Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Banks, credit cars. telephone services all cheat?

banks credit card s are notorious for trapping customers in all kinds of hidden charges and interest rates. Ins co.s do their best to get out of settling claims. health ins too under one excuse or another do not cover their customers
I have received a letter from my wirless service provider saying my contract has been renewed for 2 more years when Ihave never signed anything and are trying their best to trap me into agreeing for 2 more years!
What is the incentive for an average man to remain honest in this enviorment and why should one be honest in dealing with these institutions especially when so many become helpless victimes?
They do it legally
The government is their accomplice to the crime.
When I moved from Minnesota to Arizona and I switched Cellular Providers, they slapped me with a 700$ charge for breach of contract. The phones were no longer under contract but they were trying really hard to force me to pay.
Thank god I was able to get out of that but I have had other issues like that especially with Sprint and Chase.
I will never use CHASE as a CC provider again.
and one day the meek shall realize their mission and inherit the earth. Revolution, Revolution, Revolution !!!
In the corporate world, there are no ethics. There are just varying laws that must either be evaded or gotten around. You see, the very idea of a corporation is that it is a legal entity designed to have the rights of an individual with none of the legal responsibilities. Add to this the basic mentality that making a profit is an activity beyond reproach, and you have what see every day in our dealings with banks, the phone people, etc...
The horror is the people who work for the corporations... by repping for this sort of entity, these people must, just to keep their jobs, learn to treat other humans like cattle.
Throughout the ages, people have gained freedom from various oppressors. One by one, we have dethroned kings, deposed dictators, seen through high priests... people are even beginning to learn they don't have to be slaves to the invisible man in the sky and his robed shysters on earth...
But the last great liberation will not come until we make the princes of business have to answer to common ethics and decency. Then, and only then, will we be free people.

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