL immigration.
You should tell that to the three kids who were shot in the head; no wait you cannot because they are dead.
There was also a 14 student/athlete in my hometown of Oklahoma City just run down and killed by an illegal driving an unregulated and obviously dangerous dump truck.
Illegal begets illegal.
I'm surprised that you think a criminal's behavior is somehow related to their:
- immigration status
- primary language
but not surprised that the individual was already facing charges in other cases.
Do you believe this one case is statistically significant? It is not. It merely happens to fit your desire to blame it on an individual who happened to be here in the US illegally or a spanish speaker. That is sad.
No , but I am reminded of how we are afraid to enforce our laws because we are worried about what other people might think about us.
Those are the ones that made the news. It seems that criminals are often falling through the cracked Judicial system, regardless of citizenship status. What about Identity theft and documentation Fraud to stay here Illegally? Americans are being slammed with debts that are not theirs, while they use all of your identifying information! Congress and Senate are doing Nothing about it as your credit and good name are ruined.
Child Molesters are getting off because they are too short to go to prison, one got off that is African because the courts claimed they could not find a translator and did not bother with the fact that he finished high school and attended college in America, using ENGLISH! Blame the judicial system and all of those Sanctuary towns and cities!

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