Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Because it is legal does it make it right?

Government imposes taxes on it's people gradually and without our notification. They take away the moeny that we earn without our say so. what they are doing is wrong and if an individual were to do what the government is doing it would be called a scam. But the government gets away with it why because they are the government. Do you thik this is wrong? What are your thoughts?
No, it does not make it right, it's wonderful that you think the government is one big scam because it is and who profits the government. Who suffers- we do.
Adultrey is legal too but that doesn't make it right.
If you want a military to protect the country, police and fire departments, parks, roads, education, medical care ...or any of the other services that the local, state, federal governments provide you have to pay for them...ie..taxes. The government can't pay for these things if there is no money coming in. Just like you can't pay your bills if you don't have an income.
Only 2 things are certain - death and taxes!
I receive all sorts of services from the government. I need to pay for them in one form or another. I am glad that every time I need the Coast Guard, they're there for me, ditto firefighters, police, military.
I enjoy our paved roads. I like the local public library.
Yup, I don't agree with everything the government does with money, nor with every way in which it gets money. Still, I think I'm better off with government than without.
If you have specific concerns, please write to your representatives in state and local government, and in Congress. Most of them will even send you a reply.
It's legal but it is WRONG! Of course the Government needs money but they squander BILLIONS and BILLIONS of dollars in foreign countries and on bogus projects. The average American works 4 months (or more) out of each year to feed the rich bureaucrats while many of the taxpayers struggle to make ends meet. Think America is "free"? Think again!
Without notification? Without our say so? Hardly.
Hell YEAH! The gov. extorts from its citizens. In order to work legally, we MUST fill out a W-2 form. Remember Rosa Parks, she refused to move to the back of the bus as the law required all colored folk to do. Thomas Jefferson believed that all citizens have the right to revolt against the government periodically. And I say lets STOP PUTTING OUR MONEY IN THE BANKS and see what happens. That would send out a clear message to all the elitist power mongers
Our taxes are really low compared to some European countries. Either deal with it, or move to Switzerland.
This is a democracy, so your premise that we have no say is flawed. I might not agree with what our government does with our tax dollars, but I vote and I can lobby for change if I believe it is necessary.
The government has certain duties and obligations under the law and the Constitution. It needs money to fulfill its obligations. If you don't like, speak up and be a voice for change.
The government does tax us...but WITH our say so. Congress legislates tax increases (and cuts), and they are elected by the American people. If you don't like what you are paying taxes for, I suggest you get more involved, and find out just what kind of tax policies your congress people have...2008 elections are coming up FAST!

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