Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bank charges . anyone know? ..?

I haven`t heard the outcome of the banks being taken to court over bank charges. Anyone know?
Keep sending your claims in and teach these greedy b*stards a lesson in the misery they cause.
it will probably take at least a year for the 'test case' to get to court so we will not know until then, in the mean time-still send your claims in as you will not be able to charge for the full 6 years if your claim is not made now. the bank will not pay out but they have to acknowledge your claim
as far as i know, no bank has ever gone as far as going to court over it, they always back down at the last minute. bank charges are unreasonable, and not enforceable by law..but read up on it.. there used to be a website called www.bankchargeshell.co.uk but i dont know if its still running.
This can take up to a year for an outcome however I have just found out from the Ombudsman's and FSA that there is a clause under Hardship that is part of the banking code and what this means is that if you can send proof of hardship the bank must progress the complaint I contacted my bank today and asked what was the criteria and they did not know so I can only assume you would need to prove financial debt..
The most recent case last week ruled in favour of a bank. (Nat West, I believe). On the grounds that it is not an illegal charge.
There is an outstanding case jointly submitted by the Banks themselves and the Office of Fair Trading to get a ruling on what is a fair charge for those making unauthorised withdrawals. This may take a year or so to resolve.
In the meantime any claims are being shelved subject to the outcome of that case. However still submit any claim just in case.
Let's hope the banks prevail or otherwise we will all be going to have to pay for our banking because of the actions of the irresponsible. That way the banks will more than recover any money from any claims that they will have to pay back.
Either way we are on a loser.
The Natwest case was all about taking the claim further and laying a presedance to make banks justify the costs but the courts disallowed it the claimant still got the charges back. Charges are still deemed unlawful but it is getting more complicated to claim as more and more banks are going to court i used www.claimsadviceservice.org.uk to do my claim as the bank decided to go to to court only to back out in the last hour and settle

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